Miraculous | Book 3(Old Versi...

By ChanelPradaGirl

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Merci (Thank You)
Caméléonne (Chameleon: Part 1)
Caméléonne (Chameleon: Part 2)
Nouveau Programme (New Schedule)
Animaestro: Part 1
Animaestro: Part 2
Prêtresse (Priestess)
Réserver Semaines (Book Weeks)
Bakerix: Part 1
Bakerix: Part 2
Test de grossesse (Pregnancy Test)
Face Claim
Joueur 2.0 (Gamer 2.0: Part 1)
Joueur 2.0 (Gamer 2.0: Part 2)
Camp Amour et Drame (Camp Love & Drama)
Silencieux (Silencer)
Perdu au Japon ... avec Lila (Lost In Japan...With Lila)
Onii-Chan (Oni-chan: Part 1)
Onii-Chan (Oni-Chan: Part 2)
Onii-Chan (Oni-Chan: Part 3)
Effrayer (Scare)
Oblivio: Part 1
Oblivio: Part 2
Mme Sánchez (Ms. Sánchez)
Crasher Partie (Party Crasher)
Marionnettiste 2 (Puppeteer 2: Part 1)
Marionnettiste 2 (Puppeteer 2: Part 2)
S'il te plaît (Please)
Temps Orageux 2 (Stormy Weather 2)
Le navire a navigué! (The Ship Has Sailed!)
Le Banquet (Feast)
Reflekdoll (Part 1)
Reflekdoll (Part 2)
Ikari Gozen
Rivales (Rivals)
Desparada (Part 1)
Desperada (Part 2)
Un voeu (One Wish)
Timetagger: Part 1
Timetagger: Part 2
Lilas Roi (King Lilac: Part 1)
Lilas Roi (King Lilac: Part 2)
Chat Blanc (Cat Blanc: Part 1)
Chat Blanc (Cat Blanc: Part 2)
Plaisir et désir (Fun & Desire)
Félix: Part 1
Félix: Part 2
Coccinelle (Ladybug: Part 1)
Coccinelle (Ladybug: Part 2)
Les jumeaux (The Twins. Short)
Chasseur de cœur (Heart Hunter; Battle Of The Miraculous: Part 1)
Reine Miracle (Miracle Queen; Battle Of The Miraculous: Part 2)
C'est fini... (It's Over...)
Ailette (Fin)

Arrière (Backwarder)

2.7K 66 96
By ChanelPradaGirl

Scene: Marinette's Room.

"Girls! We have a very serious situation!" Marinette announced.

The girls are cuddled up on the couch, all of them except Rose look extremely tired.

"Adrien and his father have been invited to the Royal Wedding in England this weekend."

Alya was annoyed and exhausted. "That's the "emergency" you called us over here for on a Saturday morning?" She frowned.

"You don't get it! Kagami and her mother are going too! And so is Kalianna and her parents!" Marinette paces around the room doing dramatic hand gestures. "Which means that Adrien, Kagami, and Kalianna will be spending an entire weekend together!"

"And...?" Alix questioned, tired and frustrated.

Marinette begins to ramble. "What if Adrien is blown away by Kalianna or Kagami's awesome dress and hairstyle? And if Adrien and Kagami or Kalianna dance together at the reception? And what if Adrien tours the city with Kalianna or Kagami on a romantic horse and buggy ride? It would be the end of the world! They're taking the Startrain to London at 11 AM; that's in less than two hours! We've gotta do something, fast!"

The girls seem to be dozing off; only Rose seems enthusiastic and wide awake.

"We could... organize a demonstration and make the trains go on strike," Mylène suggested tiredly.

"Nah, they'd just take a helicopter or Kalianna's private jet." Alya shot the idea down.

Rose enthusiastically raises her hand. "I know! We'll dress you up as British megastar Adeline so you can slip into Buckingham Palace. You'll lure Adrien away from Kagami and Kalianna at the reception and waltz with him in the grand ballroom and-"

Alix was quick to interrupt. "Then when Adrien finds out you're not who he thought you were, he'll be totally disappointed because he hates lying; he'll fall head-over-heels in love with Kagami or Kalianna, given that they never lie, and you'll get locked away in the Tower of London."

Marinette squeals in terror.

"Why don't you just kidnap Kagami and Kalianna? That's cool." Juleka mumbled.

The other girls look at Juleka in terror and gasp as they sit up straight.

"That would be bad!" Alix exclaimed.

"No way we could do that, Juleka!" Alya piped up.

Mylène shakes her head in disapproval. "Mm-mm!"

"We couldn't!" Rose concluded.

"Listen, Marinette, the best thing to do is just spill your guts to Adrien once and for all before he takes off for London!" Alya advised, frustrated.

"Couldn't we try Juleka's idea instead?"

The girls shake their heads and make a disapproving noise.

"But I just can't do that!" Marinette dramatically flops her head down. "I can't talk to him without," She raises her head making melodramatic hand gestures. "Stumbling all over my words. I've been trying for 2 years and-" She gasps as she sees Wayzz peeking through her bedroom window. "... And you're right!" She nervously giggles and starts dragging the girls out of her room as they gasp in surprise. "It's about time things change. I'll find the courage somehow; thanks, girls!"

Alya turns to face Marinette in surprise. "You sure you'll be okay?"

The bluenette nervously scratches the back of her head. "Yeah, sure! I'll let you know what happens..." She shuts the trapdoor, shooing Alya out. "Bye girls!"

Huge Timeskip.

At the Gare du Nord train station, Ladybug comes swinging on her yo-yo.

The bug hero hides behind the building. "Spots off!" She transforms back into Marinette.

"Trains number 8625 and 8025 in the direction of Paris, Montparnasse are arriving on platform 12." The announcer said.

Darius escorts Victoria onto the train while Gabriel did the same thing to Mrs. Tsurugi. Adrien escorts Kalianna onto the train as well.

"Thank you, Mon Roi." The noirette smiled at him.

"Welcome, ma déesse." Adrien smiled back at her as he escorted an envious Kagami onto the train. The blonde-haired boy is about to enter when he hears someone calling his name.

"Adrien!" Marinette runs towards him desperately while panting.


"Er..." Marinette takes her letter out of her purse. "Here! Read this in the drain-er-on the train! I've never told you kiss-this, but what I want more than anything else in the world is written on this piece of paper and..." She blushes looking straight at Adrien. "Only you can give it to me."

Adrien gasps.

Marinette rushes away. "Sorry-" She bumps into someone. "Ugh! Medical emergency!"

Adrien looks down at the letter while Kagami stares sternly after Marinette.

Marinette hides behind the building once again. "I did it! I gave him the letter; I actually did it, after all this time! Why did I wait so long? It was so easy!"

"I'm so proud of you, Marinette! You were right to take the plunge." Tikki said.

"All right! Time for the next one... Tikki, spots on!" The bluebell-eyed girl transforms into Ladybug and swings away on her yo-yo.

Scene: In The Startrain.

Gabriel shifts uncomfortably as he adjusts his tie and moves away from someone walking down the aisle. Behind him, Victoria and Darius were practically cuddling.

"I'm feeling a sense of uneasiness in you, Gabriel-san!" Mrs. Tsurugi mentioned.

"I think I just don't like being away from home, that's all."

"He who hopes, gives himself the opportunity to obtain what he desires. But he who fears, always ends up with the very thing he dreads."

"I shall remember that, Tsurugi-san."

Meanwhile, Adrien is reading Marinette's letter in surprise and Kalianna is next to him, looking out the window. Kagami was behind the two, burning holes into Kal's seat.


Gabriel's Miraculous shines. "Ah!" He swiftly stands up.

"Father?" Adrien watched as Gabriel walked towards the back.

"Gabriel, you okay?" Darius asked.

"We are about to depart; stand clear-"

Gabriel walks up to the conductor. "You!" He presses the mute speaker. "This train will not depart until I say it can!"

"Who do you think you are?!" The male train conductor retorted in revulsion.

"I am Gabriel Agreste! And I'm not feeling well, and until I'm feeling better nobody goes anywhere; is that clear?"

The conductor nods. "Mm-hm... Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Agreste."

Gabriel goes into the washroom and locks the door.

"Hmm. I wonder what that was about." Kalianna fiddled with her promise ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a sick passenger on board; our departure will therefore be slightly delayed until further notice." The train conductor informed.


As Kalianna slept on Adrien's shoulder, the boy was listening to music on his earphones. Suddenly, his phone beeps, and so does Kali's, but she doesn't hear.

"Huh?" Adrien presses the alert button.

"This just in! There's a new supervillain at large!" Nadja informed.

Adrien gasps then turns to Kagami. "I-I better go check on my father." He gently lifted his girlfriend's head from his shoulder and rested her head on the armrest, causing her to stir. He sighed a little.

'I should wake her up so she can come fight. But she looks so cute!' The green-eyed boy decided to leave the noirette alone. 'I'll be back before you wake up baby.' He walks up to the washrooms and presses on the locked door.

"Occupied!" Hawk Moth yelled from inside.

"Oh oops, sorry!" Adrien goes to the other washroom and locks the door

Plagg appears. "Gotta go, huh?"

"Plagg, claws out!"


"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug throws the pipe into the air.

The Miraculous cure fixes all the damage done, and Ms. Lenoir turns back to normal.

"Pound it!" Ladybug fist-bumped Cat Noir.

"Well at least I think so, 'cause to be honest, I still don't understand what all that was about." The black cat said.

Ladybug helps Ms. Lenoir up. "That's because we girls are mysterious that way." She looks at Ms. Lenoir, the back at Cat Noir. "Say, where's Leo?"

"Eh. She told me she went on a private mission. She won't be back for a long while so don't bother calling her." Cat Noir lied. His ring beeps just then. "Oh, oops! Sorry, I'd better scat! Superfast."

"Why the rush?" Ladybug inquired.

"It's a secret; you see, we cats are mysterious too." Cat Noir runs away, and Ladybug gently seats Ms. Lenoir on a bench.

"What happened to me?" The woman asked.

Ladybug opens her yo-yo and gets the right letter. "I gave you the wrong letter earlier, I hope you'll forgive me. I can't do anything to change the past, but, I hope this letter will change your future." She swings away on her yo-yo, and Ms. Lenoir smiles while looking at the letter.

Scene: Startrain.

"Don't believe for one second that you've won, Ladybug! I've acquired more information that will enable me to track the Guardian down. And even though no one in Paris goes by the name of Master Fu, I will find where he's hiding. Soon I'll be able to have him decipher the spellbook for me and maybe, who knows, even get my hands on every Miraculous known on Earth!" Hawk Moth proclaimed.

Meanwhile, the conductor speaks to a passenger who needs to use the washroom. "I know it's taking a long time-"

Hawk Moth laughs maniacally, alarming the conductor and the passenger; Gabriel and Adrien detransform and exit the washrooms simultaneously, both gasping when they see each other.

"You seem to be feeling a lot better, father."

"Oh yes, I am." Gabriel takes his son back to his seat.

The train conductor glances at Gabriel awkwardly as he passes while speaking to the passengers; the passenger goes to the washroom. "Ladies and gentlemen, our incident has been resolved. This train for London is about to depart, stand clear of the doors, we apologize for any inconvenience."

Kalianna wakes up just then, yawning cutely while stretching. Adrien had to contain himself from saying, 'Awww!'

"What did I miss?" The amber-eyed girl questioned.

"Nothing much, Princess." Adrien smiled.

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont.

The girls are gathered around Marinette.

"So? How did it go?" Rose queried.

"Did you tell him?" Mylène probed.

"Yeah..." Marinette awkwardly rubs her arm. "I mean- kind of. Basically, I gave him a letter..."

The girls start cheering.

"Tell us exactly what you wrote in the letter!" Rose urged.

"Oh, not much; it's not really important, is it?"

"What? How can you say that, girl?" Alya quizzed. She and Marinette look shocked as Adrien and Kalianna approach.

"Uh, hey Marinette!"

Alya pushes the bluenette in front of Adrien.

Marinette squeals nervously."Hey..."

"I was very surprised when I read your letter, but since it seemed to be so important, Kali and I spent the whole weekend walking around London looking for it..." Adrien holds out a medical bag as the girls' shriek in astonishment. "For you."

Alya helps Marinette get the pharmacist's medical bag.

The bluebell-eyed girl was embarrassed. "Thank you..."

"Glad we could help!" Kalianna waved at her before she and Adrien entered the school.

"Disaster!" Marinette collapses.

"Disaster? He had you on his mind all weekend; he even brought back a gift for you!" Alya exclaimed.

"You mean he had his mind on Kalianna," Marinette mumbled.

"What's the gift?" Rose asked.

"Come on! Show us!" Alya encouraged.

"Open it!" Mylène pressured.

"Open it!" Alix pressured as well.

"No, we're good." Marinette shifts the bag out of the girls' reach as they try to take it. "Trust me, you really don't need to open it."

Alix knocks the medical bag into Alya's hands and she opens it.

"Constipation capsules?" Alya was confused.

Marinette lets out a mortified gasp. "Ah, uh I..." She bends her head low.

"What a beautiful display of pure love!" Rose declared sweetly.

The other girls start laughing.

Little did they know that Kalianna was listening.

'Beautiful display of pure love? What?' That got the noirette to thinking, but her train of thoughts were interrupted when Adrien grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

"It's not good to eavesdrop Ma Reine."


Throughout class, Kalianna was deep in her thoughts. Then after school, she bid goodbye to her boyfriend and decided to take a walk around Paris.

'Beautiful display of pure love? What did Rose mean? And what did Alya mean by Adrien had Marinette on his mind all week when we were in England? Wait...does..does Adrien like-' The flawless skinned girl's thoughts were cut off when she bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry-" She gasped when she saw Fu and Mrs. Lenoir in front of her, holding hands. "Who's this Fu? Your sweetheart?"

Fu blushed, then cleared his throat and looked at Mrs. Lenoir. "This is Kalianna De-Sinclair, a kind girl that I met."

"Nice to meet you young lady." Mrs. Lenoir shook hands with Anna.

"Nice to meet you too. You are...?"

"I'm Marianne Lenoir."

"Ah, beautiful name. And so are you! I can see why Mr. Fu chose you."

Mrs. Lenoir and Fu blushed.

Kalianna laughed. "Anyway, I better get going. See ya!" She walked away, then got to thinking again.

'Does Adrien really like Marinette? No way! He couldn't! Plus he's with me. But, the question is..does Mar like him? Nah! She couldn't..right?' But as the amber-eyed girl thought back, it began to make more sense.

The mixing up of the sentences, the babbling, the blushing, the multiple pictures of Adrien on the wall, the stuttering...

Kalianna stopped in her tracks with wide eyes.

'Marinette isn't just a fan. She..she's in love with Adrien! How could I have been so oblivious?! And Kagami likes him too! Why did I choose to ignore their behavior towards him? Oh Mar...'

The noirette sighed and began walking home.

'I'm so sorry Marinette, but I'm not gonna give Adrien up just because you're in love with him. And as for you Kagami, I can tell you don't like me because I'm so close to Adrien, but that doesn't matter. I know that you're lonely, that's why I'm gonna try my best to be friends with you. And I'm just gonna have to pretend that I don't know you and Marinette are pinning after my boyfriend.'

Kalianna frowned just then. 'Lila and Chloé though, you two can suck it. Especially you, Lie-la.'

Word Count: 2,370

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