Drarry Soulmates AU

By DisasterChild20

65.3K 2.1K 254

In a world where everyone has a mark that represents and matches with their soul mates mark. Harry Potter, a... More

The Beginning
The Snake And The Burn
Letters And Shopping With The Weasley's
Gringotts And Lazy Day
Meeting Your Soul Mate
Hogwarts And The Sorting
First Night At Hogwarts And Breakfast
Potions And Hagrid's
Flying Lessons
Midnight Duel
First Quidditch Practice And Parcels
Day With Cissa
The Quidditch Match
Start Of The Christmas Holidays
Mirror Of Erised
Snape? Referee?
Snape's Match
Dragon's Egg
Exams and Through the Trapdoor
Chess and the Man with Two Faces
End Of First Year
R.I.P Helen McCrory
Beginning of the Summer Holiday
Dadfoot And Moomy
Not a chapter but something I drew
Back to the Dursley's
Quidditch and Stories
New Hogwarts Staff
Back to Diagon Alley
Second Year Welcome Feast
Breakfast and Mandrakes
Cornish Pixies
Ministry Delegate and a Lazy Day
Detention and Quidditch Practice
Slugs, Slugs and... More Slugs
Detention with Lockhart and the Disembodied Voice
Kwikspell and the Invitation
Deathday Party
Writing on the Wall
History of Magic
Spiders and Myrtle
Moste Potente Potions
Bludger Attack
Dobby in School?
Starting the Potion
A/N: Competition
Potion Explosion
The Snake

First Night of Summer

679 23 0
By DisasterChild20

The group jump out the car and enter the Manor "Go put your things in your rooms. Arthur, Bill, Charlie and Ginny will be here in a bit." Molly tells the kids. Nodding the four Weasley's, Draco, Harry and Hermione run upstairs. Harry and Draco put their stuff down and flop onto the bed side by side "This is going to the best summer I've ever had." Harry smiles. "What was summer like with the Dursley's?" Draco asks slightly hesitantly. "The only time it was fun was when they went out and I was either left behind or taken with them, like the zoo for Dudley's birthday. When I was left behind I would watch the tv and play on Dudley's gaming console." Harry explains. "What's a tv and gaming console?" Draco asks confused. Harry chuckles "A tv produces moving pictures that talks and plays music, like a story or the news. A gaming console is a machine that connects to the tv to play games on." he explains. Draco nods "So a tv is like a wizard photo but it talks?" Draco responds making Harry nod. "Boys you coming? We're making a picnic to eat outside for dinner." Hermione says knocking on the door. "Just coming Hermione." Harry responds standing up and turning to Draco who sticks his arms up at him. Chuckling Harry grabs his hands and pulls him to his feet before leading him downstairs to the others in the kitchen.

"Finally, thought you'd got lost." Sirius jokes. Harry rolls his eyes at his Godfather before joining Ron at the table making the sandwiches. After a while Cissa claps her hands together "Okay everyone go freshen up before dinner. We'll meet outside in half hour, by then Molly and the others will be here." she tells everyone. Harry and Draco walk up to their room and go over to their cases and pull out some clean clothes to change into. Once dressed Harry picks up Sapphire who wraps herself loosely round his neck "Let's go downstairs." Harry tells her as Draco walks over to them. "You ready?" Draco asks. Harry nods and takes his hand as they head downstairs to the garden. Walking into the garden Draco is immediately pulling into a hug by a short woman with ginger curly hair."Draco dear, how are you?" she asks. "I'm good Molly. How about you?" Draco asks as Sapphire slides onto his arm. "I'm well, thank you Draco. Ah, you must be Harry." Molly says hugging Harry. "It's good to finally meet you Mrs Weasley." Harry says hugging her back. "Oh call me Molly dear." Molly tells him smiling. Draco hands Sapphire back to Harry as a small girl with long ginger hair runs over and crashes into him. "Draco!" she grins as the blonde boy hugs her. "Hey Ginny, you're nearly as tall as me. I thought I told you to stop growing?" Draco tells her. Ginny giggles "Can't help growing." she responds. Draco chuckles "Ginny this is Harry. Harry this is Ginny, she's Ron's younger sister. She's joining Hogwarts in September." Draco introduces. "Hi." Ginny smiles. "Hey." Harry responds smiling. Ginny spots Sapphire "Aww, who's this?" she asks. "This is Sapphire." Harry responds. "Can I hold her please?" Ginny asks. Harry nods and hands Sapphire over who wraps round Ginny's arm.

Two ginger men walk over to the group "Alright Draco?" the tallest one asks. "Hey, I'm good. What about you guys?" Draco asks. "We are good. This must be Harry. I'm Charlie, this is Bill." the shorter one smiles. Harry smiles "How's Norbert?" he asks. "Actually Norbertta." Charlie responds making the two boys laugh. Bill shakes his head "Only Hagrid would try and keep a baby dragon in his wooden hut." he says chuckling. "Come on, Dad will be home soon. He got held up at work." Charlie says as they head over to the others. Sirius smiles and puts an arm round Harry's shoulders "Ginny seems to have taken a shine to Sapphire." he says. Looking over Harry spots Ginny playing with Sapphire in the grass "Sapphire seems happy." he tells his godfather as Remus walks over. "Hello Harry." he greets. "Hi Uncle Reem." Harry responds with a smile. "We've brewed the animagus potion if you and your friends are still up for it." Sirius explains. Harry grins and nods at his uncle's "We all still want to do it." he tells them as Draco walks over. "Don't forget it'll be hard to learn, it is very advanced magic." Remus reminds them both. "We know, Hermione has been reading about the process." Draco says making Harry nod in agreement. Sirius chuckles "She sounds a lot like Lily." he tells them making Remus nod. Smiling Harry sits down and spends the night getting to know the other Weasley's and talking to his Uncle's.

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