only angel- harry potter

By foreverwinterlover

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Riley Madden is a student at Ilvermorny school of magic in America when she, along with all of the Ilvermorny... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Author's Note

Chapter 31

893 18 1
By foreverwinterlover

The peaceful ambiance of the Burrow embraced them, free from the burdens of schoolwork and drama, creating a sense of tranquility.

The house was adorned with festive Christmas decorations, featuring a grand tree in the living room illuminated by colorful lights. Presents patiently awaited their turn beneath the tree, while paper snowflakes with the names of the Weasley family hung delicately from the ceiling.

Hazel reveled in her reunion with George, their bond inseparable, just like Harry and Riley. 

Harry and Riley shared endless conversations and affectionate kisses, their relationship stronger than ever. 

Mrs. Weasley even took the time to teach them how to bake cookies, although Harry ended up with dough scattered all over him, much to Riley's amusement.

On starlit nights, the two would lie together, seeking warmth under a cozy quilt lovingly crafted by Mrs. Weasley. 

Whenever the two were in passionate kisses, Ron would always stumble upon them, demanding to "cleanse" his eyes, even though there was nothing that scandalous to witness.

"Please, didn't you lose your virginity to Lavender Brown?" Riley quipped, crossing her arms as she stood up from Harry's lap, directly facing Ron.

Harry couldn't contain his laughter, while Ron's face flushed a deep shade of crimson.

"I-I... uh, well... I'll leave you two to it then," Ron stuttered, hastily slamming his bedroom door shut, leaving the couple to continue their affectionate exchange as Riley climbed back into her boyfriend's lap.

The couple had even had the sex talk. Both of them were virgins and when Riley was talking about them in the future. Harry, on the other hand, felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. While they both felt ready, they wanted to make sure that the timing was right.

Riley missed Hermione though and her wittiness. She wished that she and Ron would get over this rough patch. 

Lavender was a kind person and Riley just wished that Hermione would understand that and not label her as a "boyfriend stealer." She even secretly wished that maybe the two girls could even become friends.

Inside the warm embrace of the Burrow on Christmas Eve, Harry found himself in the company of Lupin, his former professor from three years ago, and Tonks.

Meanwhile, Riley busied herself in the kitchen, assisting Mrs. Weasley in preparing the dinner. Hazel joined her, preparing Ron's favorite dessert, a delectable lemon meringue pie.

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Lupin scoffed as Tonks looked at him warily.

"I know it sounds mad," Harry responded, running a hand through his unruly hair.

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?"  Lupin questioned the raven-haired boy, his tone calm and collected.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley called as a groan was heard from upstairs.

 Soon, Ginny stomped down the stairs, her face etched with anger, and her wet hair evidenced by her interrupted shower.

"That's not what it sounded like," Harry mumbled.

"Perhaps Harry is right, Remus. I mean, to make an Unbreakable Vow—" Tonks chimed in.

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment. Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore, I do," Lupin's voice raised an octave higher. 

"Dumbledore can make mistakes. He said so himself," Harry argued.

"You are blinded by hatred!" Lupin exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration.

"I'm not!" Harry insisted, while Tonks looked at him sympathetically.

"Yes, you are. People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We could only place our trust in a handful of people. If we started fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed," Lupin's tone softened as Tonks reached for his hand, providing comfort and support.

Meanwhile, Riley emerged from the kitchen, her expression determined and a wide smile adorning her face. Her attire was covered in flour, with traces even on her face. Her apron playfully displayed the words 'Kiss the Cook.' In her hands, she carried a large plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Harry chuckled at her appearance, finding joy in the moment.

As Lupin and Tonks bid their farewells, Riley joined Harry on the couch, settling in with a sense of determination. Her presence brought a comforting warmth to the room.

Passion surged through Harry as he gently pressed his lips against her heart-shaped lips, evoking a rosy blush to grace Riley's cheeks.

"What was that for?" Riley inquired, her voice laced with curiosity.

With a mischievous grin, Harry nodded towards the apron she wore. "Kiss the cook," he playfully quipped, relishing in the tender moment they shared.

Riley picked up a cookie, her hand reaching out towards Harry. 

"Open up, babe," she coaxed, her smile radiating warmth. Harry obliged, parting his lips wide. 

Riley shoved the cookie into his mouth, causing a momentary choking sensation to overcome him.

Once the choking subsided and Harry's laughter mingled with Riley's infectious giggles, he managed to articulate, "It's good."

"Aww, thanks, Haz," she responded, her grin illuminating the room.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Harry's gaze traveled from Riley's sparkling eyes to her lips, a silent testament to his admiration. The air thickened with unspoken desire, anticipation lingering between them.

However, their tender connection abruptly faltered as Ron entered the room, causing the two to instinctively spring apart, their hearts racing with longing.

"Yeah, I'll just, get, yeah... " Ron squeezed between the two.

"Why do you always do that...such a freaking cockblocker," Riley groaned as Ron ignored her.

His eyes gleamed with anticipation as they landed on the tantalizing lemon meringue pie resting on the table before the couch.

"Pie?" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement, as he swiftly claimed a fork and eagerly began delving into the delectable treat.

Harry, however, shook his head with a playful smile. "Not for me. No," he declined, knowing his preferences lay elsewhere, peeking at his girlfriend with desire.

Undeterred, Riley reached for another fork, her eyes twinkling mischievously, and wasted no time indulging herself with a generous bite of the pie.

"Don't mind if I do," she mused, her voice slightly muffled as she savored the luscious combination of flavors dancing upon her palate.


Harry took a seat in the dimly lit basement of the Burrow the following day, finding himself in the company of Mr. Weasley. The air held a sense of solemnity as they exchanged glances.

"You'll have to forgive Remus. It takes its toll, his condition," Mr. Weasley spoke with a tinge of concern, his gaze fixed on Harry.

"Are you doing alright, Mr. Weasley?" Harry inquired, his eyes filled with genuine care as he observed the frailty in the older man.

"We're being followed, all of us. Most days, Molly doesn't leave the house. It's not been easy," he confessed, weariness etched on his face.

"Did you get my owl?" the boy who lived questioned.

"Yes, I did. If Dumbledore is traveling, then perhaps news to the Ministry, but perhaps that's the way Dumbledore wants it. As for Draco Malfoy... I know a bit more," Mr. Weasley said, leaning back into an armchair.

"Go on," Harry urged the older man.

"I sent an agent to Borgin and Burkes. I think from what you described... What you and Ron saw at the end of summer, the object that Draco is so interested in is a Vanishing Cabinet," Mr. Weasley said.

"A Vanishing Cabinet?" Harry looked confused.

"They were all the rage when Voldemort first rose to power. You can see the appeal. Should the Death Eaters come knocking, one simply has to slip inside and disappear for an hour or two. It transports you practically anywhere. Tricky contraptions, though. Very temperamental," Mr. Weasley disclosed, his words carrying a mix of concern and intrigue.

"What happened to it? The one at Borgin and Burkes?" Harry probed.

"Nothing. It's still there," the older man said as he took Harry back upstairs.

Tonks and Lupin stood at the Burrow's front door, accompanied by Mrs. Weasley.

"It was delicious, Molly, really," Tonks smiled warmly at Mrs. Weasley, her hair a vibrant pink color.

"Are you sure you won't stay?" Mrs. Weasley implored.

"No, we should go. The first night of the cycle's always the worst," Tonks leaned in closer, her voice a tender whisper.

Her gaze shifted to Lupin, who stood near the doorway, his brow furrowed with worry.

"Remus?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Tonks put her hand on Lupin's shoulder.

As Harry ascended the stairs, he unexpectedly collided with Riley, who let out a delighted squeal. She was clad in a black sweatshirt boldly displaying "Texas" in vibrant yellow font, paired with bright pink pajama pants adorned with Hello Kitty.

"Oh sorry," she giggled as the chosen one smiled at her, moving closer to her.

 "Now, where were we before Ron interrupted us?" Riley playfully mused, leaning in closer to Harry, their connection reignited with a tender kiss.

However, their kiss was abruptly shattered as a sudden burst of brilliant light caught their attention. Their lips reluctantly parted as they turned to gaze out the window.

A ring of fire encircled the Burrow, accompanied by the ominous appearance of a dark cloud. And there, amidst the chaos, stood a woman with unruly dark curls and a wicked smile—Bellatrix Lestrange.

Lupin and Tonks tightly gripped their wands, prepared for the imminent danger. Sensing the urgency, Harry swiftly descended the stairs, his heart pounding with determination.

"Harry!" Riley called out, her voice laced with both worry and desperation.

Bellatrix let out a sinister cackle as she darted through the flames and disappeared into the fields surrounding the Weasley home.

"Harry, no! Harry!" Mr. Weasley screamed as Harry ran past them after Bellatrix.

Mrs. Weasley's hand instinctively covered her mouth, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and anguish.

"Remus!" Tonks gasped, her voice filled with urgency, as Lupin darted ahead. Without hesitation, she chased after them, determined to stay by their side.

Lupin and Tonks valiantly battled against the raging flames, their combined efforts aimed at taming the ferocious inferno. 

Riley pressed on, her determination unwavering, as she pushed past them, her mind solely focused on finding her boyfriend.

"Riley!" Mrs. Weasley's anguished scream pierced the chaos, her maternal instincts urging her to protect her surrogate daughter.

Harry raced through the fields, his face stung by the sharp blades of long grass. Amidst the tumultuous pursuit, Bellatrix's taunting voice reverberated in his ears, echoing her malicious claims.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! Are you coming to get me, Harry? Can you save me?" Bellatrix's maniacal laughter filled the air, heightening the tension.

Riley charged through the overgrown grass, gasping for breath, her grip on her wand tightening.

 As she reached a clearing, she stepped into murky water, her senses heightened as she scanned her surroundings anxiously looking for any sign of her boyfriend.

"Harry?" Riley's voice trembled as she whispered, her plea barely audible, when she heard splashing nearby.

A figure emerged from the shadows, his disheveled hair and bestial appearance evoking a sense of primal dread. A wicked grin played across his face, revealing menacing fangs. A deep crimson scar marred his chest.

Riley gasped, instinctively stepping backward, her heart pounding in her chest.

With swift action, Harry positioned himself in front of her, taking his wand out.

"Stupefy!" Harry's voice thundered as a brilliant beam of white light shot forth from his wand, hurtling towards the man.

The man blocked the spell, transforming into a dark cloud that dissipated into the air, leaving no trace of his presence.

Suddenly, jets of white light surged from the surrounding fields, bombarding Harry and Riley from all directions. Desperately, they struggled to shield themselves against the onslaught, their defenses stretched thin.

Lupin, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley swiftly joined their ranks, retaliating against the attacking Death Eaters, their unified efforts pushing back against the dark forces.

Defeated, the Death Eaters retreated, dissolving into black clouds, and vanishing from sight.

"Molly," Mr. Weasley murmured, his voice laced with worry and concern, as he hurriedly made his way back to his house.

The Burrow, once a sanctuary, now stood engulfed in raging flames, its crimson fury devouring the cherished memories contained within.

Silence settled upon the group as they watched their beloved home crumble under the weight of the inferno. 

Hazel sought comfort in George's embrace as he stared at his house being burnt down.

Ginny's cheeks were stained with tears beside them, shaking her head with disbelief.

An overwhelming sense of loss hung heavy in the air, as the Weasleys stood united, their hearts heavy with grief. 

The place they had called home, filled with laughter and love, was now reduced to ashes. 


That was Chapter 31! It's much shorter sorry if you were expecting more. Anyways, I won't write another chapter tomorrow or this weekend. Tomorrow I'm off and I just want to relax to be honest. Anyways don't you hate it when you work really hard on a tik tok and it doesn't do well? I hope you all have a fantastic day.

xx Asiya

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