Chapter 11 - The Ruined Engagement

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Pippa POV

The airport; 6:18 AM

The airport is very crowded, considering it's still quite early in the morning, but I make my way to my flight, which hasn't boarded yet. I sit in one of the empty waiting chairs until I hear the airport staff calling out, letting everyone know that the plane headed for Illinois is boarding.

I shoot Lin a quick text letting him know I got to the airport safely and I was boarding now.

I get an almost immediate response that says:

Lin: Okay, thanks for letting me know. Have a safe flight, wish I could be with you.

I smile and get up from the seat.

Of course, I wanted Lin to be with me too, but I told him not to come, especially since no one knows that I broke up with Steven and I'm with Lin now. Are we dating? I didn't know the answer to that just yet.

With my suitcase and phone in hand, I walk to the boarding gate.

Once I get on the plane, I go to find my seat. Yes, a window seat!

I place my grey carry-on bag in the overhead bin, and sit down. Once everyone is on the plane, the flight attendants go through a safety checklist with everyone, and then we are ready for takeoff.

I look to my left, realizing that no one is sitting next to me. Perfect. No one to bother me.


2 hours later...

"Everyone, the plane has safely landed. You may now take your carry-on bags out, along with anything else you may have with you, and exit the plane through the door. Have a good day." The pilot says over the intercom.

Before I get up, I look at the time. 9:07 AM. I want to be at my parents house before 10, so I have to be out of the airport before 9:20 to get there on time.

I stand up and carefully take my carry-on bag out of the overhead. I take a look at my seat, making sure I don't forget anything, before walking to the exit of the plane.

"Have a nice day," I tell the flight attendant standing by the door. She smiles at me and I head inside the huge airport.

When I get inside, I look around. I hadn't been home in a few years, and I hated coming back home for a sad reason. I frown at the thought, and then I realize I had no way to get home.

I guess I'll get an Uber or something.

I load the Uber app on my phone and I call the nearest one. They would be at the airport in 5 minutes.

I go outside to the front of the airport and patiently wait for my Uber to arrive. The cold air wraps around me, so I hug myself to create body heat.

My Uber gets to the airport faster than I thought, and the driver takes my suitcase and puts it in the trunk of the car. I hop in the backseat.

"You entered your address on the app, correct?" The driver asks as he sits down in the driver's seat. He turns around to face me. I nod. "I'm Noah, by the way."

He reaches out a hand. I shake it. "Phillipa." He gives me a look of disbelief, doing a double take.

"No way," Noah shakes his head. "Are you the Phillipa Soo?"

I laugh and blush a little, being recognized in public wasn't my favorite thing. "That I am." I buckle my seatbelt.

"Y-You can sit in the front if you want, I don't mind." Noah's voice stutters nervously.

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