Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred...

By littlemecity

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Gwendolyn Thatcher is a young wizard starting her fourth year at Hogwarts. She will have to face many challen... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Kings Cross Station
Chapter Two: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter Three: The First Week of Classes
Chapter Four: The Transfiguration Tutor
Chapter Five: Beetle Buttons
Chapter Six: Progress Check
Chapter Seven: Gwen's Plan
Chapter Eight: Champions
Chapter Nine: November 1st
Chapter Ten: Potter Stinks
Chapter Eleven: Dance Practice
Chapter Twelve: The Yule Ball
Chapter Thirteen: A Waltz in A Minor
Chapter Fourteen: Circus Act
Chapter Fifteen: Snape's Detention
Chapter Sixteen: Plain Parchment
Chapter Seventeen: Luck
Chapter Eighteen: A Balancing Act
Chapter Nineteen: Closure
Chapter Twenty: April Fools
Chapter Twenty-One: Hogwarts March
Chapter Twenty-Two: The End of Fourth Year
Chapter Twenty-Three: Pile of Presents
Chapter Twenty-Four: Summer
Chapter Twenty-Five: Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
Chapter Twenty-Six: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Prophet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Black Lake
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Added Stress
Chapter Thirty-One: One Little Word
Chapter Thirty-Two: All Before Lunch
Chapter Thirty-Three: Respect and Responsibility
Chapter Thirty-Four: The First Date

Chapter Thirty: The Lion's Den

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By littlemecity

As the first week of classes came to a close, Gwen found herself neck-deep in homework. She had miraculously managed to complete most of her assignments and had moved onto her essay for Potions.

Moonstones are known for their rich shine and milky color. These stones are frequently referred to as wishing stones and consequently are often used in potions that make the drinker feel happy, in love, or at peace. It is a commonly known ingredient in the Draught of Peace.

Gwen had hit the end of the parchment Hannah had given her. She dug through her bag looking for any spare piece to write on until she could transfer it onto proper paper. She looked around the common room for any extra parchment but to no avail.

"Hey, Ernie," Gwen sat in the seat across from him at a table along the side of the room.

"What's up?" Ernie asked.

"Do you have some parchment I could use?"

"Sure. How much do you need?"

"At least enough for Snape's essay, actually, enough for the essay and to write back to my family so I don't have to keep asking people for parchment."

Ernie took out a roll of parchment. "There should be about 20 inches left in this roll, so I hope it's enough."

"Ernie, you're the best! I seriously don't know what I would do without you."

"You would run out of parchment," Ernie teased.

"You know what I mean," Gwen rolled her eyes, and Ernie smiled brightly. "Hey, um, there's a party tonight in the Gryffindor common room, and I'm not sure what your Prefect duties allow, but do you want to go?"

"Being a Prefect doesn't mean I'm not allowed to have fun."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure before I invite you and accidentally get you in trouble."

"Trust me, Gwen, I don't think any of the Prefects take themselves that seriously," Ernie stopped himself, "Actually, Hermione probably does, but if you don't think that Pansy and Draco are probably off breaking every rule," he scoffed.

"Yeah," Gwen gave a half-laugh. She knew Draco was out using his powers all to his advantage and it made her skin itch. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to try and finish this essay."

"Good luck!" Ernie shouted after her as she entered her dorm room.

Gwen sat at her desk and cut the parchment so she had 13 inches to use for Snape's essay and used the remainder to write her parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you both? I know you probably want to ask me the same, and I'm doing pretty good besides the amount of work. I'm pretty sure I have an essay due in every single class. I should have listened when you told me fifth year would be loads of work. I've run out of parchment because of it. I guess I didn't remember to buy some in Diagon Alley, or maybe Grandma tucked it in my trunk somewhere, but I can't find any, so as my kind wonderful loving parents would you please send me some? Thanks in advance.

Besides the work, I can already tell this school year will be better than the last. Atlas is fitting into Gryffindor House better than I've seen in anyone else. I can't believe I thought she would ever be in Hufflepuff with me. Hannah and Ernie are doing a great job as Prefects. I think Frog Choir practices are starting up again in the next two weeks after Flitwick holds auditions, so I'll be even busier than I am now, but I'm excited.

Sending with Love,


P.S. Please send the latest editions of Seventeen and Smash Hits

Gwen read over the letter twice before rolling it up tight and tying it closed with a blue ribbon.

Finish Snape's essay now or send my letter? Gwen thought, and as much as she wanted to procrastinate she knew she should at least copy down the part that she had already written.

As she copied down her work, Susan entered the room.

"Hi, Gwen," she said as she sat down at the desk of her own. "Are you excited about the party tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm excited. I need some stress relief after this week," Gwen told her, but she knew the real reason she wanted to attend the party was to see Fred.

"Me too! This is the first moment of free time I've had in days so I decided to use my time to write to James."

"So is James more than a summer fling?"

"For now we are pen pals," Susan blushed.

"What about for later?"

"I don't know," Susan said sheepishly. "Right now I'm just glad we are talking. You know he's thinking about becoming a curse-breaker or an investigator, but after Cedric, he's taking some time off of school and traveling Europe."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"Yeah, I think he mentioned visiting Duncan in Ireland a few weeks ago."

"He did? I didn't even know that," Gwen frowned. "I need to write Duncan I guess."

"If you write him now I can take the letter for you. I'm going up the owlery after."

"I'll write to him later, but if you're going would you take up this letter for my parents?"

"Of course," Susan grabbed the scroll tied with the blue ribbon from her desk. "Ugh, Professor Snape's essay is making me wish I had a Draught of Peace."

"At least I'm almost done with it. I should be done within the hour I think," Gwen said brightly.

"Perfect, because when I get back from the owlery we'll have to start getting ready," Susan sat back down and continued scribbling with her quill. "Lily and Hannah are coming too, right?"

"Yeah, I invited them, Ernie and Justin, Matteo, Olivia, Thea, Beth, Chris, Wayne, and–um–Andrew," Gwen counted the people on her fingers. "Oh and Cho and Luna. That's everyone I think, but I bet some other people found out through word of mouth."

"Well, the party definitely won't be lacking guests," Susan chuckled.

"I think I would have failed my end of the bargain if I didn't inform what feels like half the student body."

"Trying to impress Fred?" Susan raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah, yeah, just go back to writing James," Gwen brushed her off.

A few minutes passed before Susan stood, both letters in hand. "Off to the owlery I go."

"Give Tillie an extra scratch from me!" Gwen called after her as she left the room.

As the next hour past Gwen continued to scratch away about Moonstones until all 12 inches of parchment were filled. In that time, all three of her roommates had returned and started to get ready for the party.

Gwen had only attended one other Gryffindor party in her days at Hogwarts, and after that, she had vowed not to go back. However, that was before she started to fall for the guy synonymous with throwing some of the wildest parties the school had ever seen.

Her first experience at a Gryffindor party had been in her third year when Gryffindor had beaten Slytherin and won the Quidditch cup. She didn't remember much from that night, but she was left covered in unknown substances and with a searing headache she never wished to experience again the morning after.

Susan and Lily were both dressed and were now huddled around one mirror doing their makeup, while Hannah and Gwen were still deliberating on outfits.

"What about this?" Hannah held up a pair of jeans and a striped oversized chunky knit sweater. "I want to look comfortable and chill, you know, I just don't want people to think I'm a square because I'm a Prefect."

"I don't think anyone thinks you're a square," Gwen said as she dug through her trunk. "But if you wore something a little skimpier?"

"I will not have a fun time if the whole night I am tugging at my clothes. I think I am gonna wear this."

"Well, you know I think you look good in anything, so if you're happy, I'm happy."

"Good. Now that that's settled let's find you something skimpy," Hannah giggled.

"I won't be wearing something skimpy either," Gwen protested.

"If not short, at least something hot. We gotta make sure Fred sweeps you up."

"He's not going to sweep me up." Gwen sat up on her bed as Hannah continued looking through her trunk and wardrobe throwing possible options onto the bed.

"Gwen, stop," Hannah gave her a stern look. "I can tell he fancies you, and you can't tell me that you don't even have a tiny hunch that it's true."

"Maybe I have a tiny hunch, but I don't want to ruin things. If he doesn't like me back everything will be completely awful."

"And if he does like you, it will only get one hundred times better," Hannah assured her.

"I know you're right, but I'm scared," Gwen sighed. "I like him a lot, too much to risk losing him."

"That's precisely why you have to tell him! Imagine how much worse things would be if someone else took him from right under your nose."

Gwen thought of how much it had hurt to see Pansy all over Draco, and she knew it would only be worse having to witness it with Fred.

"Well, how am I supposed to tell him? I can't just walk up to him in the middle of the party and shout at him."

"Just wait until there's a moment where he pulls you away," Hannah held out two outfit options for Gwen. "Pick."

In the right hand, Hannah was holding a black tank top and a plaid tennis skirt, in the left, she was holding a white shirt with a black slip dress.

"Left," Gwen pointed. "And if he doesn't pull me away?"

"You pull him away," Hannah gave a quizzical expression. "You know you aren't helpless, and it's not the 1950s you can make the first move."

"Ugh, you're right, you're always right," Gwen groaned. "B-but what do I say if I do get him alone?"

"When you get him alone just say 'I like you and I want to be more than friends if you want to.' Plain and simple."

"Yeah, plain and simple," Gwen replied sarcastically as she began getting dressed.

She had decided, with the push from Hannah, tonight would be the night she finally told Fred. The mere thought made her feel like a bowling ball had dropped into her stomach. She was already nervous and she hadn't even left for the party yet.

As Gwen penciled in the eyeliner on her waterline she could feel her hands shake. If her chest usually felt fluttery around Fred, these were heart palpitations.

"You girls ready to go?" Lily said from the door frame.

"I am," Hannah smiled.

"Me too," replied Susan.

"Gwen?" Lily continued.

"Absolutely," Gwen said, trying to push her nervousness away.

The usual ten-minute walk to the Gryffindor common room felt like an hour. Gwen's head pounded with thoughts and all the possible negative outcomes that could result from her confessing how she felt to Fred. The longer she walked the worse they got. Even with the excited energy of her Hufflepuff housemates around her, she was starting to feel drained.

"Hey, Gwen," a tall, older Hufflepuff named Beth tapped her on the shoulder. "Thanks for the hookup."

"Of course," Gwen said.

"It's really hard to get into these Gryffindor parties when they aren't after a big event or something," Andrew, the boy with his arm around Beth, explained.

"Unless you know someone, so I guess we're lucky to know you, Gwen," Beth beamed.

"Welcome to The Lion's Den!" Lee Jordan shouted to the group of Hufflepuff students. He was standing on a chair in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, counting the number of heads and scanning the crowd. "Hey, you!" He jumped off the chair and landed in front of Zacharias Smith.

"What?" Zach crossed his arms in front of himself.

"You know you aren't allowed back," Lee poked a finger into his chest. "Not after you pissed in the punch bowl."

"I-I–" Zach turned bright red.

"Are you trying to deny that you urinated into our bowl of Jungle Juice?"

"I-I, no, I–"

"Yeah, yeah, just go back to your common room before you start a scene," Lee turned him around and sent him on his way.

"But, I-I really didn't d–" Zach said halfway down the stairs.

"Likely story! Keep it moving Smith before I get the big guns!" Lee started after him until Zach disappeared down the staircase. He returned to his chair and looked at his clipboard. "As for the rest of you, who do you know?"

There was a scattered mumble of voices, and Gwen felt a hand push her to the front of the crowd.

"Gwen!" Lee grinned. "Okay, you're all good."

Lee turned around and whispered the password to the Fat Lady, and the portrait swung open.

"Have fun you lot!" Lee waved them all in.

As the group climbed through the portrait hole, loud music could be felt shaking the walls. There was a mass of bodies crowding around the large common room.

In one corner of the room, a table had been set up for the Muggle drinking game beer pong. At the table, Harry and Ron had three cups left in front of them, while Ginny and another Gryffindor fourth year still had seven cups in front of them. Ginny threw a ping pong ball across the table and sunk it into one of the remaining cups.

"Start stripping, Harry!" Ginny taunted.

"You just want to see how the Chosen One looks under this," Harry pulled at his T-shirt.

"Oi, mate! That's my sister!" Ron hit Harry across the chest.

Hannah pulled Gwen deeper into the room and towards the barrels of Butterbeer, Firewhisky, and a mix of unlabeled drinks.

"Here," Hannah poured her a shot, "have some liquid courage. We are in Gryffindor territory after all."

Gwen held the glass up to her nose, the smell of alcohol burning her nostrils.

"Cheers!" Hannah clinked the glass in Gwen's hand before swallowing the shot. She coughed loudly, and managed to choke out "I-I've never done that before."

"Really? I couldn't tell," Gwen quipped. She swirled the clear liquid in her cup before taking it all in one gulp. She felt the burn and rush of warmth enter her gut, replacing the heavy feeling that had been looming before.

"Chaser?" Hannah handed her another cup, this one filled with Butterbeer.

Gwen nodded and swallowed the fizzy cold liquid, removing the sting that had once been there before.

"So what's the game plan?" Hannah asked excitedly.

"Game plan?"

"Have you decided how you are gonna tell him?"

"You're still gonna make me do that?"

"You won't make yourself do it," Hannah defended. "Look he's right over there."

Fred and George were surrounding a group of first years who were waiting on the staircase. They had the same briefcase from the train in their hands and they were handing out small candies. Fred had bent down to be the same height as Patrick who now had a purple and orange sweet in his hand.

As Gwen watched Fred she felt her stomach flip.

"Go on," Hannah started pushing her through the crowd. "Now, I don't want to see you again until you've talked to him. And, now before you start saying you want to hang out with me, and blah blah blah, I'll be fine."

"I don't think I'm ready for this," Gwen dug her heels into the floor and stopped herself.

Hannah grabbed Gwen's shoulders and turned her towards her. "Gwen, you are the coolest, most awesome person I know. You've got this!"

She smoothed down Gwen's hair and clothes, "Go on!"

Hannah gave her one final push. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath. I can do this. I can do this, Gwen told herself.

"Hi Freddie," she walked between the twins.

"Hey, Gweny," Fred smiled up at her.

"Hi, G," Atlas popped out from the staircase.

"Attie? What are you doing here?"

"This is my House isn't it?" She crossed her arms.

"I mean, why, why are–?"

"First years have to earn their entry to the party," Fred said as he stood up.

"Earn their entry?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, we need people to test our products, they want to get into our party," George added.

"It's a real win-win for us," Fred pulled a red and white sweet out of his pocket. "Now, who wants this one?"

"Do you think you should be testing these on the first years?" Gwen's eyes darted to the first year who was passed out on the floor.

"God, you sound like Hermione," Fred scoffed.

"All of them are willing, and we do pay them a small sum, too," George assured her.

"So who is sampling the Nosebleed Nougat?" Fred displayed the sweet to the crowd.

"Me!" Atlas pushed to the front of the stairs.

Gwen put her hand out in front of her cousin, "Are you sure you should eat that?"

"Yes," Atlas proclaimed.

"Red end first, then after a minute try the white, and you'll be free to go," Fred instructed, patting Atlas' shoulder.

Atlas took a bite of the candy. The students around her all watched waiting for something to happen. For the first 30 seconds, there was no change, until a slow trickle of blood fell from her nose. George started scribbling on a notepad.

"Hm, we'll have to make that one a little more intense," Fred sighed. "Did you write that down, Georgie?"

"Yup got it all right here," George folded up the paper.

"Alright, well, you can eat the white end now," Fred told Atlas. "Enjoy the party!"

Atlas grabbed Patrick by the arm and dragged him forward, although he looked like he was still feeling the effects of whatever sweet he had eaten.

"I thought you would be enjoying the party a little more," Gwen confessed.

'What? Do I not look like I'm having a good time?" Fred teased.

"Well, no but–"

"When Fred and I are in charge of the party we try not to get too far gone," George explained. "However, some of us are more successful than others."

"I just try to enjoy the parties I'm in charge of," Fred threw his hands up defensively.

"Yeah, but that's also how we had the pissing incident, the broken jaws, and the broken portrait," George scolded his brother. "But we have some added security now with Angie and Lee's help, so we can all be a bit looser."

"Is that why Lee was outside with a clipboard?" Gwen looked back towards the portrait hole.

"Yeah, and do you wanna know a little secret?" Fred leaned closer to her ear, and she felt the butterflies rise all over again. "There's nothing on it."


"Nothing at all. It makes him feel important," Fred smirked.

"So is he just gonna be out there all night?"

Fred laughed, "Do you think Lee would stay outside the whole party?"

"We take turns guarding the entry in shifts. Lee's first, I'm second, and Fred's last," George said, as he handed another first year a red and white sweet. "Speaking of, we'd better wrap this up soon it's almost my turn out there."

There were still five first years waiting for sweets.

"Here you lot," Fred handed them each a sweet, "If one of you starts exploding or something come and find us, but otherwise go crazy!"

"Well, if that's settled I'll go replace Lee," George put away his quill. "Don't forget this time to replace me in an hour and a half."

The two watched as George grabbed a beer before walking towards the portrait hole.

"Guess it's just us two now, huh?" Fred winked.

Gwen's heart pounded inside her chest, "Yeah."

"Well, don't sound so excited about it."

"I am excited about it," Gwen replied quickly. There was a small moment of silence between them.

"You are?" A mischievous smile spread across Fred's face. "Then let's have some fun."

Fred took Gwen's hand and pulled her back by the table where the drinks sat.

"Now, close your eyes and no peeking," Fred said as he moved back behind the table.


"This is my secret stash and I don't need anyone stealing from it," Fred gestured covering his own eyes.

Gwen rolled her eyes and put her hand to her face. She heard Fred clattering under the table. You'll have to tell him sometime tonight. The sooner you get it done the easier it will be. If you just get it over with th–

"You can open them now," Fred said. Gwen dropped her hands from her eyes and saw a bottle of red currant rum. He handed Gwen two cups. "Now I'll pour and you chose."

He poured very deliberately ensuring that each glass was equal.

"Thank you!" Angelina came up from behind Gwen and grabbed one of the glasses.

"Hey!" Fred huffed. "That's from my personal–"

"Personal stash, I know," Angelina took a sip. "It's pretty good."

"Ha, ha! Hand it back," Fred stuck out his hand.

"Can't. It's for George," she shrugged.

"Great. Now he's just gonna snog the whole time he's on watch."

"As if you haven't, and wouldn't do the same."

"I haven't," Fred retorted.

"But you would," Angelina smiled and started walking away from them. "Thanks again!"

"You can have that one, Gweny, I'll get another glass," Fred walked back around the table.

She sipped on the amber liquid. It had the same sting as before, but with a much sweeter burn. Liquid confidence, she thought as she took a second bigger sip.

"Woah, don't get too far along without me," Fred said, taking a swig of his drink. "You know, it's not the most expensive drink, but it's not as easily nicked from the kitchen."

"I like this one, much better than whatever was out on the table," Gwen laughed.

"A lady of taste," Fred raised his eyebrows and took another sip. His lips went tight as he swallowed. As much as the drinks were intoxicating, Fred was more so. She watched him so carefully in everything that he did, even noticing the release of tension in his neck when the burn of the liquor had passed.

Gwen met his eyes that were now burning into her skin. A flurry of thoughts flooded her mind. Oh, god. He knows, and he's going to turn me down. "What?"

"You haven't noticed," Fred frowned.

She felt her breath quicken, "Noticed what?"

He pulled at the T-shirt he was wearing. It was the same The Cure shirt she had traded him for at the lake.

"You're wearing my shirt?" Gwen teased.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's mine now."

"Does that mean I get to keep your sweater?"

"Yeah," Fred said casually. "I thought that was the, wait–"

"Wait, wha–?" Gwen started.

"Sh, listen," Fred tried to listen to the music that blended behind the loud voices of the room. "The Cure is playing right now!"

Gwen listened to the song's familiar melody and noticed Fred starting to bounce on his feet.

"Let's dance!" he shouted and took Gwen towards the center of the room.

Fred got as close to the center of the room as he could and swallowed the rest of his drink in a single gulp. He jumped up and down wildly moving his body and thrashing his head. Gwen followed his lead and finished the drink in her hand.

"That's the spirit!" Fred chuckled his face growing red, from both jumping and drinking.

He grabbed both of Gwen's hands, twisting her from side to side, his smile beaming. While Gwen did not feel comfortable in a crowd, Fred had the gift to make her feel as though they were the only two people in the room.

They stood jumping, dancing, and screaming lyrics as songs continued to change as the night passed. The temperature of Gwen's cheeks growing as the heat of the room and the warmth of the alcohol flowed through her. She could see the edges of the room blurring and her movements becoming less controlled.

Only when Fred had suddenly let go of her hands had she realized how little space there really was between them. The rest of the room started to reenter Gwen's senses.

Fred stepped back and brought his finger to his lips and winked.

Gwen felt a sloppy giggle escape from her mouth.

"Come on, Gweny!" Fred reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Where are we going?" Gwen raised her eyebrows.

"Always with the questions. Don't you trust me?"

"Not particularly."

"Sure, darling," Fred rolled his eyes and pulled her out of the room.

Butterflies surged through her body, mixed with the floaty feeling of the alcohol. She watched the Gryffindor common room disappear behind her. The portrait swung open in front of them and Fred continued dragging her through the hall. In front of the entrance to the common room she caught a glimpse of George and Angelina tangled in each other.

"Hello? Weasley! Where are you taking me?" Gwen said a laugh in her voice.

"I need your help is all," Fred smirked.

"That's all?"

"Why?" he stopped and leaned toward Gwen. "Do you want it to be more?"

Gwen's breath faltered, Now, Gwen, just tell him. Plain and simple.

"I'm just teasing," Fred said and Gwen's heart sank, the moment had vanished. "I need to steal a sobering potion from Snape's cupboard, and you're going to stand guard."

"How come I always get roped into these things?"

"Because you like it."

"I don't," Gwen said firmly.

"Gweny, you aren't a good liar sober, but you are significantly worse tipsy."

"I'm not lying."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure," Gwen giggled.

Fred smiled at her and the nervous presence from before made itself known. Tell him, Gwen.

"Just wait here. I'll be right back," Fred sprinted down the staircase into the dungeons.

Gwen was left now with her thoughts. The longer she stood there waiting for him to come back, the more unsure she became in her decision to tell Fred. Maybe it would just be better to live in this permanent state of bliss. She couldn't get hurt this way if nothing ever happened, but she also knew the longer she waited the more she was hurting herself.

"I'm back. Hope you didn't miss me too much," Fred beamed as he came bounding up the steps. "Just take a sip of this, I've already had mine."

Gwen drank the thick solution as a shudder of cold went through her. The blurred chaos now became sharp and focused.

"Now as much as I love to hang around the dungeons, we're already half an hour late to replace Georgie at the portrait hole."

Just as quickly as Fred and Gwen had made their way down to the basements they were right back in front of the Gryffindor common room. Next to the portrait George was still entangled with Angelina, her hands roaming his back.

"Hem, hem," Fred cleared his voice in a way eerily similar to that of Professor Umbridge.

George shot back before realizing his brother was behind him, "You prat."

"Tell me something I don't know," Fred brushed off his brother. "Time for a switch, enjoy the party."

"Thanks," George stood up and helped Angelina up, too.

"We left the spot warm for you," he teased before disappearing back into his House.

"Take a seat. We may as well get comfortable." Fred lowered himself onto the steps leading up to the common room.

Gwen took a seat next to him. I should tell him, it's just us right now.

"What do you think of the products we're selling?" He turned to Gwen.

"What do you mean?"

"Me and George are risking a lot, pursuing this, and I guess I just want to make sure it's something we should do," Fred started playing with his thumbs.

"I'm not a big prankster, but, if it means anything to you, I think all your ideas are brilliant," she smiled at him.

"You do?"

"Well, I would have never thought to do something like that. I mean products to get you out of class, the amount of time I have wanted to skip out on one of Binns' lectures and never knew how."

"Do you genuinely mean that?" Fred glanced at her.

"I do."

Fred took a deep breath, "You know our mum still wants me and George to get a Ministry job, even with all that's going on. Maybe not as much as before, but she still thinks that our joke shop is gonna leave us with less than we are starting with."

"With all that's going on?"

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, The Prophet, Cedric," Fred stopped fiddling with his hands and looked at the floor. "But all of this has only made me want to do it more. If I'm only going to have so much time in life I want to do everything I can with it."

Gwen took a deep breath, every instinct in her body told her to tell him. It was the perfect moment she had waited for all night.

"Fred," Gwen's voice shook.


"I, um, I–" her speech was cut off by the portrait opening. Gwen turned over her shoulder and saw Hannah, her face covered with tears.

"Sorry," Hannah squeaked as she pushed past the two of them.

"Hannah!" Gwen called after her, the sound of Hannah's sobs echoing in the hall.

"Is she alright?" Fred asked.

Gwen stood up, "I'm not sure, I'm," and as much as she didn't want to leave Fred, Hannah needed her more. "I have to go."

"Do as you must," he motioned down the hall.

Gwen stood up and quickly made her way towards the Hufflepuff dormitories. She followed the muffled sound of Hannah's sniffles as she went down the halls after her until she had followed her back into their dormitory.

"Hannah," she pushed the door open into their room. "Are you okay?"

"I didn't want you to follow me," Hannah was clutching the pillow on her bed tight to her chest.

"I couldn't just let you walk away from me crying." Gwen sat on the edge of Hannah's bed. "What's wrong?"

"It's silly, you shouldn't have come after me," Hannah wiped her face and gave an unconvincing smile.

"What happened?"

"Neville," Hannah sniffled.

"Neville? What did he do?"


"I'll fight him if I have to," Gwen assured her.

"You shouldn't have left the party for it, it's dumb," Hannah bit her lip. "See I'm okay."

"Hannah, please tell me."

"I, I, we were playing a drinking game and someone asked Neville if he could date anyone in the room who would it be, and he said Luna," Hannah's voice shuddered. "I told you it was stupid."

"It's not stupid," Gwen sat up closer to Hannah and pulled her into a tight hug. "Do you wanna talk about it, or–"

"I'll get over it, but I just wanna think about something else right now," Hannah sat for a moment. "Did you tell Fred?"

"I was about to."

"Oh, my god. No. I ruined it," Hannah put her hand to her mouth.

"No, I did. I had plenty of time to tell him all night, I just got scared."

"I can't help but feel like this is partially my fault. I'm the one who pushes all night for you to do it, and I screw it up."

"You didn't screw it up, I did. I don't know if I really could have done it. It would be better if I didn't have to tell him to his face," Gwen confessed.

"Why don't you write it down? Then you don't have to see his initial reaction," Hannah sniffed.

"Hannah, that's brilliant! Why didn't I just do that in the first place?" Gwen sprung from Hannah's bed and started digging through her trunk for any small spare bit of parchment.

She shuffled through to the very bottom of her trunk where she found a single blank sheet of parchment. "Oh, yes!" She kissed the paper and sat at her desk and began scribbling.

Dear Freddie,

I feel this note has been a long time coming, at least from my end. I have wanted to tell you for some time now, but I really like you. I look forward to the days where I get to see you and wish that I were with you even when we are apart. I feel better just being around you. You make me feel safe and calm, despite all your energy.

I don't know if you feel the same way, but I couldn't go another day without you knowing.



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