由 adrienette_dramione

8.5K 229 127

This story is about the marauders and maraudettes in their last year of school. Mainly Jily. Lily never tho... 更多

1) Hogwarts Express
2) Carriages and Howlers
3) First day
4) Full moon
5) Charms, Misunderstandings and Nightmares
6) The Heart feels what the Heart feels
7) Halloween
8) Patronuses and a kiss.
9) Hogsmede Date!
11) Quidditch game 1
12) A New Relation
13) Christmas - Part 1
14) Christmas - 2
16) Downhill
18) Amortentia
19) Amortentia - part 2
20) No more secrets.
21) A stroll in the Hogwarts grounds
22) N.E.W.Ts
23) Planning!
24) Graduation
25) The Big Surprise!
26) Day out!
27) The order of Phoenix
28) First Mission
29) Wedding plan
30) Wedding day.
31) No..no..no... Stay with me
32) No...no...no... Stay with me (2)
33)Quiet is not always good
34)Dark times are rising
35) Framed
36) New footsteps
37) Gender Reveal

10) Attack.

324 9 3
由 adrienette_dramione

-------------------------------------------A week since they were dating-------------------------------------------

Lily POV: 

I was walking back to our Head Dorms after a long day of lessons. James and I had been dating a week and he always makes me feel so special. Right now though he is at quidditch practice so I still have time. I told the girls to come up after they put their stuff away but Marlene had quidditch practice, so she won't be coming.
"Butterbeer." I say and step in. I put down my folders and was about to jump onto the sofas, when I see someone, I never wanted to see ever again.
"Ahh, just the person I wanted to see. How are you doing." he asks in the most sickeningly tone. 
Unable to say anything, I just glare at him.
"You're welcome to sit down, you know, this is your dorm." he says. The nerve of that boy!
"Yeah well guess what you are not welcome here, so how about you get out before I kick you out. And I mean literally." I said, my voice rising.
"Oh Lily, you will never learn will you," he says, chuckling, "IN!" he shouts. Then Malfoy, Bellatrix and Regulus Black and Avery stepped in, wands raised high. I reached in my pocket and took out my wand. I tried coming up with strategies in my head on how to defeat all of these at once. The only spells I could think of was stupefy, that would stop them from waking up. 

"Expelliarmus!" Avery shouts, although it didn't exactly work like the way it should have, because his own wand shot out of his hand and fell right into mine.He really needs to brush up on his basics. I need to wait for the right time, because once I shoot a spell, the other 4 left will target me. I look around, and see that I could jump behind the couch and that could help me block some spells. 
"Stupefy!" I shout at Malfoy. He falls down and I jump behind the couches to my left. I hear them fire spells but I don't look much into it, I get up and stupefy Bellatrix. The only ones left is Regulus Black and Snape. Avery is as easy as hell. I stand up but it's too late.
" Incendio." I hear I stumble back and see my arms are red and burnt. 

"Hey Lily." I hear. James, He's back, but isn't he supposed to be at practice. I wonder. no time to think. I run over to him blocking all the spells being fired at me with Protego. 
"What's going on?" he asks me. We're turning around back to back, while the other 3 circle around us. 
"I'll tell you later." I tell him.
From somewhere I hear , "Sectumsempra." I look in horror as James collapses onto the floor next to me. I crouch down, tears streaming down my eyes. Blood is spilling out everywhere, you can't even see where the cuts are. 
"Incendio." I hear, he sounded like Sirius. I scream as the spell hits me. The only thing I can feel is heat and pain. He repeats the spell twice, my body filling up with pain I have never felt before. I look over at James next to me. I need to get him to the hospital wing, but my body won't move. Then it's just black.

Marlene's POV: 

I went to look for James, he's been gone for a good 10 minutes and nowing James, he wouldn't miss quidditch practice for this long. On the way I meet Clara, 
"Hey!" I say
"Hey aren't you at quidditch practice?" she asked.
"Yeah but James has been gone for 10 minutes, for all I know he could be snogging Lily and completely forgot about us," I say laughing.
It's not long before we get to the dorms
"Butterbeer." Clara says. What we saw next was both shocking and horrifying. 

James was on the floor, bleeding. His whole body was covered in blood. Lily lay next to him, red and burnt. 
"Oh My God. I'll go get Sirius, Remus and Peter." I say.
"No." Clara stops me. She crouched down and puts her fingers on both  I look at her confused.
"We need to get these two to the hospital. I just checked their pulse and its still beating but we need to get them to the hospital wing fast, especially James, he's already lost so much blood." 
"But we need someone to help us carry them." 
"Look Marls, I know you're very stressed out but you're a witch!" she says, her voice rising at the end. How could i be so stupid!
Clara levitates James and I levitate Lily. Blood is still dripping down from the sides of James' arms.

"MADAM POMFREY!" I shout. She comes in and gasps.
"Dear, what happened here?" she asks. I lay Lily down and Clara does the same. Then we both sprint down the hall, I go outside to the quidditch pitch to find Sirius and then I'll ask him if he's seen Peter while Clara went to find Remus in the library and then she'd go and find Alice in the owlery. 

"Sirius, Sirius!" I say, panting. Immediately, he knew it had somehting to do with James.
"All of you go away, there is no practice today!" Sirius said and started running towards the hospital wing. I catch up with him.
"What happened?"he asked, as we raced towards the hospital wing. 
"I don't know I went to the head dorms but when I got in I saw him and Lily on..." I couldn't finish off the sentence, tears brimmed my eyes.
"Wait, Lilyflower too." he gasps.
We ran into the room and saw both Lily and James laying on the beds unconcious. Sirius ran over to James immediately and kept his head down, I couldn't tell if he was crying or not. I've never seen him like this before. I sit next to Lily and I have no emotion to descibe y emotions. 

Clara's POV:

I ran to the library, knowing Remus would be in there. 
"Remus, Remus, you have to hurry up." I say. 
"What happened." he asks.
"I'll explain on the way!" I grab his hand and tell him what we saw. His face became pale. I was supposed to be getting Alice as well but I really want to know if James and Lily are ok, so I send her a patronus instead. 
When we got there, Sirius was by James' side and Marls by Lily's. I go over to Marlene and hug her, she cries into my shoulder. 
"Madam Pomfrey said, it may take them a week to wake up." Marlene said. 
"It's all my fault." Sirius mumbled, but we heard it.
"No it's not," Remus says immediately.
"How do you know!" Sirius said, "sorry," he mumbled.
"Sirius, this didn't happen because of any of us." Marlene says.
"How do you know." Sirius asked,"If I went with him, then maybe this wouldn't have happened to him." he says, barely audible.
I go over to Sirius and kneel by his side "If you went then it would have happened to you." I tell him. He looks at me and starts crying. I go back and see something."Yes, it happened because of the Slytherins." I tell them, eyeing Lily's top, she was wearing. I see a white blonde strand of hair. The only person with this is Lucius Malfoy. I levitate it with my wand. At that moment, Alice walks in. She goes next to Lily, kneels down and cries.

"Lucius Malfoy!" Sirius growls, he stands up and storms off. Remus holds him back. I look over at Remus, he looks back at me and nods. 
"Just wait Sirius." Remus says.
"Madam Pomfrey, can we please have their wands?" he asks. Without saying anyhting, she hands over the wands.
He gives one to me
"We can see their memory, but we have to use their own wand." Remus tells them, the only problem is, because their unconcious, it may take a bit of their energy, just a little though." Remus tells them, "but this way we can see who attacked them last." he adds. 
"Remeber, not too much Remus, just the last attacker they saw, and that's it." 
"But what if their were more." Sirius said.
"Well they'll have to wait until they wake up." I tell them, "I'm  not looking at anything, they didn't want me to look at!" I say, angrily.
"Well why can't  I do it?" Sirius asks angrily.
"Sirius, I know how much you love James and that's precisely the reason I can't let you do it, knowing you, you will probably try and shoot spells at, whoever it was that hurt James and Lily, and that would change their memory, which is not a good thing." I say, calmly. I look over at Remus.
I looked inside.

 "Sectumsempra." Lily looks behind her in horror as James collapses onto the floor next to me. I look over and saw Snape smirking. That ittle brat! She crouches down, crying. Blood is spilling out everywhere, you can't even see where the cuts are.
"Incendio." I hear, it sounded like Sirius, but when I look behind her to see who it was, it was too late. She screams as the fire hits her. She looked over at James next to her . Then it's just black. 

I come out and I look over at Remus. He looks back at me and nods.
"It was the Slytherins," I say. 
"Snape hit the sectumsempra spell at James." Remus adds.
"And what about Lily?" Sirius and Marlene asks at the same time.
"Well I didn't get to see who it was because it went to fast, but it was someone that sounded like," I hesitate and look over at Sirius," you." 
"WHAT!" Marlene screams, "Sirius how could you do that?!" she shouts. I hold Marlene down.
"Marls, I said it sounded like Sirius, not that it is him." I tell her. She mumbles a quick sorry and sits back down next to Lily. 
"I think I know who it might be." Remus says.
"Regulus." Sirius and Remus say at the same time.
"Listen I know how much you want to beat up those two, but the logical thing to do is go to Dumbledore." I say.
"Wait but Dumbledore is really smart but not really the most logical is he." Remus says. I chuckle at that. 
"That is true, but that's the best thing we can do without getting into detention or expelled." I say.
"I don't care about getting expelled. The Slytherins have taken it too far!" Sirius growls.
"Sirius stop, don't go anywhere." Remus tells him.
"Why Moony, why?" Sirius says, on the verge of tears.
"Because, if you go and beat them up or whatever, then you will be doing exactly what they did." I tell him. This makes Sirius sit down and so me and Remus decide to go and tell Dumbledore what has happened. Gosh I am going with Remus! I've never been alone with him anywhere. Focus Clara!

Remus POV:

Clara and I head down to Dumbledore's office. 
"Damn it the password!" Clara mutters, but  I heard it.
"No need to panic, it's always a muggle sweet." I tell her.
"How do you know?" she asks.
"Lets just say the marauders and I have been up here quite a few times, to pull a prank on Dumbledore. " I tell her.
"And you've never been expelled." she asked, shocked.
"Of course not, Dumbledore actually loves our pranks." I say, Clara looks shocked. I chuckle and turn back at the gargoyle.
"Sherbet Lemon." I try, it doesn't move.
"Strawberry refreshers." Clara tries and it jumps open. We climb up the stairs but as I'm going along, it winked at me. Wait that's not possible but I swear it winked at me. Dumbledore, Dumbledore, Dumbledore.

I knock on the door.
"Come in!" I hear, so I push the door open. Only to be met with, unfortunately, a few familiar faces. Snivellus, Avery, Malfoy.
"Ah, Mr Lupin, Miss Nightingale, gald you're here there is a few things we need to talk about." he says. I was about to interrupt him when Clara nudged me, so I followed her and sat down on the chairs. 
"Is Mr. Black or Miss McKinnon coming?" he asks.
"No!" I say, bitterly, Clara steps on my foot.
"They'd rather stay with Lily and James." she says.
"Very well, let's start off with any questions." he says.
"What are the doing here?" I ask.
"Well they came when they saw James and Lily in hospital." he says.
"Oh so now they care!" I say, my voice rising.
"Well, how about you elaborate." 
"We're not sure exactly what happened, " Clara starts and explains the whole thing. She hesitates when we talk about looking at their memory. But I tell her, that they can't hide anything from Dumbledore so we say it anyway. 

"That is not true, we were not there, we didn't do anything to them!" Avery said
"Oh really then why did we see your faces in the memory." 
"You modified it. Gosh and I actually thought you were smart. Oh wait you're a mudblood." Malfoy says. That was it.
"How dare you!" I scream, "You're just a foul pureblood, who doesn't understand the basis of living and think blood supremity is everything, you don't understand what is right or wrong because you're dumb parents never taught you any manners or how to respect anyone." 
"Shut UP! You dirty wolf!" Snape whispers the last bit in my ear. I look over at Clara, who looks at me aghast. Shoot! Please say she didn't hear that!

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Dumbledore shouts. 
"You Mr Snape, Mr Avery, Mr Malfoy, you will be serving detention in the forbidden forest, every night for the next 3 months. I will not be having those foul words being used in my office. Mr Lupin, Miss Nightingale, please head back to your friends."

As we headed back, it got so awkward that I was thinking of running away in the opposite direction. 
"Remus, are you really a wolf." Damn it - she heard it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"Please don't hate me for this but yes. The reason I look so sick and pale is when a full moon was about to arrive." I was waiting for her to say something horrible. Instead she slapped my arm, hard. 
"What was that for!" I ask. 
"That was for not telling me!" she says. Then she kicks my shin. 
"Ow! What was that one for then." 
"That was for thinking, I would hate you for being a wolf. I would never Remus, it's not your fault is it. Then why would I hate you. You are one of the sweetest person I know and I could never hate you." Then unexpectedly she hugs me. I was taken aback but then I hug her back.
"Oi! Get a room!" Sirius, I don't even have to look to know it was him. 
"She knows." I tell him ,"that I'm a werewolf only." I whisper. 

"Oh ok! Well what did Dumbledore do?" he asks.
"Well the Slytherins were already there and instead of talking about what happened, we ended up getting into a huge fight." I tell him.
"Hey Clara, you are not to tell anyone about me." I say to her.
"Of course don't worry oyou're secret is safe with me. I understand, you want to tell them when you are ready. Hey but you could have just denied it, why did you tell me?" she asks. Before Sirius can say something stupid, I say, "Well you kind of just directly asked me and I was taken aback, and I'm not the best liar, so you would have found out anyway." I say. 
"Ok let's go and see Lilyflower and James. You guys are a really sweet couple, but you are too sweet, I might go vomit." Sirius says. I hit him hard on the back.  
Let's hope everything gets back to normal, soon.

             I'LL TRY UPDATE SOON!!!!!



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