Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to...

By kidrauldream

288K 8.1K 3.7K

Sequel to Being A Braun. - Read the continuation of Ri's life, as she and Justin battle with their crazy live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 38

3.4K 136 93
By kidrauldream

Are any of yall going to the honeymoon tour?! i'm going 4th of June in Manchester. When and where are you guys going?!;)


The door to my tour bus opened, attracting my attention. I glanced up, my eyes landing on Alfredo. I let my eyes lower to his hands, where i saw two paper mcdonalds bags. He held them up, a grin forming on his lips.

"Hungry?" He asked.

I nodded, closing the song book i'd been writing in.

I edged up the seat a little, lifting up the blanket draped across my knees to allow him to sit down beside me. I placed it down, smoothening it on his legs. Fredo slid one of the bags on my lap before pausing and shooting me a smirk.

"Hashtag relationship goals." He said.

I laughed.

It was the day after i kicked Madison off the tour. After travelling all night, we were now in New Jersey, and everyone else had gone ahead into the hotel. I'd stayed behind on the bus, just needing some time to myself for awhile - but i was glad Fredo was here.

"What were you working on?" He asked, nodding at my songbook. "Can i look?"

I swallowed the fry i was eating, nodding my head.

"It's some new stuff. I dunno, theres a lot inside my head."

I passed him the book.

'What goes around comes around, and if it goes up it comes down. know you're mad 'cause I found out. Want you to feel what I feel right now.

Now that it's over, i just wanna break your heart right back, right back. Want you to cry me a river, i just wanna break your heart right back'

I studied Fredo as he read the lyrics.

"It's not very good, it needs alot of work-"

He shook his head, looking up at me. "No, i like it." He said.

We locked eyed for a moment, before a small smile formed on my lips.

He nodded at me, closing the song book and placing it on the table. He knew how i was coping with the whole Justin thing. He was my bestfriend.

I cleared my throat. "Fredo, how did you actually get the test results last night? I thought-"

"That you had to go there in person to collect them? Yeah, you do." He interrupted.

The real test results, which Fredo had given to me the previous night, showed absolutely no abnormalities in my blood. The doctor had written on that my irregular periods could be an inherited thing or could be caused due to my diet or stress from my career. So no worries. There was no concerns over my ability to concieve children like Madison's brother had said.

"So how?"

"I called Pattie last night whilst you were doing the show." He explained, taking a sip of his milkshake.

I stared at him. "What?!"

"She was in Atlanta and so i asked her to go over to the doctors for us."

"Pattie?" I repeated. I put down my burger, suddenly no longer hungry.

Fredo was quiet for a moment. "Yes."

"D-did you tell her everything? What did you say to her? Was Justin there?"

"I emailed her a letter to give to the doctors. She knows everything, yes" He swallowed. "But no... Justin wasn't there, he doesn't know."

I stared into space, swallowing the mushy mcdonalds lump that had formed in my throat.

Fredo licked his lips, continuing to explain. "Pattie went over to the doctors and gave them the letter and explained everything to them."

"And they just believed her?"

He nodded. "They retraced the call Madison's brother dialled to you and listened to the recording. They know exactly what happened. Pattie got them to send us the real results and Madison's brother was fired with immediate effect."

"Wow." I swallowed.

"Pattie said they are terrified you are going to sue."

"I'm not." I said.

"I thought you'd say that."

"I just want to put shit like this behind me."

"I'm just sorry so many people try to screw you over Ri."

I turned my head so i could look him in the eye. "It's alright."

"No." He refused. He played with his food. "It's not."

I sighed, shifting my body so i was closer to him. Fredo put his arm around me as i snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you Fredo. I don't know what i'd do without you sometimes."

"Don't thank me, thank Pattie."

I chewed on my lip. "I don't know if i can talk to her." I admitted.

"Why? What did she do to you? Other than give birth to that idiot."


"Great show Ri!" Allison greeted me as i finished the set that night. I hugged her, before pulling out my in-ears and passing my mike to one of the stage guys who high-fived me.

"Thank you." I grinned, turning back to Allison. "Did you hear that crowd?!"

I high-fived Max.

"Good job Lil Braun."

"Thank yoouuu." I sung. I began high-fiving members of the crew as i passed them, hugging the occaisonal ones. I paused momentarily to take off my shoes.

I heard laughter around me.

"What?!" I giggled. "Y'all try doing a set in these bad boys."

I turned, pressing them into Max's hands for him to carry. "What did your last slave die of?" He joked.

"He was cheeky when i asked him to carry my shoes." I laughed. I turned back, my eyes clapping sight of Demi, who was getting her mikes prepped ready to go onstage. I headed towards her for a moment.

"Demi!" I called. She glanced up at me, a smile breaking out on her lips.

We hugged it out.

"Ri! You were amazing girl, good job!"

"Thank you." I giggled. I checked out her outfit. "You look amazing. Good luck for the show, not that you need it!"

We were interupted by someone tugging on Demi's arm.

"Gotta go, they're calling for me." She smiled, getsuring to the stage.

"Break a leg!" I waved.

I followed Allison through the twists and turns of backstage towards the area i knew everyone would be waiting. We rounded the corner and my eyes landed on everyone huddled like usual, full of chat on tonights show.

"RIIIIIII!" Kezia greeted me, sprinting over for a hug.

I laughed, squeezing her tight. "You killed it Kez."

"You too Rizzle. That crowd was-"

"Amazing right?" I smiled.

Her eyes shone. "Yeah. Come with me."

She grabbed my hand and began my pulling me through the crowd of people. My mouth dropped open, when my eyes landed on two people i had definitely not expected to see.

I squealed a little bit, my lips breaking out into a huge smile as i dove forwards to hug one of them.


My uncle caught me in his strong arms, hugging me tight to his chest.

"Hey pal." He chuckled. "Surprise."

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?!"

"We came to see the show." He grinned. He kissed my forehead. "You're killing it Ri. Well done."

I great sense of pride washed over me.

I beamed up at him before forcing him to release me from his grasp. I turned to the tall person stood beside him, throwing my arms around his neck.


A cute laugh escaped from my favourite Australian's lips as he gently lifted my feet off the ground, his arms hugging me tight around my torso. I squeezed him.

"Hello you." His charming accent greeted.

"Hi." I grinned. "How are you?! You pig, why didn't you guys tell me you were coming?!"

There was a ripple of laughter.

"It was a surprise." Scooter chuckled. Cody set my feet back on the ground.

"Did i do good?" I asked him.

He smirked, pinching my stomach. "Meh, it was a'right."

"Hey!" I laughed, squirming away.

Allison chuckled from behind me, before clapping her hands together to get everyones attention. "Alright guys, great show. We don't have to travel until tomorrow so get some rest, hang out or something tonight. Good job everyone. See y'all tomorrow."

Everyone cheered. I clapped, smiling up at Cody for a moment.

He gestured in the direction of the tour buses and began walking beside me as i headed that way.

"So how are you, Ri?" He asked, a smile forming on his lips.

"I'mmm-, i'm doing okay, yeah." I nodded. I smiled. "It's been a rough month or so."

"I heard."

"Yeah. Justin and i broke up."

Cody pushed his hands into his jean pockets. "I heard about that too... Sorry. I overheard Scooter talking with Carin the other day."

"It's fine. I was going to tell to anyway."

"What happened?"

I licked my lips. "He forgot what being in a relationship entailed."

Cody was quiet. He slid his hand into mine, giving it a squeeze.

"Sorry about that."

I smiled at him. "It's okay."

We reached the door to the arena and Cody stepped forward to push it open. I paused, glancing down at my feet.

I laughed slightly. Max had my shoes and part of the parking lot was gravelled, meaning it was gonna fricken kill my feet.

"What?" Cody chuckled, turning back to me.

"I don't have shoes."

Cody frowned slightly, before glancing down at my feet. I wiggled my toes, causing him to crack a smile and then laugh.

"Max has them." I giggled.

Before i could say anything else, Cody scooped me into his arms and held me bridle-style.

I laughed, wrapping one arm around his neck and placing the other on his chest. "You know, you don't have to do this."

"You don't like being carried by a sexy Australian?"

"Wheres the sexy Australian?" I grinned.

Cody pouted but this soon turned into a laugh.

He began carrying me outside, his arms strong beneath my body.

"I could get used to this." I smiled.

"I bet you could."

We heard screams. Both of our heads turned to look.

Behind the tall metal fencing surrounding the parking lot, stood a line of fans. They screamed loudly, gripping the fence when they saw Cody and i come outside.

I laughed. "Go over to them! Go, gooo!"

Cody glanced down at me, a smile forming on his lips. "Alright, alright."

I grinned, lightly gipping his shirt as he walked us over to them. The smile on his face grew as the girls got more and more excitable as we neared them.

I slid out of Cody's arms after we got past the gravel, half-skipping half-running across the concrete towards them.

"ARIANA!" "CODY!" They squealed.


I stuck my hands through the fence, reaching out to the small group of girls at the other side. They were so excited, which made me giggle.

"How are y'all?!"

"FABULOUS NOW." One of them grinned.

I laughed. "What are you guys doing out here? Aren't you watching Demi?!"

"We couldnt get tickets to the show but we had to at least TRY and meet you, thats why we're here!"


I smiled at Cody who was now stood beside me.

We stayed there for a good five minutes or so, talking to them. Max and Scooter watched us from across the lot, checking we were okay.

Cody and i goofed off, playing around and laughing with the fans.

"Can you guys selfie with us?!" One of them asked.

"Yeah, can you?!"

"Sureee!" I grinned.


One of the girls took out her phone and they all turned and pushed themselves as close to the fence as they could. I smiled, putting my head close to Cody's to ensure we were in the shot.

At the last minute Cody turned his head, kissing my cheek just as the girl took the picture.



I gazed down at my laptop screen, typing a familiar username into the twitter search bar at the top. I waited a few seconds for it to load before tapping on Ri's page and letting my eyes fall down her profile.

I was in New York for two days with Za and Kenny, for a photoshoot and promo work for Boyfriend, which had been released a few days earlier. So far it was doing pretty good.

I'd just got back to the hotel from visiting Avlanna, which i guess had made me smile. She was doing better. She'd been smiling and had more energy than the last time i'd seen her, so that was good.

I stared at Ri's latest tweet, which had been posted less than 7 hours before, it read:

@missarianabraun: New Jerseeyy yall were amazeballs ;) xxxx

"I miss you so much." I whispered. I moved the curser, clicking on her icon to enlarge it.

I reached for my phone, checking for the millionth time to check if she had messaged or called me back. I knew there was practically a zero percent chance of that happening, but i held onto anything i could.

I slung my phone on the bed, closing the lid of my laptop as i sighed. I lay back on the comforter, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Hey bro? You seen this?" Za's voice sounded.

"Seen what?" I mumbled, not moving from my position. I closed my eyes.

He walked into the bedroom, holding his phone in his hands. I sighed, forcing myself to prop up on my elbows. He turned his phone around, showing me the screen.

"What is it?" I squinted.

"Ri and that Cody guy."

I sat up.

"What the fuck."

I took the phone from him, squinting down at the screen. It was a tweet from an Ariana Braun 'updates' account.

@arianaupdat3s: Ariana and Cody Simpson with fans after the show in New Jersey last night.

I tapped on one of the four pictures below.

It showed Cody carrying Ri bridle-style. Ri was beaming, and gazing up at him.

My heart sank.

I scrolled through the other pictures, they showed Ri and Cody talking with fans and laughing, and there was a selfie. I froze, staring down at the picture.

I stared at Cody. His lips were placed against Ri's cheek, and she was smiling wide. She looked so happy.

I hung my head, running a hand through my hair. Za took the phone back.

I tugged on my hair, roughly massaging my head. It pained me to see that.

"Bro, you okay?"

"Yeah." I gulped. I stood up, wiping my hands on my trousers. "I'm going for some air."

"Dude, they're probably just friends..."

I kicked out at the wardrobe, resting my palms against it as i stopped walking. I panted.

"And what if they're not."

"You gotta win her back."

"How the fuck am i gonna do that?! She doesn't want me back, Za. Remember what i did to her?"

I turned to look at him.

"I'm a fuck up. I ruined EVERYTHING."

"So you're just gonna give up?" He asked.

I stared at him, grating my teeth together. "I don't know what else i can do."

"She's in New York tomorrow."



Hello guyss!!!

So sorrryy its been so long since i last updated. 3 weeks, i think?:( SORRY. I gave tried, i really have.

Schools just kinda really important for me now so that obvs has to come first.

Anywaayy, hope you enjoyed the chapter;) VOTES & COMMENTS would be lovelllyyyyyy!

CODY & RI?!?!? Is anything going on or do you think they're just friends?


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