Avengers oneshots

De Srs319

435K 9.5K 6.2K

Welcome welcome welcome. These are mostly gonna be peter sorry not sorry. I know I said I would do a lot of... Mais

Instagram 1
Another Field Trip
Soul Stone
What if...(1)
Rouge avengers return
Secret Siblings Series(S.S.S): Tony
What if.....(2)
S.S.S: Peter Parker
Phone Call(s)
Activate Civil War Protocol
Fast, Weird, and sticky
The 5 times natasha scared the shit out of the team
S.S.S: Natasha Romanoff
You have a what?!
S.S.S: Bruce Banner
Catching spiderman
S.S.S: Steve
What if...(1) ending 1
S.S.S: Thor
Air Force
A dangerous mix
Swear Jar
Presidential Seal
Instagram 2
Who is it?
Baby Avengers
S.S.S: Clint Barton
S.S.S: Loki
Instagram 3
Rouge avengers return (Version 2)
Racism Rant
The Shadow Spider
Since when?!
Lost {30 prompt Challenge}
Medieval AU
"Why are you in my kitchen?"
Author's note.
4th of July special
What if...(3)
We are Venom
S.S.S: Bucky Barnes
"Did you have to die"
It's up
Alessia Barnes Returns
Online Classes
hOlY gUaCAmOlE
I know what i said but...
Alternate Timeline
Hes dead (real)
Fuck reality
Peter Barton
How would you feel?
Royal Runaway
S.S.S Sam Wilson
What if...(1) ending 2
God help my wayward soul
Whumptober is Here
That would be enough
Peter Parker or Peter Stark?
Instagram 4
K so
S.S.S: Nick Fury
College AU
Peter...Penny Parker?
From Potts to Stark
Agent Parker Identity Reveal
Explaining The Timeline
2 different worlds
A part of the past
Idek what to title this but its an actual chapter
Untouchable (2)
Just Memes
Don't get mad at me guys
Guardian Angel
Agent Parker
Writers block has given me an idea
Just a quick Chapter
If the world was ending
Bizarre Assaassin Duet
A quick rant that is not important to anything at all that you can skip
Breakfast at Taco Bell
Thanksgiving special
Bider Verse
5 times Peter helpled the avengers
Blood in the Water
Avengers Anthem Check
I guess this needs a name....Ummmmm...Chick-Fil-A
I hate you I love you
Holiday Hide and Seek
Idk what to title this but it has greek gods
Kidnapped by Hydra
Cheers to the New Years
Instagram 5
Very very very quick question
Peter Pan
Lost Love
All you had to do was ask
Based off of the Darkest Minds
Don't go digging for dirt....
Phone Call (again)
Peter Wayne
Everyone should feel special on Valentines day
Where are your manners?
A sister left behind
Not Enemies but friends (Finished)
Who is this?
Harley and Peter as Stark twins
There was a tiktok-
Peter as the avengers therapist
Little soldier
Prince Diaries
Lol i hate windows
Ok But-
Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime: The mysterous death of Mary and Richard Parker
The box of marbles & the end of the world
The box of marbles & the end of the world (2)
Harley and Peter as Stark twins (2)
Foster Kid
So um...I need ideas
Mothers Day but Peppers not his mom
S.S.S: James Rhodes
SpideySilver Paradox
We Have Too Many Protocols for Peter: Clint edition
Instagram 6
Tony Stark breaks the internet (Pride edition)
I may or may not be on temporary Hiatus
Whaaat an A/N?? shocking

Twins on a fieldtrip (aka a disaster)

2K 60 48
De Srs319


i saw this request and wanted to do it for a long time

i also have a greek god thing and the darkest minds things in the works right now (future authour here...this shows you when i started this chapter VS when I finished it....i will not be fixing it just to give you context to how long my brain takes to actually work sometimes)

i have like....3 field trip requests

this one is from the K SO chapter

i dont remember who requested it but they requested that Peter went on a field trip but he had a long lost twin brother to confuse the avengers

looking back @ you guys's OCs imma start using them starting with @theoneandonlyaudrey 's Spencer Luno

I have another field trip one shot in the works with them in it

Quick backstory cuz I don't know how much into detail imma go in the chpter

Basically when Peter was born he had a twin

Peter Benjamin Parker and Andrew Richard Parker

Mary and richard died when the twins were babies and since CPS couldn't get in contact with May and Ben they put the twins up for adoption

A well-off couple adopted andrew and Peter went into a foster home

eventually May and Ben officially adoped Peter

but they couldn't get Andrew

little details

they look the same but are kinda different

They both like STEM and stuff. Peter knows more (not because of his connection to tony but because Peter has liked it his whole life and immersed himself in it and Andrew started when he was like 10)

They both like Art

Peter likes business

Andrew likes sports

Andrew is the more serious of the two (Peter can be serious when he needs to be but Peter is more energetic)

Andrew likes gaming more

Peter likes academics more

Peter likes Sci-Fi and starwars and stuff

Andrew likes action and drama's and stuff

blah blah blah on to the character thing

(btw Andrew dont have powers)

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Loki, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Rhodey, Sam, Bucky, T'challa, Peter (kinda), and Shuri.

Romantic Ships: Pepperony, Romanogers, ScarletVision

Platonic Ships: Everyone gets along about as well as you would expect

TW: Confusion, FieldTrips, Teachers, Swearing

now on to le story :)


Third Person POV

Peter Parker was having a good day. Scratch that. Peter had been having the best week ever. He aced all the tests for that week, Flash had been sick so no bullying, and he led his academic decathalon team to victory in their last thing.

He was gonna end the week strong. But Parker Luck™ had other plans. Thursday evening the teachers had called all the freshman and juniors into the cafeteria for an assembly. Everyone was confused and chattered about what it could be. "I think they found out who caused the servers to shut down during midterms last month." Ned said nervously.

"No way. We covered our tracks." Peter assured. "And they're pretty stupid, for teachers." MJ added. Peter nodded in agreeance and ned hoped they were right. The principal came on stage and everyone quieted down. "Hello students. I bet you are wondering why we have you gathered here this close to dismassal."

Everyone said "Yeah." Principal Morita smiled. "Well for startes I am proud to annouce that we have the highest SAT scores in the entire state of NewYork!" All the students chattered excitedly. "And that is not all. Because we have the highest SAT scores in the state Mr.Tony Stark has invited us, and another school, to have a private tour of The Avengers Tower!"

All the students started cheering and getting excited. "Now now, settle down." They all quieted. "We are sending you home with permission slips for your parents/guardians to sign in order for you to go. The field trip is tomorrow so if you bring your slip signed by your guardians then you do not need to bring your backpacks tomorrow. You are all dismissed." Morita said.

All the students filed out. "I'm gonna die." Peter whined. "Why?" Ned asked. "We're in the middle of a prank war and they are so gonna embarass and prank me." Peter sighed. "Can't help you dude." MJ smirked. Peter groaned. They all looked up when they heard a couple horns honking.

It was MJ and Neds moms. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Peter ran to the apartment. He convinced Clint and Natasha to go on patrol for him today. He didn't tell them this but he was going to visit his twin brother today.

Yes. Peter has an identical twin brother but not many people know that. They didn't even know it until they ran into eachother at a Cafe. They got in contact and it turned out that they were seperated after their parents died and Andrew's adoptive parents moved to NewYork that year.

Andrew was excited to meet his real family but since he grew up with his adoptive parents he didn't want to leave them so they would visit eachother and have sleepovers from time to time. Anyway

Peter went to May's apartment and she wasn't there yet. About an hour later Andrew texted him saying he was outside. Peter texted him and told him that he was home. Andrew had a key, but he never used it if May or Peter wasn't home.

Andrew let himself in and joined his brother on the couch. They were both quiet for a minute. "You'll never believe what happened today." They both said in two different tones. Andrew's was kind of excited and Peter's was annoyed.

"You go first." They both said at the same time. "Ok. I found out i have a field trip to the Avengers Tower tomorrow." They chorused. "You were the other school!" Peter said before andrew could. Andrew nodded. "Awesome." Peter smiled. "Don't you work at the tower?" Andrew asked. Peter nodded.

"Mr.Stark's personal intern." Peter smiled. "Cool." Andrew said. "I guess I'll get may to sign my form." Peter said. "And I'll get my parents to sign mine." Andrew said. They hung out for the rest of the night until May came back from work and drove Andrew home.

After May signed his form and laughed at him he went to bed. He told her not to tell the avengers he was going on the trip but he heard her on the phone with them later that night. During his restlessness he realized something. The avengers had no clue he had an identical twin. And him and said Identical twin would be in the same building tomorrow.

He didn't even have to scheme. He just knew whatever pranks they played would backfire. He went to sleep that night excited for the next day.

When he woke up in the morning he got ready and grabbed his signed slip, leaving everything else behind. He gave may a kiss on the cheek and left for school. When he got therehe met MJ by the busses. "You're here early." She said. "I'm excited." He said. She looked confused.

"You're singing a way different tune than you were yesterday." She said skeptically. Before he could explain Ned joined them. "Hey." He greeted. "Hey." Peter and MJ said back. "Peter here is suddenly excited for this fieldtrip." She supplied. "Why?" Ned asked equally skeptical.

"You know the other school that's coming?" They nodded. "That's Andrew's school." Peter said. They both thought about it and then burst out laughing. "Oh I wanna go. I wanna go right now." Ned said. "Alright guys, board the busses. We did a headcount and it's time to go." Ms.Martin said.

The trio boarded the luxurious busses paid for by Tony Stark and got the three seats in the back. "His school is going to get there 30 minutes before us to avoid commotion with badges and security then we get our tour guides and we go on the same tour but they go 10 minutes ahead of us so that we're not 200 teenagers in a room with expensive equiptment." Peter explained.

"So any pranks they're gonna do on you they're gonna do on him by accident." Ned said. Peter nodded. "Does andrew know about this?" MJ asked. "I called him this morning and we have a plan." Peter said. "What's the plan?" Ned asked. "You'll see." Peter smirked.

"Alright Everyone is here. We are going to go on our way. When we get there stay in your seats. An intern will come in and explain the rules to you before we go in." Mr.Parks said. "And before you ask, yes you can use your phones."

The bus started moving and everyone started talking to their friends and putting in headphones for the ride. Peter took out his phone, typed something in, and put his phone up so his friends could see. "What's this?" MJ asked. "We have 30 minutes until we get there. This is a live show." Peter smirked.

They watched on the screen as Andrew and his classmates walked in. "Welcome Brooklyn Academy! You all recieved the rules on the bus and we will repeat them before the tour starts. You will recieve your badges and we'll scan you all in. Then you'll wait 10 minutes for your tour to start." One of the interns said.

The footage switched to the Avengers common room. "I think Peter has arrived sir. Though it seems he is with the wrong school." Friday said. "Show me visual." Tony said. Tony saw Andrew and thought he was Peter but he couldn't tell. "Wait, zoom in on the hoodie." Clint said. It zoomed in and it was Tony's MIT hoodie he had given the boy.

"That's him alright." Sam smirked. "Why is he with Brooklyn Academy?" Wanda asked. "Maybe he tried to trick us. Either way the plan is officially in motion." Tony smirked. The footage switched back to Brooklyn tech getting their badges. "Why does Andrew have Tony's hoodie?" Ned asked.

"He must've taken it from my closet." Peter shrugged. "Either way the plan is working." He smirked. After the class went through nothing eventful happened and soon their bus arrived too. All the kids excitedly went to get up before they were reminded they needed a rundown of the rules. They groaned and sat down.

A few seconds later a young lady with a Stark Industries jacket came in looking annoyed. "Alright listen up children. My name is Molly Sparks, I'm a College Student with the September Foundation working here at Stark Industries. Your original tour guide cancelled and now I'm sacrificing valuable work time to work with kids." She said.

"Welcome to Stark Industries and Congrats on getting the higest SAT scores in the state. Today you guys are having one of our special tours. You'll be touring some of our R&D, Engineering, and Business floors. You'll get to see where the idea's come from, how they're made, and how we make our money.

Some people may have challenges for you to complete along the way. Then you will be able to eat lunch and tour the Avengers Medical Facility, training floor, and have a meet and greet in one of the lesser used Common Areas with the avengers and the other school. Any questions about that?" She asked.

Nobody raised their hands so she moved on.

"Ok now on to rules. We have 10 rules for you today. One, Do not touch anything you are not permitted to touch. Two, Do not stray from the group. You will not be able to get anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without permission from someone on my level or higher. Three, Do not try and steal anything, we have an AI watching your every move all the time. You will get caught.

Four , your permission slips all included NDA's meaning anything you see or hear in this bulding today, you are not allowed to talk about it to anyone who is not on this tour. If you leak something we'll know its you. No matter how well you think you may cover your tracks remember we've got a government intelligence agency on our side.

Five, If you see anyone, from a scientist to an avenger, working, training, etc. Do not bother them at all or you will be removed from the area. Six, we have a system here. If you see anyone wearing a Red or gray accessory do not talk to them. If you see anyone wearing a yellow accessory do not speak to them unless you are spoken too and even then do not be a bother.

If you see someone with a green band on they are safe to talk too if they are not working. Seven, Do not take off your ID badge. The head of security will not hesitate to throw you out. Eight, No photo's, video's, or any type of filming or photograpy inside unless you are specifically told you can take pictures.

Nine, be respectful at all times. You have 3 times to disrespect anybody in this building, including your classmates, before you get thrown out. Captain America does not like bullies. Ten, probably the most important rule of all. Have fun." Molly explained in a bored voice.

"Any questions? No? Ok. Get out." She walked off the bus. "Do you know her?" Ned asked. Peter nodded. "I don't blame her for being agitated. She just got promoted to help design and she's working on a big project." Peter said getting off the bus. Everyone took a minute to admire the tower before going inside.

The lobby was very well decorated and had a white, gold, and light blue theme. They all met by the receptionist desk and Molly grabbed a basket. "These are your ID basges everyone grab the one with your name on it." Everyone went up to grab theirs and Peter grabbed andrews since they apparently got switched.

Everyone went through no problem. Somehow Friday didn't realize that the badge would've been with the wrong school, or she didn't care.

"I thought you had an internship here penis." Flash taunted. "I do." Peter said. "Then why do you have a visitors pass? Mr.Stark doesn't like to reprint badges." Flash pointed out. "It's none of your business really." Peter said. Flash scoffed and went off with his friends.

"The way this building is structured is in a system. There are 120 floors, making Stark towers the second tallest building in the world, right after burj khalifa. There are 5 sublevels. Sublevels 3,4, and 5 are off limits. Sublevel 2 is the Best Left Forgotten floor. Sub-yes?" Molly got interrupted by Jenna raising her hand.

"What is the best left forgotten floor?" She asked. "Great question. The best left forgotten floor is where our engineers, no matter what level, leave good inventions that went wrong in some way. So we leave them there in a mesuem type area with descriptions of each device, tons of empty plots, and nobody except Alpha 5's can open the plots to prevent someone from stealing them." Molly explained.

"If it's made of glass wouldn't they be easy to take?" Xavier asked. "Nope. Mr.Stark worked with his personal intern and Princess Shuri to make see through vibranium. The motto for the BLF floor is Some things are just better left forgotten. Sometimes egineers will ask to take something from the shelf to improve something they're working on but its rare that it happens, or gets approved."

Everyone nodded taking in the information. "Now, where was I? Oh. Sub level 1 is a vacant floor. Though it is rumored that Mr.Starks personal intern has decided to do something with it." Everyone whispered around trying to guess what it could be.

"Hey hey hey. Before you get too curious i need to finish explaining this because we are on a schedule. If I go over time because of you guys, you'll miss the Q&A with the avengers." Molly reprimanded. Everyony shut up. "Thank you." She said.

"Now. Floor 1 is the welcoming floor. Floors 2-5 are press floors usually used for press events, galas, and things like that. Eta's can't access past floor 5 without a Epsilon badge or higher. Floors 6-9 are guest quarters for overnight tours and the such. Floors 10-20 are R&D floors. 21-30 are business floors.

Zeta badges can't access past 30 without Epsilon or higher giving them access. 31-33 are break room floors. 34-38 are project manager/tour guide floors.

39-42 are the engineering floors. 43-46 are for lawyers. 47-49 are floors that we have licensed therpists on. Mr.Stark thinks mental health is important an 47&48 are avaliable to everyone with a Zeta 1 and above.

49 is strictly for alpha 1's and above because those are the avegers personal therapists. Epsilon badges can't access past floor 48 without a Beta or higher giving them access.

50 is our food court, everyone has access too it. It's not rare to see the avengers grabbing something to eat. 51 is the avengers personal cafeteria but it is rare that they use it. Only when important guests come over. They've just given level 7 and up Shield agents access to it.

52-60 are the scientist floors. 60-65 are floors where we have our testing rooms. Delta's can't access past floor 65 without permission from a Beta or higher. 6-Yes?" She was interrupted by Promise raising her hand. "What are testing floors?" She asked. "Testing floors are where we go with inventions that could possibly be explosive or we don't know how they will react.

There are vibranium robots that will activate the device and you have to get permission from a Beta or higher to access the robots and the rooms. But it basically keeps everyone safe when testing unstable devices.

If it blows up then the room is basically indestructable so nothing will be lost and if it shorts or malfunctions Friday will activate the technology disruptor inside shutting down everything except the vibranium robots." Molly explained.

"Now, 66-80 are meeting floors. 81-83 are medical floors where Mr.Stark offers medical programs for Highschool Seniors and college students and if anyone gets injured while working on a project.

Everyone except for Eta's can access these floors if they need too. If they have a meeting scheduled friday will give them access within the allotted meeting time. If they are injured Friday will scan them to be sure they aren't lying and then let them go up.

Medical interns only have Epsilon badges but they are given access to the floors they need access too during their work day. 84-89 are for Shield business and can be accessed by Gamma's and Above. Gamma's can't access higher than 89 without a Beta or higher.

90-91 are where Tony Stark and Bruce Banner store avengers gear that is either outdated has been broken way beyond repair. 92 is where Mr.Stark, Mrs.Stark, Mr.Stark's Personal intern, and Ms.Romanoff's offices are. This floor can only be accessed by them. 93 is Mr.Stark, Dr.Banner, Princess Shuri, and Mr.Starks personal interns private and shared labs.

Nobody except them can acces these labs. 94 is the avengers game floor. Nobody who isn't beta or higher has been allowed to access the floor but it is rumored to have a pool, a bowling alley, a movie room, an arcade, and a paintball room.

95 is the obstacle course foor with some obstacle courses that change after every use for the avengers to train in. It's been rumored that they file projectiles at the avengers while they train. 96-98 are the training floors where they spar and pratice powers and stuff like that. 99 is the floor that all the avengers have a room on complete with a kitcken.

100-101 are the common floors with Living rooms, Libraries, nap areas, kitchens, and dining rooms......or so we've been told. 102-118 are like apartments for the avengers. They all have their own personal floors that are like apartmens they live in rent free.

And finally the top two floors are the avengers medical floors. They are on the very top incase they need to fly them in on quinjets or helicopters." Molly explained. "Any questions?" Nobody raised their hands.

"Good because it is time for us to go visit the R&D floors." She said. Everyone started chattering excitedly. "Where's the other tour group." Peter whispered to Molly. "They're on the business floor. Why?" She asked confused. "No reason." Peter said. "How come you have a Eta badge?" She pointed out.

"You'll see." Peter smirked before going back with his friends.

With Andrew

"Now we are going to go up to the business floor to see where business deals are put together and meetings are set up. If we're lucky we may see Mrs.Stark or Ms.Romanoff." Cameron, Brooklyn highs tour guide, said.

Andrews best friend, Martin Allen, raised his hand. "Yes?" Cameron called on him. "What does Ms.Romanoff do here?" He asked. "Ms.Romanoff works with Ms.Potts and helps her run the business that goes on within the company. Ms.Romanoff offered to do it to get away from the other avengers and Mrs.Stark ended up giving her an actual job and pays her for it." Cameron explained.

Cameron led the class out the elevator and too the business. "Class this is Katherine and Dexter. Katherine works on making deals with other comapnies like Apple in order to get better tech out. Dexter works with Shelters and Hospitals to improve their conditions and helps get better medicine out."

Katherine and Dexter waved. "Hello Brooklyn High. We have been given 20 minutes to give you a tour. And 10 minutes to put what you learned to the test and try and make a business deal with one of our negotiators with a device that'll be shown to you at the end." Katherine exlpained.

The class got excited and they took them on a tour. 10 minutes in to the tour the heard the click clank of heels on the marble floor and somebody yelling into the phone. "I scheduled this meeting for 12:30. We will not reschedule....No no no no no you need us. We do not need you. We will cancel this business deal and move on to other companies who would be on time.

...Did you just insult me because I'm a woman. I will have you know-" Pepper stopped yelling seeing the class. She held up her finger signifying to give her a second. "I have made this company billions and helped it improve from losing one of its main selling factors.

If you think insulting me will help your case you are sadly mistaken. Do not contact Stark industries again. We'll move on to the company in Japan that can actually get to things on time." She yelled. She hung up and took a deep breath before turning to the class.

"Hello brooklyn high. I am Pepper Stark. I do not usually yell like this but Nat is busy setting up the new locations in Nevada, Shanghai, Berlin, Qubec, and Everett. We had a meeting with Tacoma Tech but they forgot about the meeting and tried to reschedule for the 6th time and then had the audactiy to yell at me and then they insulted me." She took a deep breath

"I'm usually level headed." She smiled. The class was stunned. Peppers eyes fell on Andrew thinking it was Peter. She was confused why he was with this school and not midtown but shrugged it off. "Peter honey." She went over to Andrew and gave him a side hug.

"Tony wants to know what you want for dinner and if you'll stay over. Isabella needs you to go over some equations with her. Bruce and Natasha need your help with meetings. Bucky needs you to go on a store run later. Sheryl needs you on the medical floor later. And Shuri wants you finish your lightsabers. If you forget any of that, just ask friday."

Andrew didn't know what to say and Pepper didn't notice that he was as shocked as everyone else. "Still giving me the silent treatment? Well, I must get going. I have to contcact Aka to see if they're still up for the partnership." Pepper said walking down the hallway.

(Btw Peter was giving Pepper the silent treatment after Pepper went on a suprise vacation and dragged Nat with her because she thought she needed one too which left Peter to run the company for a week. That wouldn't have been bad if Tony didn't have 20 meetings that he didn't want to go too....and that wasn't even the worst of it. Pepper owed him big time.)

"Dude. You did not tell me you knew Pepper Stark." Martin said. "I don't." Andrew said pulling out his phone to text Peter. Katherine and Dexter led the tour group through continuing where they left off.

Peter looked at the text he got from Andrew. "Is that the worst of it?" Peter chuckled and responded. 'Not even close :)'

MJ and Ned looked over. "What happened?" MJ asked. "Pepper just gave andrew a list of stuff she needs me to do in front of his entire class." Peter snickered. Ned and MJ chuckled a bit before paying attention to Molly.

Soon enough it was time for them to move on. Peter let Ned and MJ see this time while still being discrete.

Andrew was touring the engineering floors. Peter had found out that he would be getting a visit from Shuri and Clint (Friday may have snitched) while on the business floor and told and prepared andrew. He also told him to listen closely to the noises above him and not to stand under any vent covers.

On the floor, Cameron had started to lead them through since none of the engineers were free enough to give a tour and he knew what they did like the back of his hand. Andrew and Martin were whispering to eachother about how cool this was when they heard someone coming down the hallway.

"Out of my way colonizers!" Someone with a thick african accent shouted. They all saw it was Princess Shuri and got excited. "You too." She said to the class. They all parted like the red sea. Andrew forgot to move but Shuri didn't seem to mind.

"Peter! My favorite white boy." She smiled. Andrew didn't know what to say so he stood there akwardly. "You are supposed to say Shuri! My favorite Genuis." Shuri said to who she thought was her best friend. "Shuri! My favorite genius?" Andrew said confused. "I am the only genius you know." She snickered. Andrew chuckled too though he didn't get the joke.

"Are you okay? You're acting different." She pointed out. "Well I'm-" He was cut off by her beads beeping. "I will see you later. It seems my brother wants me for something." She left out without another word.

They barley got 30 seconds before andrew barley picked up shuffling in the vents. He looked up and made sure to get everyone away from the vent covers. Clint feel down and and smiled at andrew. "Star Wars Man! You don't stand a chance against my arrows of doom." Clint said loading his nerf bow and arrow.

Andrew looked at him confused. Clint cleared his throat and repeated himself. "I said. Star Wars Man. You don't stand a chance against my arrows of doom..."

Andrew didn't say anything. "Shuri said you were acting weird. What's up with you?" Clint asked. "I'm...not who you think I am." Andrew said. "Sure kiddo. If you think acting stupid will save you, it wont. You started this prank war." Clint said hopping back in the vents.

"Dude!" Martin exclaimed turning to Andrew. "I swear I dont know them!" Andrew said. "Andy come on." Caroline said. "Yeah Drew just admit it! Why didn't you tell us you knew the avengers?" Eduardo called. "Settle down class. I am sure Mr.Washington has a good reason for not telling us he knows the avengers." Mr.McGuire said.

"But....I don't know them!" Andrew insisted. "Ok guys we have to continue the tour. You guys are halfway done the tour. We have been given limited access to the avengers Medical, Training, and Common floors and our access expires as soon as those parts of the tours are over.

So we now have...25 minutes for you guys to get food and eat lunch. So you can sit here and ridicule your classmate or we can get to eat food!" Cameron said. "Completely up to you guys though." He added as an after thought. The class all looked at eachother and then back at cameron. "Food." They chorused.

"Alright let's go!" He said leading them to teh cafeteria. "Now. Your badges all gave 20 dollars on them for the food court. We have all types of resturants here. Vegan, Vegetarian, Mexican, American, Canadian, French, if you can think of it we probably have it." He said. Everyones mouths were drooling so much.

"The only thing we don't have is McDonalds." Everyone mummered disagreements and confusion. "Mr.Stark and the Avengers went to a McDonalds once and....lets just say it didn't go well which is partially why they added this food court." Cameron explained.

"Now I understand that a lot of you brought your lunch so if you siged the form saying you needed provided lunch then you have money on you badge. If you signed the form saying you brought lunch then I am sorry..you have no money."

Everyone who brought lunch sighed in disappointment. "However, if you get done fast enough I am allowed to grant you all 5 dollars for ice cream sundays." Cameron smiled. Everyone cheered a bit. "Alright, Alright. Go eat."

The kids all ran to get a table. Andrew sighed when he realized he forgot his lunch at home. Martin saw his friends disappointment and offered him part of his sandwich, which Andrew decline. He knew how much Martin loved his moms unnecessarily delicious tuna sandwiches.

A few minutes later everyone randomly got quiet. Andrew and Martin, deep in their conversation, didn't notice Wanda and Pietro coming with food. "Little Brother!" They chorused in a sing-songy voice. Andrew and Martin looked over to see them coming for him.

"Me?" Andrew asked. They nodded and handed him his lunch. "No pepperment, no citrus, and absolutely nothing Tony made." Pietro listed. "Just how you like it." Wanda smiled handing him the bag. "Uh...thanks." Andrew said taking it. The twins looked at him skeptically. "What?" Andrew asked.

"Usually you joke about how you will only eat it if we do to make sure we didn't prank you." Wanda said. "Um...I don't mind I guess. I don't know why you brought me lunch but thank you." Andrew smiled. The twins looked even more skeptical. "...ok Arachnakid....We'll...see you later." Pietro said and they both walked off.

Andrew shrugged it off, ate lunch, and they moved on.


After being tourmented by a lot of the avengers it was finally time for them to get to the common room for the meet and greet. They were meeting up with the other school when they got there. Peter had gone to the bathroom so he wouldn't be back for another 5 minutes.

"Alright students. Everyone sit down in the common room." Cameron said. "Make yourselves comfortable but not too comfortable." Molly added. Once everyone was settled in, the avengers came in casually. They were all....in....pajamas....cool.

"Hello Brooklyn High and Midtown Tech! Congrats on being the top two schools in the state." Tony smiled. "We have decided we will give you guys a half hour to ask us anything." Thor said. "But before we start we need to talk to someone." Loki said.

They all turned to andrew. "Are you okay?" Sam asked. Andrew looked confused. "You've been acting weird all day." Steve said. "I think you have the wrong kid." Andrew said. "You keep saying that but we're not that dumb." Clint said. "I swear I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about." Andrew insisted.

"Peter drop the act." Bruce said. Andrew had to keep himself from smirking. "My name isn't Peter, it's Andrew." All the avengers looked concerned. "Did you hit your head or something?" T'challa asked.

None of them knew someone else had come in until he finally announced his presence. "Oh hey guys. Haven't seen you all day." Peter said. Everyone froze. "I-But-Wha-How?" Vision said. "Hey andrew." Peter waved at his twin. "Why are there two of you?" Shuri asked.

"Oh! Avengers meet andrew, andrew meet avengers." Peter lazily introduced. "Explain. Now." Wanda said. "Um when I was born I had an identical twin when our parents died we got seperated and we just met up like 5 or 6 years ago. Both our schools came to the tower today." Peter explained.

"So the whole time...we were messing with andrew?" Rhodey asked. Peter nodded. The avengers all started spitting out apologies and the twins couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Thor asked. "We planned this ahead of time. Friday, Cameron, Molly, Pretty much everyone except you guys and our classmates knew what was going on." Peter said.

"What is going on?" Maria asked. "We just pranked the avengers." Andrew and Peter smirked. "Peter you lied." Andrew said. "About?" Peter asked. "Based on what I heard from the avengers today, there is no way you are just an intern to them." Andrew said. "Oh...about that. Since you all signed NDA's...Tony kinda holds partial custody over me and he's kinda like my dad." Peter said.

Everyones mouths were agape. "Why did Wanda and Pietro call you brother?" One of Andrews classmates pointed out. "Dad adopted them so that they could become official American Citizens and because they're only 17. So technically we're siblings." Peter explained.

"Well...you guys have your Q&A and I'm gonna go....show andrew my room." Peter grabbed andrew and they both ran off before anyone could stop them. "I think that's it for prank wars for a while." Rhodey said. Everyone nodded in agreeance.

"Students and Teachers you all signed NDA's. We will deal with Andrew and Peter later. For now...I guess we owe you a Q&A." Natasha said.

Everyone was way too stunned to ask any questions.

Monday Morning Andrew and Peter didn't get bothered with questions about the avengers like one would think. Everyone was more concerned about them having a twin.

The end :)

K so

2 things


i been thinkin of doin

2 different DC universe crossovers

because I have become very invested in the DCAU (DC Animated Universe)

I have watched Justice Leauge and Justice League: Unlimited so many times it hurts

Also I have started to watch harry potter movies (ill consider percy jackson) only because i keep getting harry potter requests and I've....never seen the movies or read the books

I tried to read the books as a kid because one of my old best friends were invested in them but I just wasn't big on wizards or super long books back then

so ya...thats a thing

and 2

ummmm i haven't watched WandaVision yet...

Don't yell at me or tell me to watch it because its good

i know...ive heard trust me

but i just...idk.....i was so excited for it back when it was first announced....but then....I just....lost interest?

Imma watch it eventually but right now it just doesnt tickle my fancy

its...I usually only watch things because they're on (hench how i started watching DCAU) (for some context my dad has this app on the firestick that has 24 hour streams of shows and movies and he usually is watching either marvel or animated DC movies and if its on the TV i'll watch it with him)

but if something isnt on im gonna start to watch it and then want to do literally anything else

there are some exceptions (For example...Superman Vs. The Elite, 9-1-1, Bones, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Sherlock, etc.)

I'm way more excited for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

and um

3 :)

i know i said 2 what are u gonna do about it?

2 chapters coming out next will likely be...

A Song fic



A chapter...about...a...princess......

j-just dont think too much about it

ok im done for real


one more thing

Februay birthdays (besides CierraL123 because ik urs) comment the dates of ur birth








and i need to celebrate the day all of you wonderful people came on to this god awful earth




will spell check this laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (we all know i wont but its a curtosy to say i will)

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