Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

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"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



825 18 2
By XsleeplesswritingX

TW: ED mentioned in this chapter!

Gemini Myths POV

It's been two weeks since I've last spoken a word to my father. I've showed up to his class right as the bell rings and left right as class ended just to make sure he wouldn't try and talk to me.

I did end up talking to Draco two nights after the thing with my father and he told me about Fred and George and I was thankful he listened to them. I did say sorry for ignoring him and for what happened in Dumbledores office but it didn't seem to anger him because he is the same way I am. In fact he wasn't angry at all and he showed that in a very pleasant way. Sex.

Sex was amazing with him. Not because we're dating it's just the fact that he knows exactly what he was doing.

Fred and George came and found me a few hours after the incident with my father and talked to me. They distracted me with jokes and books and made sure I went to bed with a smile. They never let me be that angry when I go to bed. In their words "no one should go to bed angry because you'll never know if you'll survive the night, so make it a happy one."

Right now I was sitting in the great hall for lunch with the twins and trying to focus on my divination homework.

"Hungry?" I heard George say as he tried to hand me a cookie.

I looked up at him with a slight smile and shook my head.

"Yes you are." Fred said taking the cookie from George and setting it down on my book to make me look at the cookie.

When I get stressed eating seems to be harder because it's the only thing I can control at that moment.

I stared at the cookie with a blank face and then moved it off my book.

"What if I take a bite first?" Fred said.

I looked up at him. "Maybe if I was actually hungry then that would work but I'm not hungry."

Fred gave me a blank stare. He was able to tell straight through my lie and his face showed it.

"You haven't eaten in two days." George said next to him.

I rolled my eyes and averted my attention back to my homework.

"I'm going to tell your dad if you don't take a bite of that cookie." Fred said to me as he pushed the cookie back onto my book.

"No you won't. You always say that but you never do." I said as I read the question on my homework.

"Fine then I'll tell Malfoy." Fred said.

I looked up at him and glared. "He doesn't know that about me." I said tiredly.

"He hasn't realized?" George asked as he took a bite from his mashed potato's.

"We haven't hung out these past two days. We have both been swamped with homework." I said shrugging my shoulders.

They both slightly turned their heads to look at Draco who was sitting at the Slytherin table with his friends and indulging in his food. Draco felt the pair of eyes on him and looked up at the twins with a slight glare.

We might be dating but I don't think he will ever get over the hatred for the Weasleys but he tries to when it comes to the twins.

His eyes moved over to me and he slightly smiled. I smiled back and then turned my attention back to my homework.

"Oops I think he's coming over here." Fred said with a slight laugh.

"He would never come to the Gryffindor table." I said thinking they were joking.

"And why is that?" I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned my head around to see Draco standing behind me. My face had surprised written all over it.

He has come to the Gryffindor table once and that was when he asked me for help in Defense against the dark arts.

"Because you hate us Gryffindors." I said blankly.

Maybe it's the lack of food but my voice and face detected no emotion today.

"Yeah you guys are the worst but I don't hate you." He said. I could tell he was debating on sitting down at the table.

I hummed in response and patted the open seat next to me. He quickly thought to himself and then sat down next to me as he looked around making sure no one would see him sitting next to Gryffindors and two Weasleys.

Fred and George ignored him and turned their attention back onto me.

"Eat the cookie." Fred said. Apparently we were still on this topic.

I glared up at him and grabbed the cookie. I took the tiniest nibble out of it and looked back at him.

"There. Are you happy now?" I said with a bigger glare.

"Why won't you eat the cookie?" Draco said next to me.

"I'm not hungry." I said.

"She's being stubborn." The twins said at the same time as me.

I looked at both of them with a hard glare, wishing that they would just shut up.

Before Draco could ask any more questions Harry, Hermione and Ron walked over to us.

"Tonight?" Harry said to Hermione as he sat down.

I could feel Draco clenching next to me. His hatred for the three is unmatched.

"Yes Harry tonight." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"What's tonight?" Fred said brightly.

Harry was about to answer until he saw Draco sitting next to me.

"Uh nothing." Harry mumbled.

Draco started glaring at the three and I could feel him about to say something.

"Don't do it Draco." I said to him quietly.

He scoffed and got up quickly and left the great hall.

"What's with you two?" Ron asked slightly disgusted.

"They're dating!" Fred and George beamed.

The trio snapped their heads at me and gave me blank stares.

"Why gem? He can't be trusted." Harry said coldly.

"Yes he can." I said sticking up for him.

"He has bullied all of us for years. Even you! He calls Hermione a mud blood, he calls Ron and the twins blood traitors, he makes fun of you for everything, he hates me because his family is a bunch of death eaters and I'm the one they want to kill, he thinks he's all that when in reality he's a huge fucking git!" Harry yelled at me.

By now everyone was looking at us. Even the professors at the front were looking at us. Even my father was interested once he realized who Harry was yelling at.

"You're being a huge fucking Git right now Harry! You know I would never let someone who I didn't trust into my life! I would never let any one of you guys get hurt even if you thought the Malfoys would hurt you! But I'm not going to let you sit here and dictate what I do with my life!" I yelled towards Harry.

"How are we supposed to trust you now?" Harry said standing up.

"What did you just say? You know sure as hell you can trust me! I would never betray your trust specially when the twins are involved! I love all you and you know you can trust me but if you feel that way than here's a big fuck you Potter!" I yelled and with that I stalked out of the great hall to go find Draco. I've never called Harry by his last name and I hated myself for calling him that.

I knew he would be on the roof so that's the first place I went. Once I got up there I saw him sitting down on the edge so I sat down next to him.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes we just stared into the bright blue sky filled with winter clouds.

"How can you be friends with them?" Draco said breaking the silence.

"Because I care for them, the trio aren't my best friends. I don't tell them everything, and I barely hang out with them but they're still my close friends and I love them." I said quietly as I still started into the sky.

"No." Draco said standing up.

I looked behind me to see him fuming from ear to ear.

"What do you mean no Draco?" I said through gritted teeth as I stood up.

I knew exactly what he meant by no and if that's how it was going to be then I wouldn't be able to be with him.

"It's already bad enough that your best friends are blood traitors and now you're friends with those three! Another blood traitor, a mudblood, and Potter!" He yelled towards me.

I scoffed towards him. "Do not call them blood traitors and stop saying that retched word towards Hermione! I am going to be friends with who I want and if you don't like that then you can leave Malfoy!" I yelled at him. I didn't realize how close I was until I felt my hands push his shoulders.

"Gladly! Snape!" He spit out my last name like it was poison to his mouth.

"Good. Bye." I said trying to yell but instead the words got caught in my throat.

He started to walk away, until he turned around and he started staring at me. It was like he was studying me. He was studying my emotions. I wasn't sure if he was expecting me to be crying or if he was expecting me to run into his arms but neither of those options would happen.

"What?" I yelled as I threw up my hands in the air annoyed that he hasn't walked away yet.

A slight smirk grew on his lips as he started walking towards me.

"If you're about to say some stupid shit I will hex the fu-" I was interrupted by Draco slamming his lips into mine.

I was taken back at first and my mind said no but my body wouldn't let me pull away, so instead I allowed his tongue into my mouth and let him take control.

His hand made his way up to my throat and he started chocking me hard.

Fuck me for thinking it was hot. I'm supposed to be hating him right now.

After a few minutes he pulled away and the same smirk that was on his lips before returned with his hand still on my throat.

He pulled me in even closer and stared right into my eyes.

"You are something else Snape." He said to me as his smirk grew. "I'm not letting you get away that easily."

"I-I'm not going to be with someone who won't let me me be f-friends with who I w-want." I said while stuttering. I tried to convince myself it was because he was chocking me but I knew it was because his eyes were capturing me into another beautiful universe.

"Doesn't mean I have to like them." He said finally letting go of my throat and slightly backing away.

"I'm not going to let you call them blood traitors and mudbloods." I said annoyed.

He scoffed in response and ran his fingers threw his hair like he was debating if being with me was worth not being able to call them names.

"Fine." He huffed out.

"Fine." I said still angry with him.

I shifted awkwardly in my stance and so did Draco.

"Don't call me by my last name again." Draco said finally sitting down on the edge of the roof again.

"Then stop being a dick." I huffed out as I sat next to him.

"We will see about that." He said to me with a slight chuckle.

I rolled my eyes in response but I didn't say anything else.

"Where's your mom Gemini?" He asked all of a sudden.

I looked over at him to see he was already staring back at me.

"She's um dead." I said awkwardly as my eyes averted to my feet. "You knew this already."

"Oh." Is all Draco said. "How?"

"She died giving birth to me." I mumbled awkwardly.

I wasn't one to talk to other people about my mom. The twins knew she died and how she died but they didn't talk about it with me because I didn't like talking about it. It was a hard topic for me.

"Oh." Is all Draco said to me again.

"We should get to class." I said as I starting standing up.

"Still ignoring your father?" Draco asked as he stood up too.

I scoffed. "Yup."

He walked in front of me to stop me from walking and a dangerous smirk danced it's way onto his lips.

"Then let's piss him off and ditch." He said standing up tall.

I shook my head with a slight laugh. "I can't do that."

"Why not? It's the best way to really piss him off and you know it." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well It's J-" I stopped myself and really thought about it.

I love making my dad annoyed but I never try to piss him off that badly but the more I think about how much he has pissed me off the better ditching sounds.

"Fuck it. Let's do it." I said to Draco with a devilish smirk.

I had class with my father this morning but he is also covering our history of magic teacher today. I've never ditched a class that my father teaches and today is the first time I will ever do it.

"You better make this fun Draco." I said to him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He stepped really close to me and picked up my chin with his hand. It was already cold out but the rings on his fingers sent chills down my body.

"Don't worry Black bird. It will be exciting." He said staring into my eyes.

He grabbed my arm and lightly pulled me to the stairs of the roof so we can head back inside the castle.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked with a slight huff at the end.

Draco turned to look at me with a smirk. "Show me one of those pranks you have running through your brain."

"You want to try a prank?" I said trying to hold in my laugh.

"Yes I do and what about it?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's're Draco Malfoy and a stupid prefect. You could get in trouble." I said finally letting out my laughs.

He gave me a glare before speaking again. "Because I'm a prefect we won't get in trouble."

I gave him a devilish smirk. "Okay then, follow my lead."

I started walking towards Umbridges office already having an idea running through my brain. Fred and George always make sure I have a little firework in my robe pocket.

"Where are we going?" Draco asked beside me.

"You'll see." I said as I stalked past some students.

I heard him scoff beside me being impatient that I won't tell him what we're doing.

Once we got close to Umbridges office I abruptly stopped walking to tell Draco what I was planning.

"Okay so I have this little firework.." I pulled out the firework from my robe pocket it and showed it to Draco. "...we're going to slightly open Umbridges door and throw it in there."

"We can't prank Umbridge." Draco said with a slightly scared flint in his eyes.

I gave a sarcastic pout. "Aw is Draco scared?" I said in a sarcastic baby voice.

Something flashed in his eyes and he snatched the firework out of my hand. "Watch me."

He started walking towards her office and started to slightly crack open the door to give himself enough room to throw the firework in.

"Uh Draco you really shouldn't do-" before I could finish he was throwing the firework into her office and a loud bang went off.

He looked at me with a smirk and before I could process anything I ran up to him and grabbed his arm and started booking it.

"Which of you students did this!" I heard Umbridge yell down the hall.

Before she could see us I pulled Draco and I into a small broom closet. Our chest were touching each other and there was no space for me to slightly back away.

"You should've listened to me." I said looking up at him. The closet was so dark so he probably couldn't see my facial expressions but I was giving him a very hard glare.

"I didn't think there was more to the plan." Draco said and I could feel his chest slightly move up showing that he shrugged his shoulders.

I huffed at him. "One of us was going to distract her while the other one threw the firework in and then we wouldn't have had to run for our lives." I explained to him. "It's more fun to watch it go down than to run."

I felt him shrug his shoulders again.

"Fine don't listen but you can't do anymore pranks with me." I huffed out.

His hand grabbed my chin which caused me to slightly jump a little.

"I'm going to do whatever I want black bird. Plus you have to admit that was fun." He said seductively.

I laughed at what he said because he was right. That was fun. I do have way more fun with the twins when it comes to pranks but we barely ever run because we have it so planned out that we don't have to run, we are able to just sit back and enjoy the mess we made, but I think this prank was fun because of the adrenaline Draco caused.

"Fine Draco I will admit that I-" before I could finish my sentence the door to the broom closet swung open and there was my Father and Umbridge standing right there.

"Gemini Myth get out of here right now." My father said in a low cold voice.

He was pissed. It wasn't just his normal pissed off mood oh no, I set something off and I just might not survive to see the end of my fifth year.

I looked up at Draco and gulped.

"Wish me luck." I mumbled and then exited the broom closet.

"You're In very big trouble missy." Umbridge said towards me in a high pitched voice.

"You are not to touch her Dolores." My father snapped. "Let's go. Now Gemini."

Someone kill me before my father does.

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