Command Me

By Docked

277K 11.9K 1.1K

First book in the Command Me series. Cover by @Claire007Murphy More

New Management
A Little Problem
First Incident
Happy Employees
A New Routine
An Accident
Bad News x2
High Roller
New Rules, New Hire
No Means No
A New Friend
Midnight Ride
Pick One
A Plan
Let's See How This Goes

Marv's Rage

9K 416 86
By Docked

"Oh, my god!"

"Should we wake her up?"

"That looks like it hurts."

"It looks like a werewolf slashed her back."

"I wonder what happened..."

"Do you think someone else tried to break in?"

"How could someone even manage to hurt her?"

"There's no way anyone could do something like that to her. They'd be torn to shreds."

"Do you think Marv did it?"

My eyes snap open at this. I don't want the girls thinking of Marv as cruel, especially since she wasn't the one that hurt me. "Marv didn't do this," I groan sleepily. I lift myself up off the couch to sit, wincing when the flesh on my back stretches. I was sleeping on my stomach, not wanting to agitate my wounds. Patting an itch on my shoulder, I look up at the girls, who all look worried. "Do you girls remember some creepy guy in a pinstripe suit last night?" I ask them.

"I remember him," Miranda says, her brows scrunched up in worry. "He asked if he could whip me. I said no. Is that what happened to you?"

"Yeah. He payed five thousand dollars. A good deal, right?" I say, standing up slowly. I feel my shirt clinging to my wounds. It's going to hurt trying to seperate cloth and flesh.

"That's a lot of money," Cat says, "but I don't know if it was worth it. I mean, look at you." She huffs and flings her hand at me, indicating my back.

"Yeah well, whats done is done," I tell her. Slowly I stand and rub my lower back. My fingers sting me but I accept the pain. "I'm going to take a shower. Can one of you go up to Marv's office and get me an extra change of clothes, please?" I ask them sweetly.

Alice nods and squeezes my arm then runs out of the room, and the other girls laugh at her enthusiasm. I'm grateful to her and brush off the jokes the other girls sling. Rolling my shoulders, I grab a towel then head to the shower. Taking off my shirt is just as painful as I thought it would be. I look at it now that it's off and grimace at the huge blob of blood showing. No wonder the girls had looked so worried.

Turning on the shower, an immediate stream of hot water makes me smile and I step in, forgetting about my wounds. The heat intense, I let out a slight scream when the scalding water touches my back, and I clench my teeth, needing the water to wash away the crusted blood. The girls ask if i'm alright, and I manage to reply a firm 'yes'. I quickly clean myself and shave, not wanting to spend a second more than necessary in the shower. When I'm done I almost sigh in relief. Being clean is nice but I wonte be able to enjoy bathing for a while.

I wrap my wet body in a towel then brush my teeth before leaving the bathroom. Alice hasn't returned yet, so I have to stand awkwardly in the dressing room, with all the girls grinning at me. Reese has taken the bathroom so I can't go back in there to get away. I brush my dripping hair out of my face and shuffle my feet. It's embarrassing having so many eyes on me and I'm not sure what to do.

"Where is Alice with my clothes?" I chuckle nervously. My skin is getting cold, though the blush on my face is making my cheeks hot.

"I hope she doesn't get here soon," Ruby says, winking at me.

All the girls laugh, amused. They like playing with me. I wrap my towel tighter around me, wishing for Alice to hurry up. Finally after what seems like forever, Alice runs back in holding a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans.

"Sorry I took so long," she says, huffing. "Marv wanted to talk to me. Here are your clothes, Lost." She jogs up to me and hands be my clothes.

I clutch them to my chest, watching everyone. "Do you guys think you can turn around while I dress?" I ask hopefully.

No one moves, all of them wearing feral smiles. Shar giggles as I tie my towel around my chest then put on my jeans. I shimmy into them, trying not to flash the girls. I pull them fully up, then button them, keeping my eyes down. I know if I look up I'll see funny smiles and half hidden giggles. To put on my shirt, I turn around, so none of the girls can see my chest.

"Oh shit, Lost. Those cuts look nasty. They're not bleeding, but they're super red."

"I'm fine," I grunt while putting my shirt on. "I'll probably stay upstairs and watch over you guys though. I don't want to interact with the customers, they'll want me to do some tricks and it'll probably hurt." I turn back around and see sympathy on all of their faces. Their care for me is heartwarming.

"I'm sorry, Lost," Alice says, walking up to me. She places both of her hands on my chest then leans in and kisses my cheek. "I hope you get better soon." She kisses my cheek again and gives me a sad smile. Jer hands remain on my chest and a tingle starts just under my skin.

I whine, realizing I haven't had a release in a long while. I step back and shut my eyes, taking deep breaths. My body calms and I manage a smile. "Please don't do that," I say, overly polite.

Alice frowns. "What's wrong?"

"I just... can't," I mumble. "I'm not... I haven't..."

Alice reaches for me again but I dodge her. I give her an apologetic smile and run a hand through my hair. "Sorry," I tell her. "Even just a little bit wil make me..."

Shar lights up and waves her hand, getting everyone's attention. "You need to get laid! Am I right?"

When I nod, Alice gives me a look. Oh, no. I know exactly what she's thinking. "Oh, Lost," she pouts. She reaches for me once more. "You could have just said so."

I grab her wrist before she touches me. "Don't tempt me," I plead. "With the state i'm in, the sex will be very, very angry. Rough." I look her in the eye seriously. I need her to understand. She's the sweetest, most innocent one here, and I didn't want to hurt her.

"I can get into that!" Nicci shouts.

Everyone laughs. I manage a little chuckle, and I release Alice then step away from her. "I'm serious, girls. It's been a while and the wounds on my back will make me angry. That's not a good combo." I start walking around them, heading for the door.

"Well someone has to do it," Shar says. She pokes me as I pass by. "Besides, if you wait longer, it'll be worse, sug. For you and whoever you get into bed with."

"Yeah, I know," I sigh. "But right now I have to make sure everything is ready for opening," I say, briskly walking out of the dressing room. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I know I can't ignore it, that's just dangerous, but I have duties. My urges can wait.


The party is in full swing by midnight. Every private room is full and there's crowds surrounding the stages on the first floor. My eyes don't stop moving as I follow multiple people at once, and my ears twitch with all they're hearing. My senses are almost so overloaded it's making my head hurt. Will is having a hard time keeping up at the bar, even with Carlos helping. Scanning the first floor once more I sigh.

My mouth is dry, and even though I really don't want to, I decide to go down to the bar to get Will to give me a bottled water. I push through the throng of people around me, trying to get to the bar. When I finally reach my destination, I have to wait a while to get my drink. Will apologizes as I rest my arms on the top of the bar. He scurries off with a smile and I guzzle down the whole bottled water in seconds. Satisfied and wanting to get away from the crowd, I began to head away from the bar, aiming for the stairs. I only get two steps away from the bar before someone grabs my arm and spins me around. I'm too tired to growl so I go with a sigh instead.

A woman maybe in her twenties with long, straight, red hair is smiling at me. "Are you the one I've been hearin so much about?" she asks, eyeing my collar. "Marv's Pet?"

"Yeah, I am," I say, staring at her hair. It's such a beautiful color and I want to touch it.

"I heard your eyes glow," she says. "They look normal. Was that just a rumor?" She seems upset at me.

I cock my head. I can't have her upset, Marv wouldn't like me making the customers upset. So, I smile suggestively. "Oh, they do, I just need the right incentive," I purr.


"Get her horny!" someone yells from the crowd around me. I assume it's one of the girls, being as they're the only ones who know that. Of course now that its been shouted, everyone's going to know. Great. Just what I needed.

The crowd urges the woman on, cheering. She seems a little nervous but steps closer to me anyway. Unsure, she touches my chest, then takes her hand back. I don't do anything, only smile, so she tries again. Her mind is telling her to continue purely out of curiosity.

She laces her arms around my waist, pushing her body against mine playfully. Her hands brush against the wounds on my back, making me hiss, but she doesn't notice. The crowd is enjoying our little display, whistling and cheering. The woman laughs and hugs me, further agitating the slashes on my back, her head against my chest, but the crowd wants more. They want a kiss.

The woman laughs and pushes away from me, shaking her head. People nudge her on and try to convince her to kiss me. Eventually, she agrees when one of her friends dares her to. She giggles and stands before me with a nervous smile on her face. She doesn't want to kiss a stranger but she came out for a good time and wants to go all out. Still giggling, she leans towards me with her hands on my chest. Her fingers curl to grip my shirt as she gets closer, and that's all I need. Just this little bit is enough.

"They do glow," the woman whispers in surprise, just shy of touching my lips. "That's amazing!" She jerks back to get a better look and stares into my eyes intently, mesmerized by them.

Mesmerized myself, I step closer to her and make her take a step back, trapping her between me and the bar. The whole world falls out of focus except for this woman. I lick my lips slowly, running my eyes over her red, red hair. My body is thrumming with need. I reach out and touch her beautiful locks, letting the silk slip between my fingers. Her body tenses up. She's not quite sure how to react to my touch.

My mind clouding, I let my hand wander lower and lower, over her breasts and stomach, until i'm at the waistband of her jeans. I feel her hand grab my own, trying to pull it away, but i'm too strong for her. She shouts at me to stop and shoves my shoulders roughly. I can barely feel her. Before I can do anything further I feel several pairs of hands on my arms and shoulders. I'm pulled away from the woman just enough that I let go on my own and allow myself to be taken. I turn around and growl at the offenders, then stop when I realize its a few of the girls. They're all looking at me like I've just committed a crime. My cheeks heat, because that's exactly what I've done.

"What the hell?" Nicci whispers fiercely at me. She grips my arm and drags me to the dressing room, which I let her do, and the other girls follow. Her grip doesn't cease until all of us are fully in the dressing room and the door is closed tightly.

"What the fuck, Lost? You cant harass the customers like that! Marv is going to be pissed when she hears about this!"

At the mention of Marv's name, my face falls. I don't want to displease Marv. I've done so much wrong that im surprised she still keeps me around. First Cherry, then I almost go into a blood rage, and now this. I whimper and trudge over to the couch to slump down on it, looking sadly at the girls. Nicci, Shar, Jen, and Sarah are surrounding me.

"Why did you continue to touch that woman when she was trying to push you off?" Sarah asks incredulously.

"I told you earlier," I say, speaking softly. My eyes avert to the floor. "It's not good for me right now. I haven't had release in a while and her hands kept brushing against my wounds. I couldn't stop myself."

"You should have come to one of us, sug," Shar says. "We would have helped you." She sits down next to me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't coddle her!" Sarah snaps. "She practically raped a woman in front of a crowd of people!" Her face is beat red amd her eyes are wild. She's furious with me.

"I know that, sug. At least we were there to stop her."

"And if we weren't?"

"I... I dont know," Shar sighs. She takes her hand off my shoulder and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry," I say, truly meaning it. "I know telling you it's who I am is no excuse. It's not right, what I did. I should have stopped. You shouldn't even forgive me... I'm so sorry." I look up at Sarah, trying to convey my sincerity.

She seems a little less angry with me now that I've apologized, but I can see that she hasn't forgiven me. She's about to say something else but is stopped by the door flinging open. Marv fills the doorway, fury leaking off her.

"Why did Carlos come up to my office to tell me that you fucking harassed someone?" she snarls. She is really and truly pissed. The click of her heels is loud in my ears as she approaches with ill intent.

"I'm sorry, Mistress!" I babble, terrified. I scramble odf the couch, practically falling, and get in my knees. "I couldn't control myself."

Marv's footsteps stop directly in front of me. I keep my gaze downward, staring at her feet. "You actually fucking did it?" she hisses. "What the fuck? I was hoping Carlos was messing with me!"

I whimper under her wrath and begin to sob softly. "Mistress, i'm so sorry," I manage to get out. "I promise to control myself from now on. Please... Please..." Tears are streaming down my face and i'm shaking.

Marv is silent. I wipe my nose with my arm and attempt to calm my breathing. I swallow hard. After a moment, I feel her hand grab my hair and pull my head back. She's leaning down, her long hair caressing my cheeks, and staring right into my eyes.

"You piece of shit," she spits into my face. "I can't fucking believe you. Why the fuck didn't you come to me if you needed release?" Her hand tightens on my hair, her nails digging into my scalp.

I only stare at her with wide, fearful eyes, choking back a sob. My voice won't work im so scared.

"Answer me!" she yells. She slaps me, still holding my hair so I don't fall.

Cheek stinging, I cry softly and sniff, trying to pull myself together. "I thought I could wait, Mistress," I manage to reply, my voice wobbling.

Marv throws me to the floor, cursing at me. I keep myself on the ground and accept her words. Hearing her call me such terrible names makes me cry harder but I feel like I deserve it. I've been horrific, and deserve worse, even.

When Marv calms down, she sighs, then glares down at me. "You're lucky that woman won't do anything to us," she says angrily. "All she wanted was a few free drinks and a night with Cat." She is chewing the inside of her cheek, wondering what to do with me. Frightening scenarios fill my mind and I hold back a whine. Instead of doing anything more to me, she looks to the girls in the room. "Why are you all in here with her? What did you have to do with this?" She is trying to keep calm, not wanting to scare the girls too much.

They look at each other, none of them wanting to be the first to answer. They feel sorry for me and are disgusted with how Marv is treating me. My tears and sobs and whimpers have changed their minds into forgiving me. Even Sarah. The girls want to save me, help me up. But they just don't understand.

When Marv clears her throat, the girls jump. "We pulled her off of that woman before the situation got bad," Sarah pipes up. She glances at me with sympathy.

"Good. Thank you," Marv says to each woman in turn. Then she looks down at me. "Did you thank them already, pet?"

"No, Mistress," I mumble from the floor. I still don't dare get up. I haven't even moved since she pushed me down.

"Well fucking do it!" Marv growls at me, looking like she might kick me. "If it weren't for them, you'd be up in my room getting the shit beat out of you!" Her hands curl into fists, then relax. An odd expression crosses her face. "I want you to crawl to each one of these women and kiss their fucking feet. They saved you from a whole lot of pain, pet."

Without hesitating I get on my hands and knees, then crawl to Shar first. She opens her mouth to speak and I look up at her with wide eyes, hoping she won't try to stop me or fight Marv. At my pleading expression, she shuts her mouth and looks away. She doesn't want to watch me degrade myself. I lean down and kiss both of her feet.

"Thank you, Shar," I whisper. Then I crawl over to Jen, and kiss both her feet. "Thank you, Jen." I do the same to Nicci and Sarah, then crawl back to Marv.

"Good, pet," she sneers, then pats my head. It's too hard. "I still want you to watch the place for the rest of the night. If one thing goes wrong, one fucking thing, I will not be pleased."

My head snaps up at her words and new tears threaten to spill. The grin on her face is one of pure evil. She knows how much I aim to please her, she knows how much it would break me if she wasn't pleased. I'm already a wreck and she hasn't actually said the words that could kill me. I don't plan and forcing her to use them on me.

"Yes, Mistress," I say firmly, determined to please her. My face hardens with my new resolve.

"And you better find some type of release soon. I will not have this happen again." Marv turns on her heel and walks out of the dressing room.

The girls watch me for a moment, still wanting to help me. Shar reaches out to help me up but I deny it. I have to do this on my own. I have to be strong for Marv.

Realizing that they can't do anything for me, the girls walk out themselves, leaving me alone. I pick myself up and wipe my face. I need to look presentable on my watch.

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