Chapter 2 - 991, what's your emergency?

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Pippa POV

October 2015, 9:26 PM


*DISCLAIMER: nothing against Steven IRL, but this is a Lippa fanfic so something had to happen between the characters*

I bring my fists up, just so that they are right below eye level.

"Woah, woah, Pips, calm down," Steven laughs nervously. "No need to be violent."

I don't respond, at least with words. I throw my fists at his face, hitting his right eye and nose hard. His nose starts to bleed, his hand hovering underneath it so the blood doesn't get on the floor.

"What the hell? What's wrong with you?" Steven is very mad now, and I don't care. I watch as he balls up his own hands into fists, repeating my same motions.

"Steven, what are you-" Before I finish, one of his fists hits my cheek, and the other one hits my left eye and the bridge of my nose. The force of his punches knocks me to the ground, and I hit my head hard. Just before everything goes black, I watch Steven walk out of the door, mumbling, "You little bitch."



9:36 PM

It's been 10 minutes since Pippa went up to her apartment. I really hope she's ok.

As I scroll through Twitter, I look up to see Steven running to his car. Quickly, I get out of my car, slamming the door, so I know Steven can hear it.

"Hey! Where's Phillipa?" I yell. I notice he's bleeding and his eye is starting to become black and blue.

"Oh, her..." Steven gets to his car, opening the door and putting in the key. "Maybe you should go see for yourself." He smirks at me, shuts the car door with a loud slam, and drives away.

What's that supposed to mean? I think as I run into the elevator, smashing the '3' button as hard as I can without breaking it. The elevator doors close, and I anxiously wait for them to open again.

C'mon, I have to get to Pippa. Suddenly the doors open, and I hurriedly run out of them, only to find that the door to her apartment was already open. I see her lying on the floor, her face and head all bloody.

"OH MY GOD!" I yell. I reach into my jean pocket, trying to find my phone.

Dammit, I must have left it in the car.

I see Pippa's phone on the floor, her screen smashed. I grab it and try to unlock it. I know her password, but I can't figure it out. I realize that I can just click the emergency button and call 911. The phone keeps ringing until someone picks up.

"911, what's your emergency and location?" The dispatcher asks calmly.

"Um, my, uh.. friend Pippa here is bleeding a lot. She hit her head on the floor and I-I don't know what to do." My voice is shaky, but the dispatcher understands what I'm saying. I tell her the address of Pippa's apartment.

"Alright sir, I have an ambulance coming to your location right now. Try not to move her, but get a towel to help stop the bleeding. Would you like me to stay on the phone?"

"No thanks, I think I can manage. Have a nice night."

"Alright, you too, sir."

I press the 'end call' button, and grab the towel hanging on a hook by the kitchen sink. I carefully lift her head up and place the towel underneath her.

"I'm so sorry Pips. I wish I came up with you." I whisper to her. "Help is on the way."

I'm still holding her phone, which now has a little bit of blood on it. I remember her password, so I text her group chat, 'The Schuyler Sisters'.

Pippa : Hey guys, it's me Lin. Pippa's badly hurt..can you get to her apartment ASAP?? Help is coming.

I send the message, and I get a response only a few seconds later from both Renèe and Jazzy.

Jazzy : Lin?? OMG is she ok?? Coming now!!

Renèe : Yeah, I have Jazzy and Anthony with me. We'll drive over now.

I let out a sigh of relief, looking down at Pippa. Her small face is still beautiful, covered in blood or not.



9:43 PM

I hear the elevator ding, hoping it's the ambulance squad.

"Pippa!!" I hear Anthony, Jazzy, and Renèe all say together as they sprint over to where I'm crouching next to Pippa, still holding a towel against her head.

"What happened?" Jazzy asks, grabbing another clean towel from a drawer in the kitchen, and she hands it to me, switching out the blood soaked towel with the clean one. When I hand her the bloody towel, she tosses it in the kitchen sink.

"I'm not really sure. I was in the car when it happened." I start, then I pause, taking a deep breath. "It's my fault. I should have come up here with her. This would have never happened."

"Hey, it's not your fault, Lin. The only thing that matters is that we're all here now." Renèe says calmly. "So, when's the ambulance getting here? Shouldn't they be here by now?"

"Oh right, the ambulance. I'm not sure. Hopefully they get here soon. I think I called like 10 minutes ago."

Anthony was quiet, and he is always talking. Something was off about him right now.

"Anthony, do you know something? Why are you so quiet?" I ask him. I was still holding the towel to Pippa's head, and it was starting to become just as bloody as the towel I was using before. "Anthony?"

He looks up at me, regret filing his eyes. "I called and told them we didn't need the ambulance."


thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! we hope you enjoyed it! btw, we are going to try and upload a chapter everyday :)

-jenna & alyssa

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