Chapter 17 - Seeing Sebby

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Pippa POV

*backstage after the performance*

I zone out of everything the reporter says after that. My hands move quickly, covering my mouth in shock. I back up a few steps, just out of Lin's grasp. I feel hands go around my waist, and I know everyone's eyes in the room are on me.

"Pippa-" Lin starts, his voice shaking a little. I pull him into a hug, unsure of what else to do. I feel myself being picked up and then put down on something hard. Maybe a counter.

The room is pretty quiet, besides the tv in the background and a few people saying "Sorry." My eyes are shut, tears slowly starting to fall and I hug Lin tighter, not wanting to let go.

"Pippa," he starts again. "Let's go back to your dressing room, ok?"

He doesn't wait for my response. Lin picks me up again, and carries me to my dressing room. I feel him push the door open and sit me on the couch. I bring my legs up onto the couch and curl myself into a ball.

"What are we going to do?" Lin asks almost silently, sits next to me. He doesn't touch me, but I know he's still there.

"I don't know," I hear footsteps coming from the hall. I look up, just in time to see Jazzy poke her head in the room.

"Lin," she says, nearly out of breath. "Come quick." He follows her out of the room and they hurry to another. I sit in silence, waiting.



I follow Jazzy into the dressing room with the tv on. As I walk in, I hear a reporter say, "We have just gotten word that in the couple's car, there was a child in the backseat. He is perfectly fine, he only has a few scratches, and is currently being brought to the hospital for an in-depth checkup. His name is Sebastian Miranda."

"Sebby," I say under my breath. "Guys, I've gotta go. Make sure Pippa's ok, please." I sprint out of the building, quickly getting in my car and driving to the hospital. Please let Sebby be ok. I can't lose him too.

The drive is relatively quick, and when I get to the hospital, I rush inside to the front desk. "Hi, my son was brought to this hospital. He was in a car accident with my drunk ex-wife and her...uh...boyfriend."

"Oh Mr. Lin-Manuel Miranda, good to see you're here. Yes your son is in room 209 on the third floor. Do you know where that is?" the front desk lady asks. I try to stay calm, but I don't think I look calm because she says, "Don't worry, he's alright."

I let out my breath, not realizing I was holding it. "Thank you." I head to the elevator and press the '3'. When the doors open, I see two stretchers, the people on them covered in white blankets. I wonder if that's them..

I see a doctor nearby. "Excuse me, doctor?" He turns around, his face composed and calm. I gesture towards the stretchers and say quietly, "Is that Steven Pasquale and Vanessa Nadal?"

He nods sorrowfully. "Yes, that is them. I'm very sorry for your loss. I assume you're here to see your son?"

"Thank you. Yeah, I am."

"Follow me, I can show you the room." The doctor starts to walk away. I look at the stretchers one last time before jogging to catch up with the doctor, who is already halfway down the hallway.


Pippa POV

I'm curled up on the couch in the quiet dressing room. I feel like a piece of me is missing. Maybe I hated him recently, but Steven was still my fiance only a few weeks ago. Now, he's gone, and I never get to see him again. This makes my heart ache.

"Phillipa, how are you doing?" I look up a little bit, just enough to see Jazzy and Renée slowly walking in. It seems as though they don't want to get too close, but I nod at them and they come to my side.

"Why does everything bad have to happen to me and Lin? Nothing happens to you guys or the rest of the cast," I mumble. I look back and forth at them, awaiting an answer.

"Don't lie to yourself, Phillipa. Of course bad stuff happens to us," Jazzy states.

I ignore her answer and get up from the couch, walking over to the huge mirror.


"How many times are you going to call me Phillipa! You know I hate that!" I turn quickly, facing both of them. My dress swirls around me, and I can feel the tears start to fall. "Jazzy, please, just go."

"But Pippa, I-"

"No. Leave."

Jazzy gives me a defeated look, and walks with her head down out of the room. I turn back to the mirror, looking at myself. I put my elbows on the table, and place my head in my hands.

"I should've answered his call this morning," I say. It sounds like I'm talking to myself, although I'm actually trying to talk to Renée.

"He called you?" Renée questions, walking up behind me and turning me around to face her.

"Yeah, I was sleeping on the couch with Lin, and he called me a bunch of times. I hope it wasn't important," My eyes widen. "Renée, what if it was important! I knew I should've answered him."

She grabs my hands, as if trying to calm me down. "Well, now it doesn't matter. Just leave it alone, ok?"

I nod. I look around the room, noticing a certain someone isn't here. "Where's Lin?"

"At the hospital. Apparently Sebastian was in the car with them. They said on the news that he was fine. Hopefully that's true."

I let out a breath. "Poor Sebby..."

thank you for reading today's chapter!! hopefully you liked it! as always, we apologize for any confusing scenes, grammatical errors, etc! chapter *number* should be up tomorrow, follow us on instagram for daily chapter updates! @ youraffectionateeliza and @ adorpippa

sincerely, jenna & alyssa

Siempre y Para Siempre - A Lippa FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora