Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Rev...

Por Writing-Pixie

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The year someone turns 18 they have the opportunity to be injected with a serum that will produce a soulmate... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 - ??? and BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 -- ??? & BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - ??? & BTS (3rd person POV)
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71 - BTS (3rd person POV) & ???
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 - BTS (3rd person POV)
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 BTS & ??? (3rd person POV)
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 - BTS & ??? (3rd person POV)
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95 - BTS & ??? (3rd person POV)
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 - TDS and BTS (3rd person POV)
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106 - BTS, CCS, and WBS (3rd person)
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116 - BTS & ??? (3rd Person)
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125 - BTS & ??? (3rd Person POV)
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132 - Candace, CCS & WBS, and BTS 3rd POV
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144 - 3rd person POV
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161 - BTS 3rd POV and Daisy POV
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Announcement: Future Projects
Chapter by Chapter
Bonus Chapter #1 - The Sasaeng's Histories
Bonus Chapter #2 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 1
Bonus Chapter #3 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 2
Bonus Chapter #4 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 3
Bonus Chapter #5 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 4
Bonus Chapter 6 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part #5
Not a Bonus Chapter! A celebration!
Bonus Chapter #7 - Neil

Chapter 102

4.6K 236 39
Por Writing-Pixie

A/N:  This chapter is the second family meet week.  Just as a reminder I didn't find their parents names, nor did I look terribly hard to try to find them.  So aside from the sibling names the rest are made up.

I'd like to say that my trip with Jiwoo to the doctor's office and shopping trip afterward on Friday had been a wonderful, friendly excursion. I guess in some ways it was at least a friendly excursion. Mostly because I definitely took on both a friendly and sisterly role.

After she got the injection it ended up being my job to keep her from both panicking and from unintentionally channeling somnium venereum before the serum was fully released through her system. The shopping excursion was supposed to take her mind off of the fact that the serum was now running through her veins. It only mildly did so, but it was me reminding her of some potential failure that could occur should she channel somnium venereum too soon.

Once the allotted time was about to pass we went back to my house. I didn't encourage her to channel somnium venereum until we were both relaxed in the hot tub. Then I explained to her each of the three marks she received before she even dared to open her eyes. She mentioned having to go home to mentally prepare herself for all of this before she reached out to them herself with this discovery.

That's when the second part of my plan regarding all this came into play. I quickly sent a text message to each of my new brothers. I hinted at both my suspicions and what had occurred. I didn't let them know I saw her soulmate marks though, only that she had received her injection today. I couldn't force them into channeling somnium venereum again themselves, but I definitely hoped they each would take a moment to do so after they heard my suspicions.

Now this morning she is glaring at me before I go off to meet more of my soulmate's parents. "You told them didn't you?"

I sigh. "I hinted at what we both thought might be the case. That you might be their soulmate and vice versa. I did tell them all that you got your injection, hoping they might take a moment to channel somnium venereum after I relayed the news. I didn't tell them however that your marks fit each of them." I pause for a moment to let her compute everything I said. "Did you call them?"

She shook her head. "No. They called me."

"So, what's the next step?" I ask her curiously.

"I guess each of them wants to spend some one on one time with me." She sighs for a moment as if the whole situation is an exasperating ordeal, which I can honestly tell that isn't the case. A short chuckle escapes her. "They are going in age order from oldest to youngest."

I chuckle in response. I mean it makes sense but it also sounds a bit silly. "Hey, at least they didn't leave it to chance and draw lots."

She laughed again. "True." She pauses for a second. "By the way, I already told my parents a lot about you. I am pretty sure they already love you from everything I shared with them. So, I don't think you have to worry too much regarding them."

I make a face at her. "Was this before or after my stunt with your soulmates?"

She laughs. "I'm not mad at you. Perhaps, mildly disappointed, but definitely not mad. You were trying to help me out, and in the long run I can't fault you for that." She bites her lip and takes a minute to think to herself. With the next words out of her mouth I can tell she is trying to change the subject. "So, what are you planning on wearing today?"

I pull out the red cable knit sweater and jeans I planned on wearing. I also pull out a pair of red converse slip on shoes. "I also plan on wearing these as a joking nod toward Namjoon's penchant for red Converse sneakers."

She chuckles. "Well, they will definitely be a conversation starter that's for certain." She then encourages me to go ahead and get dressed. "My parents are known for being punctual, after all." The doorbell like chime goes off throughout the house as if to punctuate her statement with a big fat exclamation point.

We both chuckle at the ironic timing of the chime. I get dressed rapidly with the most care as possible due to my sudden time constraint. Once I am dressed I am wholly unsurprised by the knock on my door.

Jiwoo gets up and opens the door. Calmly both Namjoon and Hobi walk in. Sure, they are calm. It's their families after all. At least I'm not quite as nervous as I was last time though. It definitely helps that not only I have had one family meeting under my belt, but also this meeting doesn't happen to be taking place on day two of my cycle.

"Nice shoes, Baby." Joon smirks at me.

I look at Jiwoo and chuckle. "I thought you might like them. I mean they are still Converse and red after all."

He shakes his head as if he doesn't know what to do with me, but there is no denying the dimples poking out of his cheeks. He looks over at Hobi as if he will offer some assistance.

Hobi, being the goofball he is, saunters my direction and bends down toward me. I don't know quite what he is up to until I am already slung over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. "Hobi!!!! No!!!" I am tempted to smack his ass to get him to put me down, but that is definitely not the first impression I want to give his family. No apparently the first impression they will have of me is how good my ass looks in these jeans. Okay, so they won't be complimenting how my jeans fit, but I had to give myself some kind of pep talk to this unconventional first impression I will have with Namjoon and Hobi's families.

Once we get down the stairs he puts me down. I hide my face in his chest for a moment before giving him a glare promising retribution. He grimaces in reaction, finally realizing that he probably took that stunt too far. I straighten my posture and turn to smile at the two families behind me.

I try to ignore what just occurred and greet them with the same practiced sentences I did for maknae families last week. "Annyeong Haseyo. Bangapsumnida. Jal Butakdeurimnida."

Despite Hobi's antics the first couple that approaches me are all smiles. In fact I can tell pretty much right away that these are Hobi's parents. His mother's smile is as blinding and as sweet as both Hobi's and Jiwoo's. "Petal, this is my mother, Misook."

I immediately bow in her direction and she places her hand on my shoulder to stop me from the action. I'm surprised by the hug she pulls me into. "My son has told me so much about you." She surprises me by saying in English. She looks sheepish for a moment. "Sorry. My English is not so good. I try."

I wave her off with a broad smile. "Your English is fine. I could understand you perfectly."

She smiles in immediate appreciation. Hobi turns me toward the man standing beside her. "This is my father, Youngchul."

"My son says you like to read." He uses it as an opening with me.

I bluster for a moment, suddenly remembering his father is a literature teacher. I scramble to try to think of the last book I read that wasn't a romance novel. The problem is I don't remember any of the plot of the titles I do recall very well. The Young Adult books sure, but the high school level novels? Yeah, I don't remember those at all. "I mean I have read novels in the past." I blush immediately. "I'm more of a romance reader now, and I honestly can't think of anything beyond that."

"Oh, you mean you aren't a Potterhead?" He asks me with a broad smile.

I give him one back. "I never said that." I laugh. We talk about the world of Harry Potter a bit more before Namjoon escorts me away to meet his family.

"Daisy," Unlike how Hobi uses his pet name to introduce me I am wholly unruffled by the fact that Namjoon doesn't use his endearment. In fact, I think if he called me 'baby' in front of his family it might make me feel even more uncomfortable than I already do. "This is my mother Kyunghee." The woman in front of me is just a tad shorter than I am, but there is no doubt in my mind that she is his mother. The two look so much alike it's almost uncanny. Heck, I almost wonder if I compared a younger picture of her to a picture of him in that school girl get up he wore once if it would be almost like looking at a set of twins.

His mother looks down at my shoes and grins. She points at them, then at her son, and a question alights her face. I nod my head and grin. "Yes, I wore them for him."

A musical laugh comes from behind his mother. That's when I turn to look at the younger woman behind her. "My sister Geong Min." I know from my research that she is the same age as Jk making her a year younger than me.

She surprises me by pulling me into a hug. "We will have to get some one on one time later." Her gaze lingers over some of the other members, and I know exactly what she is getting at. Luckily her visual perusal is only one of curiosity. Had she looked at any of them with physical appreciation, well I might be uncomfortable about the conversation we might be having in the future.

Namjoon regains my attention and turns me to introduce me to his father. "This is my father Sungsoo." His father is tall, which has to be where Namjoon got his height from, but I can't see any physical traits outside of that he might have inherited from the man.

I know when he opens his mouth though that he inherited other things from him. "My son tells me that you and him recently started working on a painting together. May I see it?"

I look to Namjoon for confirmation. When he nods I do the same. "Of course, but it's not finished yet."

When Sungsoo sees the work of art he immediately starts a discussion about pointillism. I admit to not knowing much myself, but I do take a moment to cite off what I do know in as much detail as possible. After a while our conversations turn into some similar ones that Namjoon and I had on our first date. It puts me at ease to find something easy to bond over.

Once again lunch is ordered in and we settle around the table. I'm pleased to discover that nothing feels forced. I can't say that I immediately feel like I found more family surrounding me. I know that is something that will take time to become adjusted to. I can however say that I do see the way I fit with these two families. I obviously get along great with Jiwoo, and definitely do consider her my sister. I can also see the possibility of a similar relationship with Geong Min in the future.

I don't know if my relationship with Geong Min will ever be as concrete as my relationship with Jiwoo feels. I guess that might have to do with how she keeps looking at a few of my soulmates. I've seen her eyes trail over the maknae line eagerly a few times. But, can I really fault her for appreciating how handsome the three of them are? Hell, even I can admit that I do see other guys and think they are attractive, but that's different. Finding another man to be attractive and being attracted to him are two different things. Perhaps, I need to pull her aside for a short time before they leave. Just to get an idea of what she might be thinking.

A half an hour later it isn't me that finds her but the opposite. She comes and seeks me out. "So, I have to admit this is a bit weird for me. I've known them all for years of course, but I have to admit that I have had a crush on a few of them for that time too."

I nod. "I thought I might have caught some appreciative looks. Is it only Jimin, Taehyung, and Jk or did I miss some other appreciative looks.?"

She has the decency to turn scarlet and avert her eyes. "I'm..." She takes a deep breath. "Daisy, I am so sorry."

I lift her chin up. "Other than being attracted to them do you have anything else to apologize for?"

"I..." She pauses for a second trying to make sense of what I might be asking her. "No! No, no they are just crushes. I don't have true feelings for them, nor have I carried out any actions to let them know about my crushes. I know they have you now. I would never, ever jeopardize our future relationship as sisters like that."

I nod. "Good." I grin slyly at her. "I mean how can I fault you for crushing on them when there are millions of girls all around the world that feel the same?"

"Oh wow. You really are perfect for them. You are so understanding." She pauses for a second. "So, I have to know. Who's the best kisser?"

I laugh out loud at that and tease her by trying to insinuate it's her brother. That of course grosses her out. "I honestly don't measure one of them over the other like that."

She nods. "Okay, but you gotta tell me. Are Jin and Jimin's lips as soft as they look?"

I laugh out loud at her again.  

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