My Beloved Loki


6.3K 205 26

Rae Stark. Telepathic, superstrength, flight, and awkwardness. She was born with these powers and currently l... Еще

New York
Loki the Hot Villan
Right, Army
We Just Have to Tolerate Each Other
Actually Talking to Loki
Home Again
Chores and Dancing
Don't Take My Loki
Fury's Fury
New Clothes and Ex Boyfriends
Surprise Visits and One Awkward Morning
I'm Sick
Drunken Confessions
The Complicated Flower
Pizza and Movies
Call of Duty: Black Ops, Zombie Edition
Heads or Tails?
The Other
It's All My Fault
Day of Pain
The Argument
Hell is Rebuilt.
Morning Awkwardness

What Boredom Reduces Me To

279 7 0

My room is a round room with an open balcony covering the whole wall that is facing the city. The temperature in Asgard is like Spring on Earth. Not freezing, but not boiling either. It's perfect, so I don't mind that. The walls and floor are gold like the rest of the castle. I have a bed with lavish dark blue blankets and drapery that curves with the wall. It's about the size of a twin bed. Two people could fit in it, but it's not recommended at all. In the middle of the room is a round rug that has many different colors and foreign designs on it. In the middle of the rug is a small wooden table with a gray, metal cup and a bowl of grapes on it. The room is quite beautiful, yet a bit small. As long as I don't have to live here for the rest of my life. I would go insane without Pandora and my notebooks to write my imagination out in. Those things help me with telepathic flares. When I get extremely angry, which tends to be a lot in New York, my telepathy flares and it goes out of control. I read minds and cause people pain without consent with flare-ups. I'm getting better and better at controlling it as the years go by. In fact, I've almost got it mastered. Music and writing help me calm down though. What causes me to get extremely angry are extremely stupid people. There's a lot of that in New York. I just can't understand how some people can be so oblivious to EVERYTHING. I've had people walk right into me, while they were looking at me, and then say "oh sorry, I didn't see you there." And keep freaking walking. HOW DID YOU NOT SEE ME?! YOU WERE LOOKING RIGHT AT ME!!!! Anyway, it looks like in going to have a boring night in Asgard. Yay. At least I leave with Loki in the morning. That's when my troubles really begin. How am I going to babysit a psycho murderer without loosing him?! Not to mention I'm a clutz and I'm going to be extremely awkward around him. Whenever I get around hot guys, well guys in general, even if I don't like them I still freak out for some odd reason.
"Do you like it Lady Stark?" Thor asks behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn to him and smile.
"Yeah thanks." I say. I turn around and stretch out on the bed.
"If you need anything, just tell me." Thor says and points to his head. I let out a light giggle and he walks out, closing the big, golden, extremely intricately designed door shut.
"Oh Thor?!" I half yell and sit up on the bed, remembering something I wanted to ask him. The door opens again.
"Yes Lady Stark?" Thor asks politely.
"If I get bored, can I wander around?" I ask and Thor's face instantly goes from friendly to commanding.
"I don't think the Orefather would like that." Thor says. I take that as a no. I ungracefully lay back down on the bed and let out an annoyed sigh. I hear the door close and footsteps soon after. I look at the table and reach for the cup. I drink the water, how exotic, out of it and then lay back down on the bed while throwing the cup in the air and catching it. While laying down. It's quite entertaining if you are trapped in a room. They should have just put Loki and I together in a cell, because I feel like I'm in a cell. After about five minutes of throwing and catching the cup, the boredom has become excruciating. I need to do something, to cause mischief, to annoy someone, ANYTHING! I sit up and put the cup back on the table and tip toe to the wooden door. I try the handle and it's unlocked. I open the door just a crack and look to see if anyone is out there. There aren't any guards at my door which is a relief. There are two women walking across the hall in front of my door, one blonde and in a pink lavish dress, and the other a redhead in a blues lavish dress. "Oh, you want to cause mischief do you?" Loki asks me. I mentally groan. "Yes. Why is this all of a sudden your business?" I ask him. "I was simply curious. Is that a crime?" He asks me. "No." I state simply. "What are you planning to do to them?" Loki asks, arrogance completely gone out if his voice. "I was going to move them around and knock stuff over to scare them but I can't." I say. "Oh. Well that's a shame for you. Good luck causing problems without any real powers." Loki says arrogantly. I growl at him and he laughs evilly at my misery. I block him completely out and instead decide to wait until the women leave around the corner. They do and I look to my right, no one. So I ease the door gently open it and close it, trying to make as little noise as possible. I walk down to the right in the hall and come upon an intersection. I turn left without thinking and run into something rock solid. I back up a little to see Thor's armor and I look up to see an irritated Thor looking down at me through his golden locks. Huh, goldylocks. I might as well call him that. I just smile at him from my newfound name for him.
"I thought I told you to stay in your room." Thor says almost parent like. Well, if he has Loki for a brother, I guess he kind of has to be. I just shrug.
"I got bored." I say plainly. Thor ushers me back into my room and this time leaves someone outside my room. Wow Thor, I'm telepathic remember? I makes hologram of myself and the hologram walks through the door. I hear the guard start telling at my hologram to get back in my room.
"But I don't feel like it." My hologram says, then I send it off running down the hallway. I do the same things that I did the first time I escaped except more cautiously. I check around every corner and sneak around making barely any noise except for my light footsteps against the cool floor. I never got the chance to put my McDonalds shirt over my Mickey one so I still have it on. I don't even know why I have a Mickey shirt. I never watch him and I probably never will. I probably got it for Christmas or something and decided to keep it for some obscene reason. I'm doing pretty well, until I hear the echo of Thor's agitated growl. That's when I panic. I make myself appear to be wearing a blue lavish dress with my hair in a bun, redhead, and a cape. Because who doesn't love capes? I hear running footsteps behind me and assume it's Thor. Where is that girl?! I read in Thor's mind. He's angry all right. He bumps into me while he's running and mutters an apology to me over his shoulder.
"Thor!" I say and he stops and turns around with a forced smile.
"Yes?" He asks politely.
"Who are you looking for? Did Loki escape?!" I ask and fake a panic. I see concern seep into Thor's features and he puts a hand comfortingly on my shoulder.
"No, nothing like that. His babysitter did." Thor says, the last part bitterly, rude. I nod and pretend to calm down from my fake panic attack. I lie telepathy and messing with people.
"Oh, okay good." I say with a sigh of fake relief and put a hand to my chest for effect.
"Yes well, she is not much better than him. She isn't evil, just mischievous. Like him. Have you seen her? She has long curly hair and is wearing Earthen clothes." Thor asks and I shake my head innocently. Wow, he really doesn't like me does he? He nods and runs off down a hallway to my left. I keep walking and as soon as I'm in a shadow I turn back into my original form with a golden light emitting from my change. I don't really like my hair. I want long, straight, dark brown hair. Maybe if I can figure out how to change my hair besides a hologram I'll be happy with my hair. I've tried it before and it failed. Miserably. It made my hair curlier. I had to straighten it for a week to go back to it's original form. How much I hate to say it, I think I need Loki's help with this. He seems to know a lot more about telepathy than I do. "Loki?" I ask annoyed. "What do you want now?" Loki asks aggravated. "Do you know how to change biology?" I ask. A little blunt don't you think? "Yes, although I'm not very good at it. And I'm certainly not doing it for you. You played a part in putting me in this cell with these mueling quims." Loki says harshly. Okay then. I walk around the halls, pointlessly, getting bored again. Loki speaks to me again. He's getting on my nerves this one. Why do I have to babysit him? Why can't Thor do it? Loki is his brother after all. "Out of curiosity, what needs to be changed?" Loki asks curiously. "My hair." I say bluntly. "That's a stupid reason." Loki says. "No it's not. Why isn't it a good reason?" I ask. "Because I'm not wasting real power on a mortal who wants her hair changed. Besides, I thought you might want to do something to my brother." Loki says harshly. Yep. He's on my nerves now. I swear if I'm locked in a house with him I will murder him. I walk out into the throne room and instinctively stick to the shadows. I'm too focused on Odin to hear the footsteps behind me. In my defense, there's more than just Odin in that room. A hand like iron is clamped to my shoulder and I turn around getting ready to knock someone out cold. It's a guard. My guard. The one I tricked. And he's with Thor. Fan-blinking-tastic.
"You will stay in that room if I have to tie you down." Thor says angrily. Finally, I can see some sort of relation between Thor as Loki. I sulk behind Thor with the guard behind me and back to my room.
"I can't come out at all?" I ask him one last time. He sighs annoyed.
"There's a celebration tonight. I shall bring you to that. Only if you stay in this room." Thor says and walks out before I can reply. I sigh exasperated and collapse on the bed once more. I might as well sleep if I can't do anything else. So I close my eyes and, sooner than I expected am drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

I am rudely awakened by the door bursting open and I leap off the bed in a fighting stance as instinct. An apologetic Thor slowly raises his hands up and I relax.
"Thor, don't ever do that again. Ever. I was asleep." I say.
"I am very sorry Lady Stark. I brought your dress for the celebration." Thor says and hands me a darker green lavish dress with a cape the same color as the dress. The dress feels like it's made of silk and it has gold embroidery all over it. Thor also hands me a bunch of clips for my hair. I hesitantly take them.
"Courtesy of Frigga, my mother." Thor says and I take them and smile. My lips are full but not huge. They are average. Not too thin, but not too thick, in the middle. The bottom lip is more full than the top like a normal persons lips are. My lips are not huge or big or small. Average. And perfect for convincing smiles. To be honest, I have no idea what I'm going to do with these clips.
"Tell her I said thank you." I say. Thor starts to leave. I grab his arm and he turns around.
"What about shoes?" I ask with one eyebrow raised. Realization crosses his face.
"Oh, right. I am sorry. I will see if I can find some shoes." Thor says worriedly.
"Can I just go barefoot?" I ask.
"No. I will find you shoes." Thor says and walks out. I change into the dress which hugs my body pretty well, but it's loose at the same time. Space. You can never understand it. I clip the cape to my shoulders. The dress flows to the middle of my shins but the cape flows all the way to the floor. I walk around in circles with bare feet admiring my cape and dress. This dress makes me look good. If only I had a mirror. I'm not one to fuss over appearance. I get enough looks from my thin, muscular form. Yeah, I have curves, but I'm still as toned as a fitness buff. When really all I do is play COD and eat all day. My metabolism is so fast because of my superstrength that you would never know though. Thor knocks on the door.
"Come in." I say like a queen. What's the fun in wearing a royal dress and cape without being able to boss Thor around like your personal servant. Thor opens the door and hands me shoes the same color as the dress. The color looks familiar, but I can't place it. The shoes are flats. Thank God! If I had to wear heels I might as well jump off my balcony now. Speaking of which is about 80 stories off the ground. And it's dark outside except for the stars and galaxies that are less prominent in the day yet you can still see them. I put the shoes on and look at Thor.
"How do I look?" I ask and twirl around for effect. Yeah I'm a girl, use me I like feeling good about myself. I may be a full blown tomboy but that doesn't mean I don't like feeling good about myself.
"You look amazing." Thor says and smiles
"Is there a mirror around here somewhere so I can put my hair up?" I ask. I don't want to put my hair up, but I don't want to seem disrespectful to Frigga. I may not have the best of manners and I may be mischievous, a troublemaker, and a trickster, but that doesn't mean I flip off my friends mum. If I can call Thor a friend. I just met him as he looked like he wanted to punch me twice today when I escaped.
"Yes there is. Follow me." Thor says and I obediently follow.
"Are we friends Thor? I would call you a friend, but you locked me up all day." I say arrogantly. Thor looks at me strange. I caught him off guard. I love it when I do that.
"I do not know. You act like my brother. There are minor differences but you act a lot like him. I would consider you an acquaintance if it eases your mind." Thor says without meeting my eyes. Great. Just great. The only person who I fully trust in Asgard is just an acquaintance. I know two people here. My acquaintance, and Loki. I don't really want to think about Loki. Thor and I walk the rest of the way in silence, taking a million turns to get to a freaking mirror. The whole time there I feel awesome because I have a cape. Again, who doesn't love capes? Eventually, we enter a small round room like mine, except the only thing in there is a mirror that covers the walls, floor, and ceiling. It's cool. I really only need a mirror like one in a public bathroom, but this works too. If I were girly, I would be freaking out. But I'm not. So I don't. I walk into the middle of the room and sit down with my legs underneath me. Thor is leaning casually against the door frame and staring down the hall. My guard however, is staring at my back. I can see him through the mirror. I read his mind to see what he's thinking. She's hot. I wish I could have her. What I would give for her to be mine. Wait, what?! He think I'm pretty? Oh I like this! I could have fun with this! What's his name though? Throughout all of this I'm acting innocent and putting my hair in a side fishtail braid, pretending to not notice the guard staring at me. What is his name though? Bulam. Weird name. Well, all of them are here.
"I am flattered that you think I'm pretty Bulam." I say and smirk at him through the mirror. His face turns beat red and he turns away. He has a helmet on and Asgardian leather on with gold armor, but his curly red hair escapes the helmet. He has sea blue eyes and teardrop face. His nose is a little long and he has a line of freckles across his cheeks. He's cute, but he looks too much like Shane. I finish braiding my hair to the side and clip it with the biggest clip in the shape of a flower that looks kind of like a Hawaiian flower. I stand up to admire my good work. I actually look great! The green in the dress flatters my round nose and makes my eyes stand out. My tanned skin goes well with this green. I'm not brown, just tan. I turn around, beaming at Thor and Bulam.
"Alright Goldylocks, I ready to go." I say smirking and walk out leaving the guys still standing by the door.
"The celebration hall is the other way." Thor says. I turn around and walk elegantly the other direction. Thor nods to Balum and he runs off somewhere. Then Thor gives me a confused look. I look at him, still walking elegantly past him, not waiting for him to catch up. He catches up though. He's Thor.
"Goldylocks?" Thor asks confused.
"It's a story. Basically, this girl named Goldylocks has blonde hair and goes into this bears house. She eats their food, sits in their chairs, and sleeps in their beds. It's weird I know. Your blonde hair reminded me of hers, this Goldylocks." I say while moving my hands about while I'm talking. It's a habit. I never know what to do with my hands when I'm talking, so most of the time I make random, pointless gestures. We make small talk of random topics for the remaining distance from the mirror room to the Celebration Hall.
"What are you guys celebrating anyways?" I ask Thor.
"We are celebrating Loki's foiled plans." Thor says.
"Oh. So you're celebrating you, the Avengers, and myself basically?" I ask.
"Yes." Thor states simply. We turn a corner on my right and giant, engraved, wooden, double doors stand in front of us. I hear people talking and laughing from behind it. The Celebration Hall. Time to party, Asgard style.

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