Smile (P5/Royal Story x OC/Ma...

By zer0420

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(Note, there's a few changes in the Persona Timeline for the sake of this story) The prettiest smile hides th... More

Chapter 1 Royal Beginnings
Chapter 2 Arriving At Shibuya
Chapter 3 Awakening
Chapter 4 First Day At Shujin
Chapter 5 Rumors Of Abuse
Chapter 6 The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back
Chapter 7 Calling Card
Chapter 8 Change Of Heart
Chariot Confidant Rank 2 And 3
Lovers Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Chapter 9 The Phantoms
Chapter 10 Mementos
Chapter 11 The Councillor and The Artist
Chapter 12 Enlightening Conversation
Chapter 13 Rumors Of Plagiarism
Chapter 14 Artistic Betrayal
Chapter 15 Artistic victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Lovers Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Emperor Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Chapter 16 Operation: Maid Watch
Chapter 17 A Faithful Meeting
Chapter 18 Busted
Chapter 19 Rumors Of Extortion
Chapter 20 Full Throttle
Chapter 21 Breaking The Piggy Bank
Chapter 22 Gaining Trust
Chariot Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Lovers Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Emperor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Priestess Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Faith Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Councillor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Chapter 23 Differing Stances
Chapter 24 Alibaba
Chapter 25 Tales Of Deception
Chapter 26 X-Day
Chapter 27 I'll Guide You To Victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Lovers Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Emperor Confidant Rank 5 and 6
Priestess Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Faith Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Hermit Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Councillor Confidant Rank 5
Chapter 28 Hunting For Clues
#1 in Persona
Chapter 29 Aloha
Chapter 30 Falling Out
Chapter 31 Apologizes
Chapter 32 Tales of Forced Marriage
Chapter 33 A Miscalculation?
Chapter 34 Our Fault?
Chapter 35 Never Again
Chapter 36 No More Pain
Chapter 37 Tales Of Desired Death
Chapter 38 True Family
Chapter 39 An Unexpected Awakening
Emperor Confidant Rank 7 to 9
Priestess Confidant Rank 5 to 9
Hermit Confidant Rank 4 to 9
Empress Confidant Rank 1 to 9
P5/ Royal Smile Thoughts
Justice Confidant Rank 6
Councillor Confidant Rank 6 to 9
Chapter 40 Laying Low
Chapter 41 Set Up
Chapter 42 Post Festival Party
Chapter 43 Alliance
Chapter 44 Coming Clean
Chapter 45 Tales Of False Accusation
Chapter 46 Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 47 Unforeseen Ambush
Chapter 48 Tale Of Betrayal
Chapter 49 Damaged
Chapter 50 Breakdown
Chapter 51 Tales Of Realization
Chapter 52 Promises
Chapter 53 Black Mask
Chapter 54 Best Friends
Chapter 55 Sacrifice
Chapter 56 Changing Society
Chapter 57 True Mastermind
Chapter 58 Recollection
Chapter 59 Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 60 Christmas Eve Surprises
Chapter 61 Christmas and New Year's Eve
Chapter 62 Not Right
Chapter 63 3 Man Squad
Chapter 64 True Ruler
Chapter 65 True Identity
Chapter 66 True Wishes
Chapter 67 Rejected
Chapter 68 Final Goodbyes
Chapter 69 Aftermath
Chapter 70 Explanations
Chapter 71 Reawakening
Faith Confidant Rank 5 to 10
Chapter 72 Apologetic Part 1
Chaptet 73 Apologetic Part 2
Chapter 74 Apologetic Part 3
Chapter 75 Apologetic Part 4
Chapter 76 Final Exploration
Chapter 77 Final Negotiations
Chapter 79 The Final Battle Part 2
Chapter 80 One Choice...
Chapter 81 One Night...
Chapter 82 Unlikely Help
Chapter 83 Unlikely Meeting
Chapter 84 Valentine's Day
Chapter 85 Separated Ways
Chapter 86 White Day
(Final Chapter) Chapter 87 Royal Endings

Chapter 78 The Final Battle Part 1

2.9K 68 32
By zer0420

No one's POV

The time has finally arrived, the day to confront Maruki and change reality to it's original state and currently, everyone is standing in front of the stairs leading towards his Treasure and they heard Maruki speaking to him.

Maruki: I see you made it. Come on up...I'll meet with you at the center of paradise.

Suddenly, the stairs leading to the Treasure fixed itself allowing them to ascend upwards.

Crow: Well, we can finally move on now that we've got some stairs.

Tenor then looked back at everyone and they all nodded at him.

Tenor: Alright, let's end this.

Everyone: Right!

Once the Phantom Thieves ascended up through stairs, they eventually made it to the top and once they did, they were confronted by Maruki.

Maruki: Thank you for coming. It looks like I have your answer.

Tenor: I'm sorry, Maruki. But this needs to end.

Maruki: Don't apologize....All this means is that we both have something we can't allow to fail. So let us begin. If you win, my heart will be changed...However, if I win...My reality becomes the true reality. I will overwrite all of existence with my own cognition. So I'm not holding back anymore.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake and everyone looked around confused and shocked.

Panther: W-What was that?!

Maruki: Just as you have your own beliefs, I too have no intention of changing my plans for reality. No matter what happens to me in the end, I will fix this torturous world! my REBELLION!!!!

Suddenly, Maruki started to glow brightly along with his outfit changing and everyone looked at shocked.

Fox: His apparel just...

Maruki then started walking out of the light, now donning a golden skin-tight priest garb with a tall shield-shaped mask, a white cape and holding a staff.

Maruki: And I believe you called forth your power like this...Persona.

Maruki then summoned his Persona which resembles a towering, tree-like structure, with its body being consisted of a golden cross laced and surrounded by multiple tentacles colored in black with green outlines, which linger and drop all the way into the floor as well as the tentacles being tipped by three glowing claws.

Mona: No Maruki really does have a Persona!

Maruki: I'd regret not pointing out to you...You shouldn't mistake our power as being equal!

Maruki then looked towards his Persona.

Maruki: It's time, Azathoth...Our final battle has come...

Violet: Dr. Maruki...

Maruki: I have to do this...Don't stand in my way!

Tenor: We're stopping this, one way or another! Orpheus Telos!

Tenor then summoned Orpheus Telos and hit Maruki with a powerful nuclear skill, but Azathoth blocked it, negating it and everyone looked completely shocked.

Joker: What?!

Panther: The Persona blocked for him?!

Oracle: This Persona's definitely trouble...

Maruki: I already told you, our power isn't equal! Guide them, Azathoth!

Azathoth then lunched multiple tendrils at Tenor making him jump back and launching him up to a separate platform with Maruki following him up and as well as scattering everyone into three groups, Panther, Queen, Oracle and Noir. Skull, Mona and Fox. And Joker, Crow and Violet with multiple tendrils attacking them.

Maruki: Just stop this, Nhazul....Don't you remember how everyone of your dreams and wishes were granted in my reality? Not a single person is in pain here! Everyone is happy...! Why would you deny them that opportunity?!

Tenor: Because that happiness is nothing but lie!

Tenor then summoned Orpheus Telos once again and it rushed Maruki once again and went to hit him with it's lyre, but the tendrils grabbed him and slammed Orpheus Telos to the ground, making it disappear, but Tenor just summoned him again.

Tenor: Orpheus Telos!

As Tenor summoned Orpheus Telos, multiple tendrils started chasing after him in the sky and he was using different element skills to destroy them and with the others, they were struggling to take out the tendrils, as they just continued to appear no matter how many they took out.

Crow: There's just no damn end to these things!

Joker: No matter how many we take out, they just keep reappearing!

Queen: Oracle! Is there any way to take them all out for good?

Oracle: I'm getting readings that there's three main tendril controlling them all. But with the sheer amount of lesser tendrils they keep summoning, we can't get anywhere near close to them!

Violet: We can't give up! There has to be a way!

Skull: No way in hell we are! We'll just have to keep hacking away until we get to them!

Mona: For once I agree with you, Skull!

Back with Tenor, he was running around the platform, slashing away at the tendrils coming after him with Orpheus Telos helping him.

Maruki: It's futile, Nhazul. Why can't you see that? I know... I understand the difficulty of accepting such a huge change, but that's nothing more then your fears controlling you! Please, won't you please believe me?

Tenor: It's not about believing you or not, Maruki...It's about walking down my own path, hardships and all! What you're doing isn't granting happiness, it's making people ignorant of hardships and what it means to grow from them!

Maruki looked at Nhazul saddened and then with a determined face.

Maruki: I'm sorry...Nhazul, but I can't fail... I WILL NOT FAIL!!!

Maruki then summoned even more tendrils and and Tenor tried to destroy them all with Orpheus Telos, but he was overwhelmed and the tendrils all slammed into Tenor and once they all moved, Tenor was on the ground hurt, with him nearing the edge and he weakly looked over and saw the others all being surrounded by the hundreds of tendrils below and Maruki started to speak up again.

Maruki: Suffering and pain bring nothing to people except their ruin! Why would all force yourself into that?

Maruki then started to look at the others one by one.

Maruki: Akira...You were wrongly arrested and branded as a criminal for merely doing the right thing! Why would wish to return to that? Let me save you from that unjust label!

Maruki turned to Mona.

Maruki: Morgana! I know how you truly feel...and there's no need to fear your differences anymore!

Maruki turned to Skull.

Maruki: Ryuji, you dream of running...Running would make your life so much easier for your mother! I can make that dream a reality!

Maruki turned to Panther.

Maruki: Ann, didn't you always want to protect your friend? Don't abandon such a pure dream when it's right in front of you!

Maruki turned to Fox.

Maruki: Yusuke, I know you don't really want your approval to be earned through force! You want a word guided by beauty... And I can give you such a world!

Maruki turn to Queen.

Maruki: Makoto, everyone has the right to wish for a happy family! You don't need to keep holding back your desires!

Maruki turned to Oracle.

Maruki: Futaba, you lost your mother, all because people wanted to benefit from her research, I can fix that, I can make your family whole again!

Maruki turned to Noir.

Maruki: Haru, stop tormenting yourself over your father's sins! I swear, I'll give you a world where you'll have every chance to succeed on your own right!

Maruki turned to Crow.

Maruki: Akechi, don't throw away your life! If you're with Nhazul and his friends, you could begin to atone for what you've done!

Maruki turned to Violet.

Maruki: Sumire, that pain you're must be impossible to move on! I want to save you from that awful life!

Maruki then looked at Tenor once again.

Maruki: Nhazul...You lost your entire family, through unfair lost the older sister that you adored, admired, loved...please, let me reunite you with her and your family! You were the one who I wanted to understand more then anyone...So why do you keep resisting...?Please, please just let me save and all of your friends!

Tenor didn't say anything and then started to weakly stand up.

Tenor: Why do I keep resisting...? Because despite how painful those hardships were...Not only for me...But for all of us...they're what made us into we are...they're what brought us all together...

Tenor then looked up at Maruki and thought back to everyone and everything they've been through.


Suddenly, blue flames then started to flare up around Tenor and then summoned Thanatos and he let out an ear piercing roar.


Maruki then looked at Tenor completely and utterly shocked to see him still fighting and the others had heard what Tenor had said and completely agreed with him.

Panther: Tenor is completely right! Me and Shiho are going to keep living our lives with our own strength!

Queen: I'll fulfill my desire for a happy family with my own power!

Noir: I'm succeed with my own life, pain and all!

Oracle: My mom wouldn't want me to take the easy way out! She would want me to keep going with my own strength with or without her!

The four of them all summoned their Personas and once they did, they all awakened once again into their final forms.

Panther awakening to Celestine,

Queen awakening to Agnes,

Noir awakening to Lucy,

and Oracle awakening to Al Azif.

Mona: I don't care what I look like anymore! I'm always going to be myself!

Skull: I'm done running from my problems! I'm going to take them on full force!

Fox: I have my friends by my side in this world, I don't need another world forced upon me!

Mona, Skull and Fox all summoned their Personas and they all awakened to their final forms as well.

Mona awakening to Diego,

Skull awakening to Willam,

and Fox awakening to Gorokichi.

Joker: It doesn't matter if I'm constantly labeled, it won't make what I did any less valid! I won't regret saving that woman, not now or ever!

Crow: I am sick and tired of your of your high and mighty bullshit! You're pissing me off! I will atone for what I did on my own terms, not yours!

Violet: I am myself! I'll never forget that ever again! I will make Kasumi proud with my own strength!

Joker, Crow and Violet all summoned their Personas and they all awakened to their final forms as well,

Joker awakening to Raoul,

Crow awakening to Hereward,

and Violet awakening to Ella.

Oracle: Ultimate charge!

Oracle then buffed everyone dramatically and Panther and Noir unleashed devastating fire and gun skills, wiping out waves of the tendrils and Queen using a devastating nuclear skill wiped out the rest exposing the main tendrils.

Oracle: The main tendrils are exposed!

Suddenly, multiple more tendrils started to sprout from the ground in an attempt to shield the main ones.

Skull: Oh I don't think so!

Skull, Mona and Fox all blasted the spawning Tendrils away with devastating wind, electric and ice skills.

Violet: Cut them to pieces, Ella!

Violet then used a devastating physical skill to slash the tendrils into pieces.

Joker: End them, Raoul!

Crow: Ravage them, Hereward!

Joker and Crow both used devastating almighty skills, blowing away the main tendrils!

Oracle: All the tendrils are eliminated!

Violet: Senpai!

Everyone then looked up above them and saw Tenor taking on Maruki with Thanatos slashing through multiple tendrils and Tenor rushing Maruki and slashing at him, with Maruki blocking with his staff, but getting overwhelmed by Tenor.

Maruki: What power...

Tenor then broke the lock between the two of them and then kicked Maruki off the platform and towards the ground and Thanatos having grabbed Azathoth, ripped off it's tendrils with it's barehands and then blasted it with a devastating cruse skill, sending it crashing towards the ground near Maruki and Tenor had landed on the ground in front of everyone and his eyes were glowing yellow.

Tenor: Let's end this, ALL OUT ATTACK!!!!!!

Everyone's eyes started glowing yellow as well as they prepared to strike.

(A/N) imagine, Tenor, Mona and Violet

Everyone: RIGHT!!!!

The Phantom Thieves all launched an All Out Attack, hitting both Maruki and Azathoth and finally defeating him.

(A/N) ignore White Crow, Lavenza and the twins and add Tenor's.

Tenor: This is the end!

After defeating Maruki, Azathoth started disappear and Maruki was panting.

Maruki: Azathoth...Did...I fail...?

Suddenly, what looked like a torch wrapped in chains appeared in front of everyone.

Panther: Is that...?

Mona: Maruki's Treasure.

Noir: What is it though? A torch?

Crow: A torch is a light to guide people. It may symbolize his perception of himself as the guide for Eve entire world. We're here to change his heart, aren't we? Go on, take it.

Tenor then grabbed the torch and Maruki spoke up.

Maruki: So...This is it..

Suddenly, the Palace started to shake and started to collapse.

Oracle: This place is collapsing!

Joker: Then let's get a move on then.

Maruki: Rumi...I'm sorry... I couldn't...No...I...I can still...!

Queen: Tenor, look out!

Tenor looked and saw a piece of debris falling towards him and he jumped back out of the way and Mona transformed into his van form.

Mona: Come on, get in!

Everyone then inside of Mona and they were just able to escape the collapsing tower.

Fox: That was close...

Violet: Dr. Maruki...

Panther: This has gone too far past changing someone's heart...Is he even still alive...?

Crow looked up and spoke up.

Crow: Looks like that isn't a concern.

Everyone then looked every and saw Maruki standing on top of a building.

Maruki: Sorry, but I won't admit defeat just yet.

Tenor: Maruki, enough! Stop this!

Maruki: I'm sorry, you know I can't do that. I've been chosen by the world itself...Granting this wish is my responsibility!

Maruki threw his staff away and held his hand out and Maruki's Treasure in Tenor's hand flew out of his hand and to him.

Tenor: Whar?!

Skull: The hell?!

Joker: The Treasure!

Maruki then raised his Treasure into the air and suddenly a larger version of Azathoth appeared behind him and suddenly, multiple tendrils sprouted out and started to take the form of arms and multiple more tendrils started to run down and form a massive body of a large building that towered over all of them while being covered in a golden armor and they all looked completely and utterly shocked.

Oracle: No...You can't be serious...

Mona: Maruki... He's done it...He evolved his Persona!

Fox: Such strength of will...

Maruki: If it's for everyone's happiness, I don't care what happens to me! Don't resist...Accept it. With my power...No...with mine and Adam Kadmom's together our reality is nigh!

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