15 | MEDIA

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You, Mirio, Midnight and Katsuro made your way through the city of Musutafu in the afternoon after classes.

You had Katsuro in your arms, preventing him from getting caught up in the many people's legs as they rushed to question you and Mirio.

Not understanding why, Mirio leant to your ear, covering his mouth as if he were to tell you some secret like a middle schooler.

"Hey... do you think this is only about your father?"

"It would actually surprise me if it was only that. I think that this little one," you readjusted Katsuro by lifting him a bit. "Has something to do with it."

Midnight came down to your height from her heels, "For a sixteen year old to have a child in high school, it's not very youthful but it's very scandalous. The news agencies love that. Just make sure you don't say anything that will crush your hopes and dreams for the future, Sasaki-chan!"

You sighed, "that's reassuring..."

The four of you made your way up to the elevated ground, sitting on the seats prepared for you. There were three mics, one for everyone except for obvious reasons, Katsuro.

The many people gathered below you, some looking with hopeful eyes and some with their notepads to their face, reminding you of a certain green-haired boy.

You laughed lightly, adjusting yourself to a more comfortable position on the chair.

"Okay, everyone! Here we have the ones you've all be waiting to interview, Togata Mirio and Sasaki [name]," Midnight said, taking her seat and crossing her arms on the table. "Anyone want to ask the first question?"

"I do!" One said, coming up to the mic. "Sasaki, I ask for everyone here, but how have you been dealing with the loss of your father, Sir Nighteye to a villain?"

You shifted on the plastic chair, uncomfortable already. "Umm... I've been dealing with it like anyone else would be. I just miss him, that's all."

"Do you want revenge on Overhaul?"

Cameras flashed into your eyes, making you blink profusely. "No... that's not what being a hero is about."

The man stepped closer to the mic. "Then what do you think being a hero is about? Do you think your father would want you to get revenge?"

"No to that last question. And to me, being a hero means protecting all of you from villains like Overhaul. My only goal is to persevere through these times and hope for the best. It's simply fate."

"Okay! That's enough of you. Next person!" Midnight said, sensing your uneasiness. "You! Come up to the mic."

This time, a female came up with a recording device in her hands near the table legs.

Katsuro leaned on the table, looking at it before turning back to the piece of paper on his table. He took out his crayons and you saw from the corner of your eye, that he was drawing you and Bakugou with him in the middle joining hands. You smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Who is the boy sat next to Sasaki [name]?"

"I told you." You nudged Mirio in his side softly. "He's a boy I found and saved from Overhaul the day of the raid."

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