JoJo's Bizzare Ships

By The_Blue_Hearted

11.9K 442 1K

Welcome to the world of, JoJo where everyone has amazing powers and are super gay, and full of depression! T... More

Take Me Down
Which Flower Do You Pick First?
He Lies, He Bluffs, He's Unreliable
A Man's Purest Form of Sin
Sunshine & Lollipops
A Lingering Shadow
StarGay Crusaders
Sadness Batch (1)
A "Hairy" Situation
Too Fucking Close
To Tame A Beast
Wilting Flower Bloosoms
Bottom of the Bottle
Here, Batter, Batter!
The Snapping of a Rubber Band
A Man?!
Never Enough
Heart of the Sea
The Talk
No Need For Words
Luxury in Hell
Fall To Your Knees
When A Star Dies
Luxury in Hell (Part 1.5)
Luxury in Hell (2)
Sing to Me
The Kakyoin Dilemma
The Kakyoin Dilemma (2)
Roommate Scuffle
To Save a Stray
A Very Bizzare Father
To Befriend an Eldritch
What A Wonderful World
Holiday Rendezvous
Too Little, Too Late

The Line Between Love and Lust

364 11 63
By The_Blue_Hearted

Part: Stardust Crusaders

-KakJota [Jotaro x Kakyoin] (implied)
-JotMar [Jotaro x Marina] (implied)
    >not a couple, a one off-thing
- Omega-verse | suggestive themes
- (minor) NSFW (?)
   > no smut but its heavily implied
- gore | violence | general angst

Mating season, has once again come to ruin Jotaro's life - an omega in denial, but this year he may finally be able to win his crushes heart...

Word-Count: 4,900
Published: January 23rd, 2021
Status: minorly-edited

|| I really wanted to explore the applications of an omega-verse in the real world, like how it would effect people socially ect. and I got a bit...carried away. because honestly while they're usally only used for only yaoi/smut purposes its a fascinating concept ||

He bounced his leg, up and down repeatedly unable to calm his nerves. It was a normal procedure. When boys and girls hit puberty, they would be brought to the doctors - and get their blood drawn. That blood would be run through some nifty machines and they would be given a role. The doctor would then advise the parent and child what to do about their role and how puberty would effect them. Holly glanced at her son, and she placed a hand in his shoulder. She had been just a nervous her first time.

"It will be alright Jotaro. No matter what role you have, I'll always love you."she gave the boy a smile, and he nodded his head, staring at the ground. When he heard his name called, he shuffled his feet as he made his way into the tiny room. His blonde mother sat down nearby ,giving him a thumbs up. Jotaro didn't pay any attention to what was happening, his heart-beat roaring in his chest.

The result came back. The doctor had a pitiful look across his face. Holly stood up, and her eyes reflected the professional's worry. She had her worst fear realized. Jotaro finally looked up feeling tension in the air sink down around him.

"So - what am I?"he asked, and ths doctor sighed.

"You're an omega."

The dark-haired boy stared. Even though he was young, he could feel dread sinking in. Omegas were taken advantage of by everyone. Men and women alike. They were treated like a lesser species by a majority of the population. Treated like simply tools that could be thrown away after an alpha or beta was bored of them. Holly swallowed, and she noticed the panic settling into her son's eyes. It broke her heart to see the tears that began to run down his face. He was so young, and yet, he already understood the hell that awaited him in life.

The woman knelt down and pulled her son into a tight hug, and the doctor shook their head sadly. It wouldn't be the last time they'd see this. Parents holding their children as they shook - fearing the future. Jotaro stared at his shoes. He was doomed. Cursed. There had never been an omega in his family. Not even his mother. He felt like a disgrace to their name. Their linage if alphas and beta's was broken. He had ruined the family line.

This was all, of course, irrational thinking. No-one could control who they were. Yet, Jotaro made a vow that day - that no one would know the truth. He would grow strong. So strong, that not one person would question his lie of a being an alpha. He would push everyone away. Jotaro would keep himself safe from a world that only wished to use him. That fourteen-year-old boy believed he would keep that promise, for his whole life.

And then, he met Kakyoin.
╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙╜
A large banner hung across the school building, letters written in pink and hearts decorating all around. Jotaro, now seventeen, huffed and he sucked in a deep breath pulling nicotine from the ciggerate that hung from his lips. Beside him, was his only friend, Noriaki Kakyoin. They had become friends last year, after Kakyoin had helped the dilenquent fend off muggers. He was a redhead, who stood only a few inches shoter than the Joestar beside him. Jotaro tried not to stare as they walked.

They knew almost everything about each other. From favorite food to more obscure details that didn't really seem to matter. Yet, one major details Kakyoin always left out. Jotaro- had no idea what role the redhead played. He took to many suppressants, even during the middle of mating season he gave off no pheromones. For a while, the taller male had suspected him to be an omega, like him, hiding his identity. But he had thrown that put the window after seeing Noriaki flirt and fluster girls in the hallway. Alpha or beta, it was hard to tell.

But Jotaro, despite all his denial, always hoped Noriaki was an alpha. He had these foolish dreams of being mates, a perfect match. But the redhead's stubbornness was worse than his companions and no matter how many times Jotaro asked, the sly male never gave him an answer.

Jotaro tossed his cigarette away. "Mating season already? Damnit. My leeches will be all over me, stinking of their pheromones."

Noriaki laughed,"Not to mention the whole school will reek with those douche-bags who don't take suppressants. Alphas reek."

The dark-haired male shurgged, "You know maybe we should try it once - not taking our pills. See how many people we can round up dying to be bred."

His friend shook his head and gave him a playful glare, elbowing him. "Jotaro! That's cruel...but I like it. How about we start today: my pills runs out at 12 anyways."

"I was just joking."his blue eyes widened and he gulped st the very thought. It wasn't that he couldn't fend off alphas, or beta's who thought they could get handsy. He could control himself as well when effected by others phenomenon. It was Noriaki he was worried about. Would he be able to control him around the goregoures redhead?  Someone he could always lean on. Could he resist his instincts that had been so pent up - for so long? Jotaro swallowed.

He didn't think he could.

Kakyoin rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hip, voice a growl. "What - are you chicken?"

"You know, thats isn't how you convince people to do things,"the taller tossed away his ciggerate. "Calling them cowards, that is."

"Chicken-Chicken!" Noriaki began to sing in a high-pitched voice. It was amazing how mature the male was at one moment and how immature he could be at the next. Jotaro simply huffed at him, and chuckled- before a scent wafted over him. The overpowering scent of female omegas in heat. He gagged on it. They all smelled so frilly. It was as if someone was stuffing flowers up his nose. Though, he guessed they would smell great to an alpha. His first instinct was to chase them away - get rid of the competition. Subconsciously he stepped closer to his redhaired friend who watched with amusement as Jotaro was assaulted by his fangirls.

They grabbed onto his arms and pressed themselves up agaisnt him. Some got into all out fights as they tried to be the first ones to rubs their scent all over him. The taller male growled, which seemed to only spurr them on as he pulled the brim of his hat down. He clenched his fists to his sides nostrils flaring.

"You know - asshole,"he called out. "You could help!"

"Absolutely not, I'm waiting for an alpha female to come and take a bite out of these girls." The redhead laughed, "And you look really cute straining yourself."

"Sadistic douchebag..."JoJo mumbled to himself and then his eyebrows shot up, as a screech came from across the courtyard. Their school - would be holding special events all month long in order to help promote safe mating. All sorts of stupid things like that, from lectures to dances. The reason being: not really to help students- but because they couldn't ever run class like this - with horny teenagers practically pouncing on each other. Which meant, that girls were scrambling to get dates to festivals and dances.

     "Oi! You have no right to get so close to him - omega!"
   "Noriaki-kun, do you like the dress I'm wearing?"
"Kakyoin-san! You look extra handsome today!"
"Hey! Don't talk to Kakyoin you filthy beta!"

The redhead's face paled and he stumbled back as he was quickly caught in the wave of female attention. Jotaro grinned, and he snickered giving his friend a sly look. Usally, Kakyoin would just sit there and watch Jotaro suffer - but it seems in the years since he transferred he had made quite the name for himself.

"Ladies! Ladies!" Kakyoin shouted and he smiled softly, and some of the girls seemed to melt into puddles on the spot. Jotaro knew he did. "There's enough of me to go around this season. Now, why don't you tell me your names...?" He wrapped his arm around the waist of the nearest ones, who were most likely the alpha females. He began to walk with them as they blushed and giggled. Was he not affected by their pheromones - which Jotaro was choking on in the air? The Joestar was also choking on something else, jealousy. It first came from his heart, which bleed at the sight of Noriaki lavishing girls with attention. Then it began to boil his blood, as he wathed the girls respond and spurr Kakyoin on. Then - it all shattered, in simple heartache.

Why did he ever thing Kakyoin could like him? No, like was a pathetic word. The redhead did like him. Why did he ever think he was worthy of his love. An omega male. He shuddered and he shoved through his crowd heading for the school building before the bell even rang. Jotaro closed his eyes, and he sealed all that hope he had foolishly built up away. He could move on. It would be easy.

There were plenty of men and women in the school to choose from. He'd find one of them attractive. All he had to do, was forget Noriaki.

Which was easier said - than done.
╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙╜

Noriaki came into class, thirty minutes late. They had home-room, and then would be off for the annual mating season lecture.  He was disheveled in a way that the Joestar was a bit shocked. The redhead prided himself in his immaculate appearance. His green uniform was unbuttoned, and beneath it was his white-botton down shirt, which was unclasped down to the bottom of his chest showing off his lean pectoral. His hair was a mess as well, which was the most shocking. He seemed out of breath as if he had run from somewhere, and there were - lipstick marks on his neck. His lips were stained a strange-pink.

Jotaro felt his heartcrack. He tried to keep anger out of his voice as the grinning redhead sat down in a heap, "Looks like you had fun."

Kakyoin waved the harsh tone off, "I didn't have sex - if that's what your asking. I got cornered by the alpha female and phew," he chuckled a bit, "If I hadn't gotten out of their when I did, I think she might have pulled my pants down right there."

"I bet you would have enjoyed ever moment of it." The dark-haired teenager spat out and he turned away from the sight of his companion. Unable to seemingly take anymore. Kakyoin frowned and his brows furrowed across his face, as he slowly buttoned up his shirt.

"Jotaro- are you alright? You seem...on edge. Is it the suppressant thing? Listen, you can take them today if you're that uncomfortable being off of them. I was really just going along with your joke." For once, the taller male thanked the world that Noriaki was perceptive about all things - except emotions.

JoJo smiled, it was barely even that. It was a simple curl of his lips. "No, its just - could you stay by my side? I don't think that after like, 3 years of suppressing my instincts I can control myself surrounded by all this." he waved about himself. Noriaki nodded and he nudged his friend, smiling back.

"Then its a deal. Let's see how many women we can make beg."Jotaro groaned and he punched the redhead in the arm.

"You're sick - you know that?"

Noriaki shurgged and he kicked his feet up on the desk, smirking. It made Jotaro's heart skip a beat. Every little thing the redhead did - was so fluid. So, graceful and carried with an aura of pride. If only he knew how many times he almost caused Jotaro to go into cardiac arrest. "Oh, I know I am. But hey, chicks dig it."
And so do I.
╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙╜
He was a hulking lone-figure in the corner. Avoiding everyone at all costs, because he didn't need to be a genius to figure out his pheromones were running amuck. Trying to draw anyone towards him. Luckily, his natural heat usally don't come until the end of the month. But he needed to be careful. The strong scent of an alpha could force him into heat. He paced, a nervous wreck as he smoked through his third ciggerate. His fingers twitched wanting to grab his pills and pop them. Yet, he was waiting for Kakyoin.

Of he was a beta, as Jotaro suspected, they would be alright. Though: he trusted Noriaki even if he was an alpha to keep his distance and control himself. Jotaro was worried about himself.

Damnit. I keep staring at people who walk by like their peices of meat. I pray none of my fangirls come near me.

He should have never had that thought. For if you speak of the devil, they shall appear. The dark-haired male swallowed thickly asn he backed himself up agaiant the wall behind him tossing away his ciggerate. He smealt her approaching before he saw her. His breathing quivered as she walked towards him, wearing tall hooker-like boots. Her skirt was short and today, she was allowed to dress like that. The school wanted everyone to be comfortable - so they allowed students to wear their own clothes. She wore a blouse that sank off her shoulders and was loose enough to reveal every curve of her body. He knew her - in a way. She was an upperclassmen. A third year - from Amercia. Jotaro closed his eyes, and he swallowed again. Maybe she didn't know? He opened one eye and found that she was approaching with a devilish smirk on her face.

She knows.

He tried to act causal, knowing that at this distance she would be wafted with his pheromones. The female stopped a few centimeters from him. She took a long deep breath - and her bright eyes lit up.

She smiled and extended a hand, "Marina - exchange student from the states."

"Jo-otaro."he extended his hand and shook hers feeling electricy shoot through his arm at the contact. Her scent seemed to wrap itself around him. She smealt like a stormy night. Rian and lighting crashing down upon the earth as thunder roared. His knees trembled. He despised the shake in his voice. Marina smiled, and she stepped closer cooning at him.

"Awe, you poor thing. You're shaking like a leaf. How long have you been suppressing your instincts?"her voice sounded like honey, Jotaro found himself leaning into her space wanting to breath in more of her scent. He was shaking now, feeling his body begin to warm. Preparing for heat. Ussally, female alphas didn't have that strong of a scent - but hers was overwhelming. It filled his head and his heart, as it began to race.

The female pressed him into the wall, and despite him being taller by a good few feet - he melted, knees buckling sliding down. Marina caught him holding his waist against the wall and he bit into his lip, keeping a needy noise from escaping.

"You are so adorable..."she purred and pressed a small kiss to his forehead sending temors through the Joestar. More. He wanted more. His breathing scattered. He was panting, and his body felt like it was burning up. "I wonder why nobody has tried to pick you up yet."

JoJo didn't respond, he was almost incapable of doing so. His mind was fogged. Everything else fell into the background - as Marina seemed to be the lone focal point of his vision. He reached up and grasped his hand around her shoulders trying to create any skin-ship between them. He bucked his hips, and his lip quivered. His face was covered in a deep-red flush, his heart racing and his body began to feel hot and uncomfortable. And below the belt his body began to produce his natural lubricate. His bodily processes were preparing for mating. He could feel his senses picking up. So, he would end up sensitive to everything this gorgeous woman did to him. She could do anything she wanted to him. As long as she touched him.

"Can I take you home with me? Will you let me mate with you?" Marina asked her voice silky. A siren song. Jotaro nodded, and he crashed this lips together desprestly. He wanted her to use him. He wanted Marina to force him down into a bed, and ride him until he was sobbing. He needed her.

A flash of red went streaking by - and suddenly as heat from Marina vanished. He stood there stunned, his heated body shivering at the lose of contact and the lose of her scent. His head began to clear. He blinked away the remaining effects of Marina's pheromones. His eyes widened and then, his brows furrowed at the sight before him.

Noriaki had tackled Marina. The redhead's lips were draw back into an animalistic snarl, his voice echoing off the walls as a deep growl. His amythest colored eyes were dakrned rings of black his pupils expanded. His hair had been once more combed to perfection and it seemed to only frame him as this elegant beast - who looked ready to kill. Students spotted the tussle, and leapt over there to watch. It wasn't often two alphas got into it.

Jotaro felt his heart squeeze in his chest. Kakyoin - was an alpha. While the tall teenager wasn't close enough to be effected by his pheromones he could recognize rut-induced rage (RIR). He had been taught his whole life how to spot it - so he could protect himself agaisnt it. The Joestar recalled information he knew by heart. Alphas took suppressants that help make their scent less potent and to help control their territorial instincts. Which meant, that if two alphas had thier eyes on the same person for a mate- they would be less likely to kill each other. When comeplely off suppressants, alphas could be extremely territorial over the people the cared about and potential mates. Usally, familail and platonic ties couldn't cause RIR, though.  It was extremely dangerous and an alpha suffering from it could end up killing others or themselves through sheer violence.

It hit Jotaro like a truck.
I caused Noriaki to have RIR.
Oh. Shit. Oh fuck.

He tried to keep himself calm, as Marina and Noriaki went at each other. They threw punches and kicks they clawed at each other. Pulling hair and pulling dirty tricks like striking beneath the belt were all fair game. Jotaro needed someone to step in and stop them. He wanted to - but his pheromones would spurr them on to killing each other. The crowd seemed to realize things were escalating - and a teacher was called. JoJo was glad that some of his classmates were semi-competant. He glanced back at the fight.

Noriaki- was stained with blood. He seemed to be winning, but something had changed about him. His nails had extended into claws, soaked with blood. Sharp kanies were bared at the female before him who was stumbling backwards, terrified. She had lost the fight - but Kakyoin looked like he wasn't going to stop until he ripped her throat out. Something tore - and the whole crowd gasped, as a bright red tial split through his pants.

A fox tial?! Where the hell did that come from-!?  Is he - becoming an animal!?

His voice froze Jotaro to place in horror, "I'm going to devour you - and everyone here is going to know how weak you are."

A thin metal needle, was stuck into his neck. Noriaki blinked, and then he stumbled. The tial vanished, as did the teeth and claws. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head - and he was out cold, falling into the dirt.
╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙╜
Avdol was looking over the notes and paperwork again. Avdol, had been a close family friend for ages. Jotaro- had told the school he was the best doctor to bring Noriaki to, he specialized in teenagers. He had - well, Jotaro didn't even know how many degrees. He was pretty sure the Egyptian was still in school. Jotaro bounced his leg up and down.

"Can you tell me what happened to him out there?"the male asked, getting impatient. Avdol sighed and he shook his head, but he understood the male's concern.

"We've rarely seen it but, it's not the first time an alpha has begun to transform when afflicted with RIR."Avdol set down his clipboard, "The fact of the matter is: he's fine. We were able to revert the effects before he turned comeplely into an animal. It simply a genetic mutation alphas can suffer from. Most born with tials or ears get them cut off right there in the hospital."

Jotaro stared and he tilted his head, "So...he's just- okay? Nothing happened?"

Avdol, sighed, "I wouldn't say nothing. Nothing bad. Because his animal traits were unlocked again - his pheromones have drastically increased in potency and strength. They're almost 3 times stronger." The Egyptian gave Jotaro a pointed look. "I suggest you avoid him for the rest of mating season. He will be unable to take suppressants without bad side-effects."

The Joestar gaped and he stood up, "Like hell! A whole month without seeing Noriaki? You're out of your mind!"

Jotaro shoved his hands into his pockets, and he approached the room where Kakyoin was being held. The adult behind him simply huffed with amusement st his overconfidence in himself. He'd melt the moment he opened the door. Avdol gathered up his papers - he trusted those two not to do anything, but just in case, he'd be three rooms down.

The dark-haired male rolled his eyes as the wathed the doctor leave, did Avdol really think Jotaro couldn't control himself? Now that he was back on his suppressants he felt sure that the pheromones wouldn't even leave a dent on his mental fortitude. His heartbeat still picked up though, and he shook a little. It was awkward. Noriaki had indirectly said, "I want to mate you." By attacking Marina and that meant, he had some kind of attraction to Jotaro. What would he say?

He shook his head. Just give him a hug. They could talk about the awkward situation later. Jotaro swung open the door - and he hit the floor, as he barely managed out: "Hey, Noriaki-"

The effects of his suppressants seemed to have been striped away, completely. He curled up on the floor, panting - as everything slammed into him at once. He trembled and curled in on himself, it was almost painful the amount of heat that floored him. He tried to control his breathing, but it was impossible as the pheromones worked their magic. The whole room, was filled it felt like the air had been replaced with it. Every breathe he took he only took in more of Noriaki's scent. It smelt like: cherries. No, cherry trees as they blossomed in the spring. Jotaro tried to sit up but his head spun.

His friend had rushed to his side, and like before the world vanished. All that was left was the worried form of the redhead. Jotaro smiled at him in a daze, and he reached out. Kakyoin grasped his hand, electricy bolting through him. The slight skin-ship helped ease the pain a little. It wasn't really pain, but a yearning that began to eat away at you. Every fiber in your being trying to grasp any crumb of touch. Omega's lost themselves to their heat.

"Jotaro, you..."his steady voice wavered, as certainly the dark-haired male's own pheromones began to kick in. Attempting to seduce him. Draw him to claim Jotaro as his. "You're an omega-a. Why didn't you tell me...?"

The Joestar struggled to talk and focus. His thoughts being flooded with one desire. "I-I didn't want you to think any less of me. I was scared that if you knew, you'd leave. So, I never told you. I kept it hidden." He groaned,  and he brought his knees almost up to his chest trying to hide his throbbing lower-half.

Noriaki's face sank deeper into worry, and it seemed he was straining himself. Holding himself back. "Oh, gods, look what I'm doing to need to leave. I'll help you to the door."

"No."Jotaro reached up and grabbed the male's collar lifting his head revealing his flushed face. "Hold me. You don't have to have sex with me. Just-t please, hold me in your arms. Even if I leave-e I'll still be like this. Your touch will.. help...any at all."

The redhead looked skeptical, but he lifted the omega into his arms and he could feel Jotaro shiver, he heard him whine. Kakyoin bit into his lip as the new found closeness brought Jotaro's pheromones wrapping around him. He laid down upon the bed, and chuckled as the taller male sprawled across the top of him trying to get as much of their bodies touching as he could.

Jotaro kept himself from grinding his hips into Kakyoin, and focused on burying his face into his neck. Breathing in his scent this close - made him, calm. He felt safe. He tried to still his lustful thoughts, and simply aced his hands on the redhead's chest and tangled their legs together. His heat began to wane, slightly satisfied with the skinship. Noriaki wrapped his arms around JoJo, and was shocked to find that the omega - had fallen asleep, passing out from stress most likely. Or his scent had put him to sleep.

He smiled, and began to run a hand through the taller's soft-dark locks. "Goodnight, my little star."
╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙╜
He woke in a panic, bolting upwards and he heard Noriaki groan beneath him as he shifted his weight onto of him. Jotaro blinked in order to adjust to the light flooding into the room.

"Did we!?"he asked still half-asleep and the shorter male beneath him shook his head.

"No, we didn't have sex- if that's what you're asking...."he frowned as Jotaro lead back down ontop of him, grinding his hips a bit. Noriaki flushed red in the face. "Oi, Jotaro what are you..."

Hands clutched at his shirt, " good...warm..."

Kakyoin tried to scramble away from the omega, but he was grasped with an iron grip. He was dragged back to the Joestar who whined as he buried his face agsisnt his neck. The redhead could feel heat begining to pour off of his companion.

Son of a bitch, he's still in heat.

It seemed to make sense, considering all they had done was cuddled. But, Noriaki really didn't need this right now - anyways, he didn't want their first time to be in some dingy hospital room. "Get off Jotaro! Before your pheromones kick me in the ass!"

"No."the omega demanded, tightening his grip rather than loosening. "I want you to..touch me and...I want to have your kids..."his voice was slurred and it would break off into panting whines. Noriaki bit into his lip flushing red in the face as he shoved at the taller male.

"You're only saying that crap cause your horny!" The male was becoming desperate, he could smell Jotaro now, his scent was waiting off of him. The male's blue eyes were round and glazed over. He pouted deeply as his crush wiggled out of his embrace. Instead, he gripped the sheets bucking his hips into the bed, desperate for friction. It was like it was worse than yesterday. Guess sleeping surrounded by an alphas scent hands beenna good idea.

"Noriaki...please...mate with me." He spun himself around, showing off his stomach to the roof.

"You're not rational right now, so no. Maybe someday- but not when you would open your legs to anyone that looked at you."the redhead didn't mean to be so harsh, but he was getting frustrated. No wonder Jotaro had taken his suppressants religiously, this was terrible. He tried to open the door.

It was locked. He blinked and looked put the window, spotting Avdol there smirking. He waved, and said.

"Have fun you two love birds!"

Kakyoin paled."You son of a bitch!"

The Egyptian frowned, "Come on - go on and help him out through his heat. Holly and Joseph already said it was okay for you to mate with him!"

"They what?! Avdol, please open this door! This is crazy! Me and Jotaro-!? Mated?" His face was flushing a dark red at the thought, he usally wasn't one to get flustered. His heart roared in his chest, and to not help matters since the room was sealed - the pheromones Jotaro procuded began to spread. A hand grabbed his shoulder- and as he was pulled down to the floor, all reasoning left his head.

Avdol chuckled and spun around closing the curtain on the window - leaving the two young lovers to their own devices.

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