A Dragon's Love (Young Justic...

By wolfangel3

68.4K 1.8K 152

Esmeralda's had a pretty interesting life. After having been banished from her home realm, she is found by Dr... More

The Day
The Six of Us?
Burnt Cookies
A Plan
A Gift
Cult of The Kobra
Bike Riding
Soothing Heartbeats
Going to the Beach
New Mission
You Are Not My Master!
Going to the Tower of Fate
The Tower's Tricks
Old Friend
A Fight Between Fate And Chaos
The Best Of Travels To You, Kent...
Who Is Esmeralda?
Little Miss Dragon Scales With Her Racing Heart
Are You Convinced That You Belong?
What Is This Pain?
You Like Him...
Running Through The Hallways And... Going To Rhelasia?
Did I Hit A Nerve?
Jem And Tula
If Only
Get It Away!
Better Than I Would Have Done...
Alpha Male
Irrational Anger
An Angry Atlantian Is A Scary Atlantian
A Gorilla And A Brain... Interesting...
Can I Keep Him?
Saved By A Brother
Apology Accepted
CCC: Creepy Clown & Crew
Look At Me
Why Look For A Dragon When We Already Have One?
Please, Don't Do This To Me...
Hunting Down An Android
Professor Ivo's Telling The Truth
Magma? You've Got To Be Kidding Me.
More Human
The Loss of An Archer
Just In Case I Don't Get The Chance Again...
Bringing Courage To The World
Invading the Mothership, And Gaining A Broken Heart...
How Are We Alive?
Is It True?
A Day For Celebration
Tattoo and Dancing
Running From A Black Heart

Secrets Out and Legends Foretold

384 12 1
By wolfangel3

I slowly wake up, dizzy. I look around my surroundings. I'm tied to a wooden chair, in a pink room. There's duct tape over my mouth. I'm in a pink bedroom, and Zatanna, wait, Zatanna! I look over at her just as she sees me. She runs over and unties me, ripping off the duct tape. "Ow!" I whisper. I stand up, seeing the girl behind her. I step back. Zatanna notices.

"What, do you not like her?" She asks. If it wasn't so dark in the room, she could see just how pale my face is. "Her aura is white." I say. She looks at me weird. "Zatanna. No living person's aura is ever white." She shrugs, not understanding.

I see Harm run through into the room, and I jump at him while Zatanna goes to untie Artemis. I end up knocking him to the ground. I run out after they do, and we go for the stairs I stop right behind them as the girl disappears again. We run down the stairs, through the kitchen, and out the door, but not before Artemis does something to the stove. We end up in a tiny back yard surrounded by a high fence. There's a grave marker just in front of us.

We kneel down next to it. "Greta Hayes, beloved sister." Zatanna reads. The girl then comes out of the grave, glowing white, before it disappears. "This is your grave. This is your secret. This is you." Zatanna says. "This is why her aura is white, Zatanna. A person's aura can never be white while they're alive. It's impossible." I say. "A ghost. An actual ghost." Artemis says.

"Uh, h-how did you die?" Zatanna asks. Greta raises her hands, an apparition of a dagger appearing between them. "Harm's dagger." The door behind us explodes open. There stands Harm. He's angered.

"They defile Harm's holy place." He says, coming closer. "We defiled it? You did this, to your own sister!" Artemis yells, pointing at Greta's grave. He smiles. "You're proud of it? And you have the gall to write 'beloved'." She spits. "Not gall, truth. She was the only thing Harm ever loved. That's why she had to go. Harm's heart had to be pure. Greta had to be cut out, excised like an infection." He explains.

Harm gasps as Greta appears from her grave again, but isn't phased for long. "Ah, it casts another illusion spell." "Except I didn't speak. Harm knows it can't cast a spell without speaking." Zatanna says. Greta starts to walk forward. Harm gasps, fear in his eyes. "You asked how we found this place? Face it, Harm. Your secret's out." Artemis states.

"No, Harm's heart is pure. Harm's not sorry. I'm not." He says. The sword passes through Greta, and she reaches into Harm's heart, pulling out the pure evil from within it. He falls to the ground. It disappears in her hand. Harm goes to slash at her, but it goes through her, and becomes too heavy for him to wield. The Sheath reacts, and they both go flying, the sword flying into the sheath once more.

"I don't need the sword." He growls, lunging at us. Artemis stops him, kicking the dagger from his hand. "So unfocused. It can't fight us while fighting itself." She yells. She immediately takes him out. Zatanna mutters a spell to tie him up with his own jacket.

We all look over to see Greta walk over to her grave. "We'll make sure you receive a proper burial. We won't forget you, Greta." Zatanna tells her. "Secret." "I still can't believe anyone could do that to his own sister. I mean, if my..." Artemis trails off. "Your what?" Zatanna asks. Artemis looks at us both. "Artemis, talk to us. Secrets don't stay buried, obviously." Zatanna says, pointing at Greta's grave. "It's better to bring them into the light." I add.

I look over and see the sword on the ground. We should find out where Harm took it from. I go over to pick it up. The moment I touch it, however, it begins to glow a bright white. My eyes widen. "Dracona!" Artemis calls. The sword shines so bright, I can't see a thing. When it fades, the sword is gone. I look around. "Where did it go?" I ask.

"Dracona, look!" Artemis points to my waist and I look down. I freeze. It's tied to my waist, but the sheath... Instead of the clutched hand it had before, it looked like a normal hand. The black, sharp nails are no longer there; it's turned into a new sheath, covered across it are intricate, draconic designs. I try to pull the sword out. It's stuck in tight. The incantation. I close my eyes, looking for it in my mind's eye. There it is!

"Abanan... Aful... Beowulf." I pull it out. It shines as brightly as it did before. My eyes widen. "Woah. What was that all about?" Zatanna asks. I look at her before hurriedly putting it back in it's sheath. "Dracona?" Artemis asks. I look at them both, my face pale. "The legend." I mutter. "Dracona?" I shake my head.

"The legend of the Sword of Beowulf. It's said that anyone who's heart is pure has the ability to wield it's power, but it is also said that it would one day return to the rightful descendant of Beowulf, and he or she is destined to do something that could change all realms forever." I sit down, running my hands through my hair. "But there's a catch. Depending on something that's supposed to happen in the descendant's life, they may not come back from it the same."

"And this includes you how, Dracona?" Artemis questions. I look up into her eyes. "I am the rightful descendant of Beowulf. I am the rightful owner of this sword. And whatever happens in the future within the next five to ten years, my actions could either save or destroy all realms. I am destined to either protect or kill all life in all realms. This sword is only a heavy burden on it's wielder." I say, morbid. I stand up. "I have to go. Now. I'll see you later. Don't tell anyone what I've just told you." I say, before taking off into the air, flying all the way back to the cave instead of finding a zeta tube. I need time to think before I enter the cave.

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