Turn: Washington's Spies: Ham...

By Ashalynn87

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One-shots and other TURN and even Hamilton(the musical) stuff. (But mostly TURN) I've never done something li... More

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Simcoe x Reader x Abe Pt1

75 2 0
By Ashalynn87

This is a request from Mel, I hope you like it. I did slightly change the timeline, but not by much, just when the duel is. 

Enjoy folks! :3


You lived in Setauket all your life. You loved being here, especially with your friends, Abe, Tallboy, Brewster, and Anna. Anna was always with Abe growing up, they were young lovers, but what about you? Perhaps you had a crush on Tallboy, or perhaps on Brewster? You never wanted to admit it, but you liked Abe growing up. You kept quiet because you loved Anna, she was your best friend, it was clear she liked him and he liked her. Abe didn't seem to like you, or so you felt.

You were a secretive, very quite kid, you kept to yourself a lot. Honestly, most people thought you were mute. Your friends were loud, you and Abe were the two most quiet ones of the group, but Abe was loud in another sense of the word. Not verbally loud but his actions, they were loud. You too would be loud in that different way.

As you all got older you were surprised to find that Anna was marrying your brother Selah. You could have sworn Abe was to wed her, but then he wed his brothers intended instead. It was made clear, Abe would just never be yours. You and Anna became much closer afterwards, closer than ever before. You were happy to have her at Strong Manner. You and Anna were inseparable, and even closer to each other when the redcoats came. It was like you two were hip and hip.

The redcoats began to change things in your home. They turned the church into a stables, and more. A redcoat officer was staying at your home, Captain Joyce. He had a temper for sure, but he never bothered you. He only ever asked you for refills on drinks at the tavern and really ignored you at home. You were thankful that an eligible officer did not chase after you. That was one of your fears. That someone would chase after your hands, ask for your hand in marriage. You hid behind your brother Selah a lot. So much so, that you didn't even notice that one of the red coats that often sat with Joyce would stare at you. When you did finally notice however, you could now feel his gaze follow you, even when you went into another room.

He was pale, tall, with piercing blue eyes. He was an attractive fellow to be sure but he was scary, he seemed to scare a lot of people. He never talked to you, he would look away when you tried to look back at him. He often lingered when you and Anna closed up shop, He would wait till everyone left then would leave without a word, the last one out the door. You wondered if you should say something, like "come again" or "see you next time" or "travel home safe", see if he would respond. One day things were a little more wild in the tavern. Abe came in and wanted to talk to Selah, you pointed him towards Selah's direction and they began to talk, Anna joined, you elected to keep working and refill peoples drinks. While filling up a tower of beer, you heard a table break, you turned around quickly to see the men, Captain Joyce beating up your brother, then Abe took his place ripping Joyce's coat.

The man who would stare at you came into the fight too. It hurt you to see Abe get beat up, and it hurt even more to see Selah get dragged away and put in a pillory. You finished up at the tavern when it was closing time. You looked at the broken table and the broken glass and took in a deep sigh. The tall man came up to you. "Don't trouble yourself with that. I will clean it for you." You looked at him, wide eyed almost. Those were the first words you remembered him ever saying to you. "Oh, it's honestly fine, no trouble. It's my job anyhow."

"We made the mess, Miss Strong." you didn't want him to clean everything, you had to clean to, to keep your mind off the fact your brother was just arrested. "Then, we can clean it together. If you like?" He went and got things to clean up the mess, he didn't say much after that. He cleaned in peace, once everything was done and fixed he wished you good night and left. You quickly put on a coat and rushed to see your brother to give him food and water then head home for the night.

The next day you woke up and went back to the tavern to work. You arrived to see the man there waiting. "Morning Sir."

"Good morning Miss Strong. I realized that all this time I know your name but you do not know mine."

You open the tavern door and let him in. "Well, what is your name, Sir?"

"Lieutenant John Graves Simcoe."

"Well, Lieutenant Simcoe. What do you want this morning?"

"Just to sit. Enjoy your company."

"'Enjoy my company?'" you ask innocently, and walk to the other room to get things ready. He explained that he liked just being around you, even if you weren't sitting next to him. You thanked him and quickly brushed off the topic afraid this man was trying to get you to have feelings and fall for him, marry him. You politely ended the conversation as other men came in and ordered ale and eggs. Anna came in after them and helped you. For a few days you and Anna did what you could, you and Anna walked home and noticed Joyce wasn't in the hall where he usually sat for a while. Anna went to her room while you figured Joyce was just in bed. You were both shocked when you heard the next morning Captain Joyce was found dead in the woods, his throat slashed and with a stab wound. Lieutenant Simcoe took up the place as Captain in the wake of Joyce's death. Some people took note that Abe was missing.

Abe came back and was quickly called into questioning. Simcoe believed Abe was responsible for Captain Joyce's murder, everyone did, even you and Anna began to think that maybe Abe did do it. Then while you and Anna were bringing in the dried laundry a shimmery light went across your chest and Anna's chest too. It was coming from the shed house.

You both go into the shed and see Abe. "Abraham? What are you doing here?" You ask. "Just- here." he put a bag of money in your hands. "Abe..."

"This is for you to get Selah." Abe said, looking in your eyes. His fingers softly over yours. "We won't take money you took off a dead man." Anna took the money from you both and shoved it into Abe's hands. "What?" Abe looked at you both. "Captain Joyce. He was found dead."

"I didn't kill anyone, I got this on my own, from my crop." Abe put his hands on his waist. "I met Brewster."

"How is he?" Anna smiled. "He's great. He's as crazy and wild as ever. Beard." You all smile. "Glad he is still the same." you look to Abe and see the cut on his head. You put your apron cloth to it. "Take good care to make sure that does not get infected." 

He grins softly. He nods. "There is a different problem. Simcoe." Abe says. "Aye." Anna agrees. "He will surely pin Joyce's death on you still." Anna continued. "You can make sure of your innocence can't you?" you hold Abe's hands. "I can... I can." 

"Its clear, you should go. Stay safe Abe." you and Anna let him out the barn as he sets off. Anna and yourself continued about your day. The next few days were filled with drama and chaos. Abe was stuck in the crossfire. People in town believing he gotten away with murder, others who said not a word to defend him or help when his shed set a blaze with the rest of his crop supply inside. The previous days prior had been filled with Lieutenant Simcoe, now Captain Simcoe filling his days with you. He was spending more and more time in the tavern. He would make conversation with you. You found his conversations entreating but kind. He was trying his best to hold the conversations with you. You had to work, and besides you still had feelings for Abe. They both had flaws, neither man was perfect but you knew Abe for so long. "Good night Captain." you said closing the tavern door. You turned to see Anna in the middle of the room. "I see the Captain is getting quite close to you."

"Aye." you lock the door. "He is. Let us clean this mess." you quickly begin cleaning not wanting to think about it. Simcoe went on mission, all the men that had gone with him died but he was missing. Abe seemed in good spirits, all considering. He was not worried about Simcoe being missing, but he was distressed about his crop. Now, there was a new man in town. Robert Rogers, he was conducting an investigation. Abe was helping him, had you and Anna present the letter you and she found in his personal belongings. Abe's father was quick to point his finger to you and Anna as possible writers of the letter. The next thing you knew, it was the drummer who did Joyce in and Simcoe had returned. Anna and Abe were upset and sort of distant. It was getting more complicated everyday. Between the two of them and now Simcoe being back. What was going on? What were you to do?

"Miss Strong?" you snapped out of your thoughtful daze. "Huh?" you look up to see Simcoe. "I believe the spill is clean from that spot Miss Strong." you look to see your hands were red from rubbing the rough cloth on the wood for who knew how long. "Are you quite alright Miss Strong?"

You shook it off. "I am quite fine. Just tired I suppose is all." you rubbed your hands on your apron but the rough cloth of your old and used apron made your hands burn more. "Miss Strong." spoke the captain as he pulled a small handkerchief from his sleeve and dipped it into a bowl of water and wrapped it around both your hands. He was cooling your hands down as he held them. "I am glad to see you again." You then realized you hadn't really spoken to him since he came back. "I am too." you say to comfort the tall man before you. "I thought of you to pull me through my torture."

"Oh." you say, he close his hands around your own, still wrapped in the wet damp cloth, you close, holding his hands back in response. "I... Forgive me, I do not know how to respond to what you have just told me. I am unprepared."

"Forgive me." He pulls his hands away. The cloth falls and you both bend down to reach it. His hands touch your own once again. "Miss Strong. You should rest." He then rewrapped the cloth around your hands and exited the tavern. You hadn't even realized it was past closing and everyone had gone or were passed out were they sat at the tables. Anna walked in to see the cloth. "What happened?"

"Nothing, just hurt myself with the wood. I am fine. Lets go home."

The next few days were strange. He lived in strong manor with you and Anna, he began asking to walk to you work and take you home. Anna went on her own, she didn't like the Captain. She said you were strong and brave for indulging his walks and baring his presence. It however, was no such burden or challenge to you. Abe would see this, he watched on as Simcoe escorted you to the tavern and then take you home. 

Judge Woodhull was planning on taking the Manor, it was hard to think about. When it happened, it was heartbreaking. That was home for so long. Now you lived and worked in the tavern. Abe would stop by and sneak a flower or two before your bedroom door. 

Your heart blushed. Was he starting to take notice of you? Or was he just jealous because Simcoe was around you. You so hoped it be the latter. Simcoe asked if he could be closer to you. Anna and Abe could use information. What could happen anyhow? You agreed. Now Simcoe was leaving you poems. You had no idea he could be such a man with words, a poet. How sweet. The tall dangerous man had a kindness in him. A spot for you. 

You got more comfortable with Simcoe around you. One day you almost fell from the heat of the day. Simcoe held you close to his side. Abe watched from a distance as Simcoe's hand slid from your left shoulder down to the lower of your back. Abe got furious.

You wondered if Abe could see you, you so hoped he couldn't see you. You knew how Abe's head would start to spiral, think without rational. Simcoe's hand rested on your lower back, his hand moved to the left of you to grab your left hip, he pulled you closer to him. Your right arm squished between you and him. How much closer could he want you? You slid your arm behind him and held your hand to the small of his back. 

Time continued on. In the quit town of Setauket more and more not so quite and quaint things began to happen. More and more. Abe was as stubborn as ever too. But it was Christmas time, you had to see him, and Anna gave you silver to pass onto Abe, you and her would be leaving. There was no reason to stay. Your home gone, Selah gone, you sold the tavern to Dejong, you didn't want to be a burden on Anna, life was rough enough as it was. You were so confused about your feelings aswell. You started to like Simcoe but you still liked Abe. Trouble would brew for sure if you stayed in Setauket. It was too much. You knocked on the door. No response. You open the door to see Abe in the kitchen. 

"[y/n], what are you doing here?" Abe asked puzzled. 

"Anna asked me to bring this silver to you. Its yours now."

"Why don't either of you use that silver to-"

"Abe." you angerly drop the silver on the table. "Just take the silver and-" you smelt it, he had been drinking. "Your drunk."

"I'm a grown man, am I not allowed a drink?"

"You should be with your wife and son, not with an empty bottle. If you'll excuse me." you went to walk past Abe and out the door when Abe suddenly pressed his lips to yours and kissed you long and deeply. It was passionate. Your heart had that fluttery feeling you had felt you lost all those years ago. You pulled away and looked at him in shock, after a few seconds of pure eye contact you kissed him back and he soon pulled away. He touched his fingers to his lips, looking to the ground with his back to you. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Abe." you held your hands loosely close to your chest. Abe turned around and saw a sad look in your eyes, like he hurt you. You were not sad, just concerned about Abe. He couldn't stand seeing you like that. He quickly rushed to you and grabbed your hands. You pulled your hands from him and held his face and pulled him in to kiss him once more. He quickly began to kiss you harder and stronger, he lifted you up and put you on the table moving all the silver away. You pulled up your skirt and he began to undo his pants when Ensign Baker walked into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Abe asked out.

You sat there in silence and quickly fixed yourself and excused yourself from the home. What were you thinking? You quickly made your way back home. Maybe Baker wouldn't say anything, hopefully Abe was drunk enough to forget. It was just a moment of weakness you told yourself. It surely would not happen again. Never again.

What a Christmas it had been. You and Abe almost... and not to mention, Washington crossed the Delaware. The battle of Trenton, and more was yet to come. Anna, Abe, and yourself made your way to get to the Jersey prison ship to retrieve Selah and bring him home. The ride was awkward. You just wanted to get Selah and go to Connecticut. Anna got ready in a light salmon pink dress and you in a soft (blue, green, or purple) dress. Anna left the room when Abe came in. "You ready?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be." You smile. Abe walked over to you. "You have uh-" he then buttoned a button you had forgotten to do. You could feel warmth coming from him. You wanted him close. He got close to your lips, he was just a small breath away. His lips were right there. "We should get going." he walked away. You met Anna downstairs and went to the Jersey as Abe went on his own mission. 

You and Anna returned to the room with just paper in hand. He was gone. Lost to the waters of the ocean. Dead. Your brother was dead. 

You were tired of waiting and doing nothing. Anna too. You both had to join Abe. He wouldn't like it but you had to do what you must. You both had each other left and nothing else. Anna went to find Abbigail, she would help to get you both inside. You were nervous. Scared. But Anna and Abbigail's plan worked. You and Anna both got in. "Worry not my dear." A woman spoke to you. You could hear Abe singing from inside the room, then you and all the other women went inside. He took one look at you and forgot his words. The men joked at him. "You've seen girls before haven't yah?" 

A man quickly approached Anna. A lady to Abe. You saw a man with no Lady. "May I, Sir?"

"You may." he said. "General H. Weswood." of course you picked the General. "[y/n]." 

Anna saw he was a shy man. Her man not so much. One look and you both knew you would go to Major Andres' room. The shy general would not follow. You waited, then leaned into his ear. "I have to powder my nose and get some air. I shall return." you then leave. You look to see Abe had a jealous look upon his face. You got to the room thanks to Abbigail's directions. You began looking and soon found his journal. You heard footsteps and hit the journal behind your back to see Abe had entered the room. "Abe?"

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Spy work?" you hold out the journal. "You plan to spread your legs for that man?" you were shocked at the statement. "Excuse me?" you put your hands on your hips. "He is not coming up here, I told him I was getting air. How dare you?"

"I'm sorry. I just... got..."

"Jealous? Unbelievable Abe." you walk over to Abe. He opens the journal. "It's code."

"Copy it, quickly. Before someone does come up." you press your ear to the door and listen for footsteps. "Got it." Abe hands you the journal and you put it back were you found it and both return to the party. You first and Abe waits a minute or two. Abe falsifies a head ache to leave and Abbigail spills wine on Anna. Now your turn. "Would you escort me home? I took air but I still feel a headache on me."

"Of course." the general spoke. He took you to the hotel and he left to either return to the party or to his own home. You entered your room to see Abe. "Abe, what are you-?" he pressed his lips to yours. "I'm a damned fool." he held his hands to your waist. "Aye. You are." you say back and kiss him once more. You pull him close and he takes you to the bed. He quickly just rips the dress, buttons fly. You remove his vest. You continue the removal of cloths and soon you turn flush red. You were naked underneath him. "You okay?" he asks. "Yes." you pull him to you and begin a most wonderful night of love. He was exactly how you wanted, how you wished. He was yours. 

You awoke the next morning to Abraham's arms around you. He moved the hair out of your face. "Morning." you blushed. "Morning." you giggle lightly. "How you feeling?" he caressed your cheek. "Fine. Good." you reassure him. "We should leave, shouldn't we?" Abraham mumbles. "Aye, we should, but I don't want to." you mumble back. "We have too." Abe leaves the bed taking the warmth with him. You groan and hide under the sheets. "[y/n]."

He sits on the bed. He lowers the sheet and brushes your hair, "[y/n]...." he kisses your cheek. You get put of bed and both get ready and gather your belongings and join Anna downstairs. Anna took one look at you and she grinned. She knew. She knew you and Abe had gotten intimate. One the ride back home she told you she thought you never would, how she was proud. You questioned her about her feelings for Abe. She said she had a small crush when kids but never blossomed into more as the years went on. She just had feelings of friendship for him, just the same as she had towards Ben and Brewster. You were happy. 

When you returned home things were crazy. Simcoe was there and as enamored with you as ever. You were delighted to see him. The first thing he did was take your things to your room for you. Abraham would have but he had to keep up appearances. Mr. Baker watched on. He was keeping quite about Christmas. 

The days went by smooth. Abe would leave flowers at your door, you would meet in the cellar. It was romantic. Powerful. At the same time, your heart warmed with Simcoe's poems. His heart in every letter. He continued to show a side to you so many others would never see. You began taking small walks with the Captain, you enjoyed them. This walk was like any other. 

"I must admit, I have grown quite fawned of our walks together. They bring a great joy to my day." 

You continue at his side. "I enjoy them too. Very much." you see he then stops walking and reaches his hands towards your own to hold them. "I see they have healed."

"Aye. They did."

"Miss Strong. Might I be so bold but to ask that you and I begin a courtship." he held your hands softly. You had to think this through. You were starting things with Abe, but you could never marry the man. He was married to Mary, he had a son. "You can begin a courtship with me." 

"May you call me John when it is just us, and I call you [y/n]?"

"You may. Let's continue our walk, John." you hook your arms together and continue to walk and talk. This could be nice, very nice. He walked you to the tavern and went on his way to his post. You turned to see Abraham. "He sure loves walking with you."

"Worry not." you kiss your fingers and press your fingers to his lips, unable to kiss him publicly, but also making sure no one say the little gesture you did. 

Simcoe approached the home of Woodhull, looking for him only to hear loud crashing and screams of anguish. He see's Baker leave and quickly throws the man to the wall of the house. Baker tells him about what he saw at Christmas. Simcoe feels his blood boil.

You continue working in the tavern going about your day. That night Abe tried to see you but said that Simcoe and his men jumped him, that Baker came to his aid and took him away. They had a meeting in the church, you were embarrassed. They knew about what happened at Christmas, or at least what almost happened. Simcoe knew, what would he do? What would Abe do? Both men were at your heart and each others throats. This could only get worse, and you knew it. 

You tried to keep your mind off it by working at the tavern continuing to distract yourself from what was going on. Simcoe entered the tavern and made his way to you. He asked to speak with you alone. You guided him to a room and he took hold of your hands. "How are you holding up?"

You elected to be honest. "My home is gone, my brother is gone. All I have left is my honor." You remembered what he knew, and how personal he would take that. You wanted to keep him calm, have him not do anything rash. "I ask, that while I remain here, you protect it, protect me. For that is all that is left to me."

"Don't you worry, Miss Strong. " Simcoe grabbed kissed your hand softly.  "I will avenge it." He pulled away. "You wont have to fear any more advances from inebriated farmers." He then left the room without another word. What did he mean by that? You had to talk to Anna but first you had to speak with Abraham. When the sun set you set out to Abrahams farm. You saw Lukas walking the field. "Lukas?" you asked out, "Where is Abe, is he not home?"

"I don't know Miss Strong." You took a sigh. "He left before you got here, he's been odd Miss. Been firing shots at that ol' scarecrow with that ol' pistol. Don't think he ever hit it though."

You felt a deep sick sinking in the pit of your stomach. He intends to duel. They both are. That is what Simcoe meant, that is why Abe was firing shots at the scarecrow. "Thank you Lukas." you ran off to White Hall. 

You banged your fists on the door. Your hands began to turn red from the repeated banging on the wooden door and intensity of the hits. "What is it? Must you wake me at this hour?"

"I have to talk to you. I need your help."

"What what?" Judge Woodhull groaned. "Abraham can help you." he bitterly spat. You felt a sour feeling in your chest. "He intends to duel!" you yell out to the Judge. "I don't know where, but it's Abe." there was silence. "Magistrate. Please." you beg. He quickly gets his shoes and leaves in just his robe and the two of you went from place to place all night, just as the sun began to rise, you got to the duel site. You heard a shot. You jumped out the coach. "My turn." spoke Simcoe.

"Wait!" Spoke the Magistrate. "Stop this please." you begged out. "The duel has already begun and Mr. Woodhull has already fired his shot." Spoke Ensign Baker. You pushed past back Baker and rushed to Simcoe, get him not to shoot Abe. "Please. Don't do this." you place your hands to Simcoe's chest. "There is no need for this. Nothing happened. I was lonely and sad, it was a mistake." 

Abrahams stance shifted when you said it was a mistake. "I love your poems, our conversations. I ask for time. Can you give me time to be ready for us, and push the past behind us?" Simcoe then fires the shot into the ground without hesitation. "I have satisfaction." You clench your hands into his chest.


You look to Abe. "No." you beg. "This is illegal!" Judge Woodhull spoke out. Baker went over to Abraham to talk him out of it but reloaded the pistol. "Abraham if you in anyway harm this officer I will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law!" 

"This is ridiculous!" you step between the men. "Since it is all over my honor, which is not bruised, clearly this is not about my honor. It is about your honor. Not even that, this is about my hand, thee affections towards myself is it not?" The silence was loud. Simcoe was staring down Abe and Abe dare not look up from the ground. "Do I not have the right to choose?" There was a stillness and chill in the air. "If I choose, there shall be no blood spilt, yes?" you turn to Judge Woodhull. "There would indeed, be no shedding of blood." he looked to his son. "No need for it."

 "So, who do you choose?" Judge Woodhull asked, knowing he wanted you to say Simcoe, but who would you choose. A man whom just recently entered your life and who has stollen your affections? Or a man you have known since your childhood whom you hold so dear and near to your heart? "I choose..."


There will be a part two, in that part two it will have the choice of Abe or Simcoe, and what happens from that choice, so look forward to that! Thank you folks!

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