Eye for an Eye | KTH

By goldenchocolate02

1.1K 48 173

Your heart raced at the feeling of the cold barrel on your forehead, but you knew you had to stay composed. Y... More

Before You Read
~ Prologue ~
~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
thanks hehe

~ Chapter 5 ~

45 2 5
By goldenchocolate02

Jungkook essentially complained about both Taehyung and Jimin for the entirety of the ride to the restaurant. Even as they were seated, he kept going off about how Taehyung was already making Y/N ignore her schedule and that he'd only be a bad influence on her.

However he soon turned his attention to how Jimin annoyed him as Hoseok calmly ate his meal and nodded along, knowing Jungkook just needed to let it all out.

"You know he even calls me Kookie? I don't even let Cheyenne or Y/N do that! But he just won't stop! Ughhh," Jungkook puts his head in his hands as he takes a short break.

Hoseok took a bite of his food, "Your food's gonna get cold, you should start eating."

"I'm not even hungry anymore."

Hoseok raised his brows at Jungkook, "Excuse me? I'm not paying for dinner if you don't eat."

"How can you focus on the food right now? I just expressed so many of my problems!"

Hoseok wiped his mouth and hands on a napkin before looking at Jungkook, "Dude, just tell Jimin to hang out in Taehyung's dorm and then they'll be out of your way. And we both know you only hate Taehyung because Y/N might like him."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Okay that's not true, I—"

Hoseok interrupted, "Let me finish. The way to solve this problem is to use Jimin to get over Y/N, you won't care about her and Taehyung, you'll finally get over her, and Jimin will automatically seem less annoying."

Jungkook furrowed his brows, "Bold of you to assume that I'd like Jimin out of all people."

Hoseok turned his attention to his food, "Well, you don't have to actually like a rebound."

Jungkook thought for a minute. He accepted his bisexuality years ago but didn't have much experience with guys, or honestly anyone since he's been in love with Y/N since high school. "Okay, there are two problems," he stated.


"I have no idea how to talk to men, romantically at least. And two, he's my roommate, what if I just fuck myself over and it's all awkward living with him."

Hoseok smiled and shook his head, "Oh Kookie, you're just as blind as Y/N."

Jungkook furrowed his brows, his silence caused Hoseok to look up and laugh.

"Jimin is probably already into you, just avoid breaking his heart and you're good."

After dinner, Hoseok was going to drive Jungkook back to campus but took a different turn, causing Jungkook to question him.

Hoseok kept his eyes on the road as he answered, "We need to do something before I take you back, alright?"

Jungkook agreed as he looked around, trying to figure out where they were going as they drove through a forested area.

After driving around an unknown part of the city, Hoseok pulled into a large parking lot that was gated. They both let the security guard check their IDs and Hoseok drove to a parking spot marked with his last name.

Jungkook kept looking around and noticed the tall building with a bunch of flags in the front and many security guards outside. He got out of Hoseok's car as he continued taking in the sight in front of him. He followed Hoseok to the entrance where they waited for a bit.

Jungkook kept looking around, trying to figure out where they were but got even more confused when he saw his parents' car pull up to the entrance. "Hey, why are my parents here?"

Hoseok looked up from his phone, "Oh perfect, they're right on time! Good evening sir, ma'am." He greeted them as they walked over to him and Jungkook.

"Mom? Dad? Why are you guys here? Where are we?" Jungkook questioned as he hugged his parents.

His mom smiled at him, "You're at our office! We'll explain more soon but we need to go inside."

The four of them entered the building and Jungkook got even more confused as he had to go to various metal detectors and had his belongings screened. The inside of the building looked even bigger than the outside as the lobby was huge and there were 20 floors.

Jungkook followed his parents to a small conference room on the 16th floor and soon, a tall man walked in and his parents and Hoseok warmly greeted him. Jungkook immediately recognized him as this man lived in his neighbourhood growing up.

"Namjoon hyung! How have you been?" Jungkook asked with a big smile, "Haven't seen you in like two years."

Namjoon returned the smile and gave him a hug, "Yeah! I was so excited when I heard you'd be joining us with this."

Jungkook shrugged, "I'd say the same if I knew why I was here."

Jungkook's parents stood in front of him and his dad spoke, "We are secret agents, well kind of. We both work for the criminal research department. Namjoon and Hoseok here are more active agents and you need to help us help a close friend."

Before Jungkook could ask questions, Namjoon took over with a powerpoint set up and Hoseok stood next to him. "You and Hoseok have been friends with Y/N for a long time now, and you both know her parents are dead. Do you know how they died?"

Jungkook nodded, "In a car crash, right?"

Namjoon also nodded, "Correct. But did you know that her parents were also secret agents? I know it must be weird finding out a lot of people around you are agents but we know for sure Y/N is not because her grandma was sworn to secrecy for her own safety.

Now, Hoseok here has actually been protecting Y/N for the past three years. Y/N's parents were working with a very serious case before they passed and coincidentally, their other partners were killed and the leader of their team resigned after everyone's death. We believed that the past leader, Mr. Howard Walker, was trying to get the information found in the case but only Y/N's parents had access to it. So we got Hoseok here to protect her and unfortunately, we now need you to join."

Jungkook's eyes widen, "Is Y/N in trouble??" he asked with a worried expression.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok who then looked at Jungkook's parents, neither of them wanting to break the news.

Jungkook's mom held Jungkook's arm, "We do have evidence that people want information from her and we just want you to make sure she's not being harassed into giving it. Chances are she doesn't even know herself and we don't want her getting hurt because of it."

Jungkook's attention turned back to Namjoon as he spoke, "Hoseok and I can't exactly pass as college students because Y/N and your other friend Cheyenne know him and I went to college with the people you need to be wary of. And based on your athletic history, we know you'll be physically capable too, just in case."

At this point, Jungkook was too speechless and no longer reacted verbally. Hoseok and Namjoon shared a look, Hoseok nodded to Namjoon causing him to take a deep breath. "Okay, I am going to show you footage that we found from a couple months ago. This will explain exactly what you need to protect her from."

Namjoon waited for Jungkook to nod, showing that he's ready to see the video. Namjoon attached a USB to his laptop and started the video.

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