The Slytherin Common Room - D...

By anordinarymuse

266K 9.7K 40.4K

"There's nothing to risk." "To 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 is to 𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓴." Draco Malfoy x Reader FanFiction (6 + 7 year, Light... More

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4.7K 205 337
By anordinarymuse

We made it to 300 reads, oh my god. Thank you so much to everybody that has been reading my story. Don't forget to vote and enjoy the story :)



You wake up to hear your alarm go off, which you immediately shut off. You close your eyes and get comfortable sinking into your mattress.

Unfortunately, the second alarm you set for yourself goes off. You kick off the covers and change into your robes. As you walk to the bathroom and brush your teeth, you hear your third alarm go off. You grab your books and head to breakfast, and just as you open the door, your fourth alarm goes off. You hurl your books onto your bed and march over to the clock turning off the alarm.

"Don't you dare," Pansy warns as you begin to remove some of the alarms from the clock.

You shoot her a look and set the clock back down on your nightstand. Angrily you seize your books and march out the door slamming it behind you.

"Those alarms are going to drive me insane." You think to yourself as you walk to the Great Hall.

For some reason, you're the first one to get there, normally you'd be ecstatic to be first, but today this early in the morning, you're too tired to care.

You serve yourself some fruit, a croissant, and you pour yourself orange juice. You quietly munch the carbs, occasionally sipping on your juice.

"Isn't this a sight to see," Terence jokes as he sits down across from you, "unless I'm dreaming, of course."

"Nope, not a dream," you say as you pinch his arm as hard as you can.

"What the fuck?" He asks as he stretches the pain out of his arm.

"I was just double-checking for you," you respond innocently.

He rolls his eyes as the rest of the crew arrives and sits down in the usual seating arrangement. As Draco sits down, you look down at your shoes.

"I think I'm going to go to the library; I'll see you guys later." You decide as you walk away from the table.

You make your way to the library and pull out your Transfiguration books, trying to cram before your test.

"Hey, Y/N, what are you doing?"

You look up to see Fred pulling out the chair next to you.

"Trying to study for my Transfiguration exam," you huff. "You're better already?"

"Yeah, Madam Pomfrey said that since I'm so strong, I was cured much faster." He says as he very subtly flexes his muscles, to which you respond by rolling eyes.

"I'm glad you're better; it seemed like you were in a lot of pain."

"Mostly because of Angelina, she was being bloody annoying."

Fred Weasley

"Shit, don't tell her I said that."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on speaking to her anytime soon."

As silence passes by, I lean my cheek against my hand, gazing at Y/N as she studies. The way her hair falls down her cheek and how her eyes sparkle at the sunlight. And her body, god, it was gorgeous. But my personal favor-.

"Fred, my eyes are up here." She says quietly, pushing her locks behind her ear.

Real smooth Fred, real smooth.

"About Angelina, what she said to you I'm sorr-"

"I know, Fred, you're sorry, you don't have to apologize anymore." She says, pressing her lips together, hiding her smile.

I pull a package of jelly beans out of my pocket and offer one to Y/N. She takes one glance and chooses a blush pink jelly bean. I decide on a white coconut flavored one. She pops the pink jelly bean in her mouth and smiles, immediately knows which flavor it is.

"Strawberry?" I ask.

"Yeah, my favorite; I love anything strawberry, really."

"Mhm interesting, I don't see you as a strawberry person."

"Why not?"

"Strawberry people seem soft and gentle. Two things you, for one, definitely are not." I grin.

She opens her mouth up in surprise, grabs her things, and begins to leave.

"I should get going; I don't want to be late." She replies sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Wait, no; I take it back, you are soft Y/N and gentle even," I shout. "Some would even say kind!"

Y/N just shakes her head as she leaves the library.


You review all your answers before turning in your exam. Professor McGonagall simply nods as she takes the parchment. For the rest of the class, you read your book, trying to sneak a look at Hermione's exam to see if any of her answers match up with yours. You curse yourself as none of her responses match yours.

"Class dismissed," McGonagall says as the last person hands in their exam.

You pack your things, walk out of the classroom, and head to your dorm. As you walk down an empty corridor, you feel like somebody is following you. But when you turn around, nobody is in sight. You sigh as you continue to walk forward, but when you turn the corner, you see a streak of blond hair in the reflection bounce off a bathroom mirror.

Quietly you turn around, searching for the mysterious blond.

"I know you're there; come out," you say warningly. "Now."

After a second, a blond Hufflepuff releases herself from the shadows.

Beau Walters.

"So it was you," you scoff. "I knew it; you've been following me for the past couple of weeks. Haven't you?"

Her eyes wavered as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Do you have something to say?" You ask threateningly.

No response.

"I know exactly how to crack you, so I think you'd want to start talking."

"Fine, yes, I have been following you."


"I've been trying to talk to you for the past couple of weeks."

"I think I made it pretty clear I don't want to associate myself with you."

"Crystal," she stops before she begins. "But it's about Cedric. He feels awful."

"I'd hope so, wouldn't you?"

"It's so much more than that; he refuses to do anything now just in case he bumps into you."

You gulp.

"He won't speak to me either; after the incident at Honeydukes, he won't say anything. He rejects anything I suggest, and he barely shows any emotion."

"This is beginning to sound like a you problem," you say. "I forgave Cedric, the day after, in fact. This is all just the fall back he deserves. Whatever he does now is his own decision, not mine. I already met him in the middle; it's time he'd tie the bow."

You turn to leave, returning to your walk down the corridor.

"And stop following me," you say before you turn the corner. "It's fucking pathetic." you declare, giving one last glare before leaving her for good.

Blaise Zabini

I sat in the Great Hall waiting for dinner to finish as everybody eats except Y/N and me.

"So let me guess this straight," Adrian begins. "You were invited to dinner? With Slughorn? Why wasn't I invited."

"Yes, Y/N and I were both invited; apparently, he handpicks each student who he invites."

"Y/N you were invited?" Terence asks.

"Uh, yeah, I only just got invited though, he asked me yesterday," Y/N says, resting her head on her arms, eyeing to food.

"You should eat something if you're hungry," I suggest.

"No, I'm saving myself for the party. It's only another half hour."

"Ok, whatever you say, Y/N."

As soon as dinner is over, Y/N and I leave the Great Hall as quickly as possible to get ready for dinner.


You walk into your dorm, throwing clothes around in the air.

"What do you think of this?" You ask Pansy, who just entered the room.

"Seems a little skimpy for dinner with a professor." She replies as you hold up a camisole and mini skirt.

"Maybe you're right," you continue looking through your drawers.

"Here, how about this?" Pansy asks, holding up articles of clothing.

"Perfect," you answer, grabbing the clothes and changing.

You slip into a pair of fitted jeans and a dark green form-fitting short sleeve top.

You walk down the stairs to see Blaise sitting in the common room waiting for you.

"Ready to go Y/N?" He asks as he stands up.

"Yeah, let's go, I guess."

The two of you begin to walk down the corridors heading towards Slughorn's office.

"You look nice," Blaise says.

"Thanks, you as well."

"Who do you think is going to be here?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I'm kind of nervous."

"Well, at least we have each other."

"Thank god I have you; I don't know what I'd do if I had to come alone."

"I'm glad you're here too." He says as we reach the door, "Ladies first."

"Why, thank you, good sir," you respond, giving Blaise a fake curtsy.

The two of you step into the office, and immediately in view is a large round table with a few familiar faces.

"Welcome, everybody, Blaise Zabini, and Y/N Y/L/N. Please sit down." He announces, pointing to seats at the table.


Not much to say other than thank you. Also, recently, I've learned that my followers get updates on my story, so I will now be shouting out followers!

So thank you to @LxserOlivia @fantasyfanlol 17Kimora jiminahsbabe daddy_cedrics_wap JosephinaKlause123 

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