Turn: Washington's Spies: Ham...

By Ashalynn87

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One-shots and other TURN and even Hamilton(the musical) stuff. (But mostly TURN) I've never done something li... More

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Simcoe x Reader PT ONE

839 7 4
By Ashalynn87

I just realized I never published this. Oops. Anyways! Sup party people, I am back from Basic Training! SO *hand clap* in this one you are a female dressed as a male in the queens rangers and fall in love with Simcoe.

Hope ya'll enjoy!


You had joined the queens rangers when Robert Rogers was still in charge. Rogers knew you were secretly a woman, he didn't care because you were one of his bests. He found you on the streets and saw you fight off two men by yourself when they tried to rob you of what little you had. Rogers saved you from a life on the streets and made you from a pick pocket to a soldier. On side missions it would just be you him and Awasos. Later Akinbode joined.

It hurt when Andre fired Rogers from the rangers. He was like family, but so were the rest of the rangers. Awasos left the rangers and asked if you wanted to leave too but you elected to stay like Akinbode, feeling that you both had earned your place. You worried about the other rangers finding out you were a woman, Akinbode now knew, but you trusted him deeply, he became your best friend. 

You sat on the side lines while the rest of the rangers talked and chatted, one started pointing fun at Akinbode asking why he didn't leave like Awasos. He told them he earned his keep and you joined in saying that he did indeed earn his place and might just be better that the lot of them. He was about to stand up to fight you and Akinbode when a man on horseback came around the corner from the stronger tree line. He was in real ranger get-up, the real uniform unlike what you were all wearing. He was tall too with reddish-brown hair. "Whoa." he said as he got of his horse. 

The man that was provoking you and Akinbode began to provoke the man with the reddish-brown hair. "Thank you, but I am exactly where I need to be. My name is Captain John Graves Simcoe and I'm your new commander, by orders of Major John Andre." he responded. 

You and everyone stayed quiet. You were quiet because you didn't know what to say. The fellow ranger that was provoking you and Akinbode began to poke at the man who was now your captain, Simcoe. They were challenging each other, verbally Simcoe was being intimidating, he was so sure of himself, he was clearly a smart man. "That is of course if you cant kill me." Simcoe continued. The fellow ranger charged at the Captain and in response the Captain broke the rangers arm and then proceeded to skin his scalp.

Your jaw saw slightly agape, shocked really, then the ranger began to reach for the pistol the Captain had previously tossed aside. "No." you and Akinbode said at the same time, the both of you reaching an arm out in the direction of the pistol. The Captain looked down, he stepped on the rangers hand  and then shot him in the head. 

"Fall in." he said. You and Akinbode along with the rest of the rangers fell in behind Simcoe. 

Simcoe got you and the other rangers the uniforms, you all were dressed in a white cream color and the forest-fern green. The uniform was nice, made you feel more like a soldier. 

Simcoe was training you guys right, proper, really. One of your fellow rangers mentioned how Rogers trained the lot of you with hatchets and that they suited you just fine. Simcoe began talking about the weapons you were now holding, he silence everyone when he said, "...would you like me to demonstrate?"

You saw Simcoe bring Akinbode to the side to talk to him in private, you also saw Simcoe hand Akinbode a paper. Once they had finished talking Simcoe made direct eye contact with you just for a second, then looked away as Akinbode approached you with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. "My deed." he said, shaking the paper lightly then placing it away in a safe place on his person. Akinbode looked up at you, "The Captain, he wants to speak with you." You nodded your head in yes lightly and then began walking to Simcoe. "Captain." you said in a fake Scottish accent as you stood in front of him. "I was told you and Robert Rogers were very close. I met his Indian not too long back, he told me that you were like a son in some ways. Is that true?"

You took in a gulp, maybe he worried you being so close to Rogers, he would see you as a threat, like someone to raise the other rangers above and ditch Simcoe. But you had to be honest, even if it meant being removed from the rangers. "Yes, I suppose so." 

"Then why save me from a fellow ranger who was going to kill me? I was told Robert Rogers trained you all to hate redcoats as much as the rebels?"

"I have no real answer for you, Captain. I just saw him reaching for the pistol, maybe I figured it not a fare fight?" you truly didn't know the answer of why you yelled 'No'.

"I believe you, I can always tell when someone is lying. I want you to be my right hand along with Akinbode. Do you accept this role?"

"Yes, I do, Captain." you said trying to make eye contact, he broke the eye contact and walked past you, "Wonderful." was all he said as he rushed past. You turned around to look at him. He gave the order to keep practicing with the muskets and bayonets. You joined in practicing with the others and Akinbode joined next to you.

Simcoe had you and the men travel to some Connecticut rebels, to kill them in the night. You and Akinbode walked closely behind Simcoe, Simcoe then took a small moment to look up at the sky, "Beautiful sky tonight." he said. Simcoe went into a tent, once he killed the man inside he made the signal for you and Akinbode to enter the tent. Simcoe began to write on parchment with the mans blood. Akinbode then proceeded to ask why he needed the tongue to which Simcoe replied, "To put a fine point on it." and stab the quill threw the tongue and pinching the desk with a slight creek sound as the tip of the quill broke into the wooden desk. 

Simcoe afterwards told you and the others that you were to be stationed at Setauket, Long Island. On the way you found Simcoe talked to Akinbode a lot, Akinbode would try to bring you into the conversation to join in but it was to no avail, it never worked. Some time passed and you guys just arrived on Setauket Long Island. Simcoe began approaching a woman, she met his eye and dropped a bucket that she had been holding. She was an attractive woman. Redcoats came around the corner and rushed in front of Captain Simcoe. 

You saw a light argument, there was clearly history here. Akinbode then told you what the Captain did and how he was, and who she was. After a few days Simcoe told you to ready to men, that you were to "rescue" a major named Hewlett, but not actually rescue him. The men told you how he kissed the girl, the girl who dropped the bucket. You just shrugged it off. As much as you started to like the man all he knew was that you were a young Scottish lad. 

You just got to the rebel camp and Simcoe came up to you and Akinbode. "Go with the plan." he said, standing next to Akinbode and not to your side. He clearly didn't trust you, you think that he is distant with you because of how close you were with Rogers. You, the men, and Simcoe approached behind one of the rebel men, McInnis stabbed the man with his bayonet. The man fell to the ground with a thud. "I'll finish Hewlett. You lot take the rest." Said Simcoe. 

You followed Falkoff, McInnis, and Odell with Akinbode at your side and you all began killing the rest of the men in the camp. As you were killing one of the men you heard a struggle come from the prison spot were Hewlett was being held, you and Akinbode both ran inside to Simcoe. You saw Akinbode was talking to Simcoe and so you grabbed Mitchel the closest man to you and you both went off into the woods to try and find Hewlett.

That morning you returned without Mitchel as he was still searching his area. You approached the camp, a dead squirrel in hand. "Cold!" Simcoe yelled out. "Hungry!" you shouted back. "I coundna' find him. But he canna gone too far out, Captain." you said. 

Simcoe poured alcohol over his wound as you approached him. "What is that?" he asked. "A dead squirrel." You answered bluntly, you opened up the poor squirrels head and scooped out the brain and got closer to Simcoe, squatting down to meet his eye. "The brain will help with the wound, trust me."

He didn't say anything but he removed his hand to let you place the squirrel brain into and onto his wound. You then pulled a bandage from your satchel and placed it over the wound and then pulled out a scarf you use to wear before the uniforms and wrapped it around Simcoe to hold the bandage in place. You slid two fingers between the scarf and Simcoe's stomach to make sure you didn't tie the scarf too tight around him. "Perfect." you whispered, realizing how feminine you sounded saying that, loosing the fake Scottish boy accent you were making, had been making. 

Thankfully a distraction came when rustling was heard from the bushes, it was McInnis and Mitchel. They talked about how there was no creature out there say for "...a pair of frozen cows." Simcoe then talked about how Hewlett would not survive and that your new orders were to sail out to Oyster Bay to hunt secret rebels by the orders of Major John Andre. 

You all arrived back in Setauket and approached the outside of the tavern. You watched Simcoe walk into the tavern, to tell that girl her major was dead. You then saw the major come from around the corner and enter the tavern with his men. You and the others entered the tavern from the other door. All this fight, all this for a woman? Truly powerful. You almost admired her. Wondered if men would be fighting over you if you had grew up normal and not in the streets.

Simcoe then ordered you all to leave and begin your way back to camp, to rest up and easy. When you all got to camp he then ordered you and two others to find one of the majors men and hang him. You didn't ask why, you knew why.

Simcoe watched you and two others leave as he got to his area and undressed. Simcoe looked at his wound and saw how much better it was. You were right, he thought, about the squirrel brains. He touched his wound softly and thought about how you said 'perfect' under your breath. 

The next day you came to find the man you strung up was a Ensign Norris. You asked Simcoe if you could go by the pond, clean up your knives. You really just needed a breather. Simcoe agreed and let you go. 

You sat at the pond, looking at the water. You were so confused with your feelings. Do you like Simcoe or just respect him? Do you appreciate this woman or want to be her? Almost in her place? What was going on in your head? Your heart? you picked up a rock and skipped it across the lake. Eventually the sun began to set and you figured best to return to the others. You bumped into Mitchel and asked him where Simcoe, Tanner, McInnis, and Akinbode were, he said that they were having a secret meat-up with the Major. 

When they returned they said that all went well and nothing else. Akinbode told you that he would be leaving to escort a boy named Cicero home to his momma, you could tell Akinbode liked this woman from the way he had a slight blush on his face when he mentioned her. He said that while he is away you would have to be close to Simcoe now, at all times. Starting the next day. 

The very next day you were at Simcoe's side at all times and from then on. Whenever he talked to you he never looked you in the eye. It bothered you a lot. Then a fight broke out in the tavern between the other rangers and the lobsters. They had McInnis' flask. Simcoe got mad, saying Akinbode should have never left, that he kept them all in line. McInnis and Tanner didn't show up that morning so it was clear something was going on. Simcoe told you that they were following a farmer, you came to learn this farmers name was Abraham Woodhull on the way to New Jersey on mission by orders of Major John Andre. 

You rode on horse next to Simcoe. You saw him reach towards were the Major stabbed him. "Is it any better?" you asked. "Why yes, it is. The squirrel brains helped, just like you said they would." he paused, "Who taught you that?"

"Rogers did, Captain."

"What was his relation to you?" Simcoe asked abruptly. "He was like, a father to me. But over time just Major Rogers. Does that bother you?"

"Not at all. Just curious is all. What else has he taught you?"

"He taught me how to survive off the land, to read and write. Many things."

"I see then. Tell the men we are almost at our destination." He said to you as he began to ride ahead of you towards Andres home. He told you and the rest of the men to wait outside. You and Falkoff had become Simcoe's right hands. You knew Falkoff for a long time, he helped train you along side Rogers, he figured out you were a woman on his own, he told you he knew just before Rogers left and that he would keep your secret. You and him became really close after that. Simcoe walked into the home of Major Andre as you and Falkoff waited watched, keeping an eye on the house at all times while the rest of the men chatted amongst themselves. Andre entered soon after. Simcoe soon emerged from the house and crossed the street to meet you and the men. 

"We have a mission. We are to find a spy operation on Long Island, we will be returning to Setauket. Seeing as we have only just arrived, you all disserve some rest. We will camp nearby and leave in the morning." Simcoe then walked off as the men followed close behind. You and Falkoff waited till all the men were behind Simcoe to make sure there were no stragglers or men trying to dissert. 

You made camp and settled in for night. You staid awake outside Simcoe's tent to watch over him while he slept. A lady of the night approached you. "Evening Sir." she sounded a tad bit tipsy. "Ma'am." you shifted your stance. Protecting Simcoe was all that mattered right now and you couldn't risk her figuring out you were a women either. "For a young man like you I only charge three shillings. Well--actually five, but I say three just for you." She put her hand on your chest. "I'm sorry ma'am, I can't."

"Your loss." she walked away from you, you then heard the tent flap open behind you. "Captain."

"You denied a woman?"

"Protecting you is more important than dipping my wick." you quickly answer.  "Well, set up your tent next to my own, get rest, we have a long journey ahead. Simcoe then receded back to his tent. 

The following morning you awoke and gathered the men to ready for the ride to Setauket. You and Simcoe talked a small bit more as you began getting closer to Setauket. Simcoe and yourself ordered Private O'Shaughnessy to ride ahead and find good camp ground.

As Simcoe, the rest of the men, and yourself arrive in Setauket and see Private O'Shaughnessy getting whipped by the Regulars. "I see you prefer your adversaries helpless." Simcoe got off his horse and handed you his helmet and charged towards the men. "Perhaps you'd like to try your luck with one who isn't." the man in red didn't respond. "I didn't think so." Simcoe then went on to beet up the man and take four hostages. 

Simcoe then came up with the idea of operating a flag of truce, he would go in to speak with Major Hewlett alone, if he did not return in an hour you and the men would proceed with further actions, to shoot.

Simcoe returned from Whitehall and gave the order to get the hostages and discipline them for their behavior towards Private O'Shaughnessy. You and the men strung them up, Simcoe talked while you tried to clean O'Shaughnessy's back, he got back into his cloths and you tried to clean O'Shaughnessy's black eye and rub herbs on it to help it heal. Simcoe saw this. You stepped away from O'Shaughnessy as Simcoe offered O'Shaughnessy a chance at whipping the men back when Major Hewlett began approaching you and the other Rangers. 

You watched with Falkoff to make sure Simcoe was okay, they talked for a while. Hewlett then gave Simcoe a paper. More talking. "My horse!" he yelled, "Fall in." he continued. Simcoe told you to inform the men that you would leave in the morning but to gather them up with the horses in the morning as soon as the sun rose, you would be going to Rocky Point, a day's ride east to catch his spy. You told him you understood. He rode off on his horse. 

As soon as the sun began to rise you got the horses and woke the men. Simcoe woke himself up and told you all to fall in. "Our target lives in the hamlet known as Rocky Point. He's a former resident of Setauket, using his wealth and standing to masquerade as a Tory, hiding in plane sight. Today we rein in this traitor quietly poisoning the countryside. His name is Samuel Culper. You men will leave with me. The rest of the unit will keep their posts. We shall return after daybreak tomorrow."

"Sir, all this for one man?" Quarles asked bravely.

"I imagine it will be quite the surprise for him. Fall out!"

You begin the days trip to Rocky Point. Simcoe rode next to you but every time you tried to engage in conversation he would just cut it short, not add to it. It was like talking to a wall. Falkoff saw this and so he began chatting with you. Simcoe would look at you and Falkoff talk every minute or so. As if he wanted to say something but did not know what to say or just wanted you to stop talking all together. 

You got to Rocky point and came up with a plan. Simcoe, Falkoff, and yourself would ride towards the front of the house while the rest of the men went to the back. Just incase Culper knew you were coming and there was a trap. There was. Simcoe saw movement inside the house and shot his pistol, the bullet traveling through one of the windows almost hitting a man. 

The chase began as you all chased after the men. Austin had a clear shot of who seemed to be leading the others, when Austin got shot dead. A voice came from behind you, past several trees. "Run you bastard." the shooter said, the shooter sounded familiar, sounded like Rogers. "Run!" the leader yelled, escaping with very few men. 

Simcoe went behind a tree adjacent to yourself. "Psst." Simcoe made a signal with his hand, "Flank him, carefully."

You went to flank the man when the mans hand rapped around you, pulling you close. "Hello [y/n]. How are you?" It was him, "Major Rogers." you whispered past your breath. Rogers held his hand around your neck, in that same hand a knife, it almost pierced your skin. His other hand held a pistol that was digging into your side. "Drop it." Rogers said removing the pistol from your side and faced towards the men. "Hello boys."

"Well, this is... unexpected." Simcoe smiled. Rogers laughed, you could smell alcohol on his breath. "I suppose you must be used to that. I could have crept onto you in broad daylight."

"The famed Robert Rogers. I've longed to meet you in person, sir."

"Oh well, you'll just have to keep longing, won't you?" He loosened his grip around your neck so he could tighten his grip on the knife and have more control over it, holding the blade to your neck much better for everyone to see. "Because I'm going to make haste with [y/l/n] here..." you zoned out for just a moment, wondering if Simcoe would let you die, or come up with something. Either way you trusted him. "Drop it Quarles! Drop it Brandon!"

"I'm afraid they don't take orders from you anymore, Major."

"We'll see about that." Rogers grumbled. Simcoe took a small and light step forward. "You take one more step to me, I will cut their throat wide open!" 

"Go ahead." When Simcoe said that your eyes squinted a bit, you wondered if he really was challenging Rogers to kill you, knowing that the man practically raised you, you then realized Simcoe knew what he was doing. "You hear that boys? That ghost would have you dead. You think I'd have done that to you? I would die for you boys. You know that." Rogers took a step back, dragging you with him. "I would DIE for you!" Rogers got close to your ear, "I would especially die for you." he whispered. "Put your guns down!"

Simcoe smiled at you. Or was he smiling at Rogers? "That's all right. We can settle this in the old fashion." Simcoe removed his hat and gave it to Quarles. "Weapons down, gentlemen." Everyone hesitated. "Weapons down!" Simcoe got closer, "If Major Rogers manages to kill me, I order you to let him leave unharmed. Or follow him if you so choose."

"Get outta' here." Rogers whispered to you as he pushed you aside. Falkoff went to you and pulled you close. "I'm going to carve you up ginger." The two of them proceeded to fight. You got worried. One was growing on you, the other was like a father... a father who just tried to kill you...Simcoe was who you wanted to win. "Your old, fat, and slow. Your the past and I'm the future." Simcoe then went on to slice Rogers in the eye. 

"The only thing I can't work out, is why you decided to return to Long Island, especially after the King signed a warrant for-- you're Culper." You looked at Simcoe, was Rogers really the spy he was looking for? "Oh, that's brilliant. You hid your treachery in plane sight. A mercenary through and through. Playing both sides against one another." Simcoe turned to look at all of you. "A true American." Simcoe turned back towards Rogers who saw him struggling with something. "Are you looking for this?" Simcoe laughed. "It's a shame, really, when-- when the mind goes. Pistol, please." Brandon handed Simcoe his pistol as he aswell as some others realized what Rogers was doing, or rather making.

An explosion came. Simcoe grabbed one of the men as a shield with one hand to protect himself and also saved you by pulling you behind himself with the other hand. Simcoe quickly got back up from the blast, he was fueled by anger. "Find him! He's got one eye! Find him!"

The search began, you and the men fallowed him as much as you could. Rogers was smart. You began your way back to Setauket. You had to make a stop for the night, then continue in the morning. 

You started your own fire as the men had there own fire going, as O'Shaughnessy passed you to join the men you noticed his eye was getting really puffy. "Your eye is swollen, probably infected, sit." He sat down a bit to far from you. "Come here, closer, please." O'Shaughnessy scooted closer to you, you pulled out your knife and cut open the puffy gather under his eye. Puss and other liquid came out. "Better?" you ask. "Yeah, I can see, and it doesn't hurt as much." You get a small bandage and wrap it around his eye and head. "This will help more." you smile. O'Shaughnessy got up and walked away to join the rest of the men. 

Simcoe got up from his seat with the other men, telling O'Shaughnessy he could sit in his spot. Simcoe came up to you and your small fire, sitting right across from you on the other side of the flame. "You know a lot of things. Rogers taught you all you know right?"

"That would be correct, Captain."

"Yet he would use you as a hostage."

"Things change." you began to warm up your hands by the fire. "You are getting awfully close to Private O'Shaughnessy, and I have observed you talking with Falkoff a lot aswell."

"They are my fellow soldiers, they are family to me." You sat up straight, why was he asking so many questions, was he jealous? Questioning your loyalty? "Is there a problem with that?"

"No. Not at all. As long as they remain as just family to you."

"Do not worry yourself with that Captain. They will remain family, all of them." you reassure the Captain. Simcoe shrugs his shoulders and just continues to sit across from you while you eat food. You offer to share some food with him but he declines, saying that you need your strength as you were to be on watch almost all night, and then had to wake everyone on time to move along in the morning. 

The men were all asleep. Falkoff was sleeping near Simcoe to protect him. You walked around as quietly as you could, not wanting to wake the men and to not be seen or heard by any trespassers. Falkoff woke up to pee, he went behind a tree and saw you. He walked up to you and asked how you were holding up on watch. You told him you were fine and as awake as anyone awake could be. You and Falkoff began to talk about old times, you and him were always close, but once he knew you were a woman you both got even closer. It was nice knowing you could trust him and Akinbode with the biggest secret you had and they could still see you as a friend and fellow ranger. He reminded you of the one time Rogers had him help train you for anything so he set up a trap, a simple rope under leaves. It pulled you into the air upside down. You had yelled up a storm at Falkoff, it was funny looking back at how angry you were. He continued to make you smile, and even laugh. "I never see you smile or laugh much anymore."

"Things have gotten serious and crazy as of late. Would you not agree?"

"I would agree, all the more reason to smile. To have a good laugh." there was some silence between the two of you. He then smiled himself. "Well. Goodnight." He then walked back to his area. He felt to sleep right away, Simcoe sat up and looked at you. Your back was to them. Simcoe heard the whole thing. In the morning, the crack of dawn you woke everyone up. The men were ready and Simcoe approached you. "You and Falkoff were chatting quite a bit last night." You figured you were in trouble for talking and not keeping watch. "That was my error, Captain. I should have been taking watch seriously and-"

"That is not the issue. I know you would snap back into watch and being a soldier the moment you heard something or saw something past your silly little conversations. You and Falkoff laughed a lot."

What was going on? "I-well-yes. We were remembering old times, like I said he is like family to me. I'm not a molly if that is what you are concerned about!" even if you were a molly, did it matter? You were a soldier, a queens ranger just like the rest of them. "What is going on, Captain?" you demanded. You needed to know why he was acting like this, asking so many questions of you, judging you. It was scary looking up at him and demanding an answer of him. "Well?" You said up at him. Simcoe didn't saw a word, he did however have the smallest hint of a smile on his face. He then walked past you and gave orders to move on out. Like that poor excuse of a conversation ever happened. What was going on?


I hoped you guys enjoyed! Part two will come soon, I just need to figure out the ending and how to progress the story in general BUT I shall and will get there I promise you! :]

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