Chapter 7 - The Call

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Pippa POV

6:12 PM

I look at Lin, who has an extremely gloomy look on his face.

"I think that means we both have important decisions to make, Pips."

"Yeah, I guess it does." I know exactly what important decision he needs to make. He replies before I can open my mouth again.

"I need to divorce her."

I slowly nod and take Lin's hand. "Do you want to take the food to go?"

"Sure. I'll get a waitress over here to help us."

Lin sees a waitress and calls her over to us. We order our food to go and leave. Lin leads the way back to the theatre and we get in his car to drive back to my apartment.

We drive in silence, the only noise is the crazy world outside of Lin's small car. New York City's tall skyscrapers light up as night falls. The faint sound of car horns in the distance is the only thing that is calming me right now. Weird, right? Car horns.. calming me? That's one of the things you get used to when you live in a busy city. It never gets old.

Finally, we get to my apartment. We go up the stairs this time and when we get to my apartment, I unlock the door. I toss my purse on the granite counter and throw myself on the couch.

"Lin, do you think I should call you-know-who?" I ask him, afraid to use my fiance's name, watching as Lin comes to sit down next to me.

"No, I don't think you should call Vanessa. I can handle her on my own," Lin gives me a look as I shake my head. "Oh, you mean him? In that case, call if you think you're ready."

"Well then, I guess I'm calling him. I'm just gonna go into the bedroom, ok?" He nods, and I clutch my phone from the shining countertop.

I walk into the bedroom and I sit on my side of the bed. I unlock my phone and click on my contacts. I scroll until I finally find the one I'm looking for: Steven ❤️. I click the 'call' button, and I anxiously wait as it rings.

Suddenly, I hear, "Hello?"

"Uh, hi, Steve. It's Phillipa."

"Oh. Phillipa. Hi," Steven sounds confused as I stare out my floor-to-ceiling window into the starry New York City night, wondering why I decided this was a good idea.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something," I mutter. My stomach is starting to hurt from the nerves. I'm really dreading this.

"Ok, what's up?" He says. Steven obviously doesn't know what I'm calling about. He acts like he didn't do anything wrong, when in reality he ruined my life.

"Listen, I- we- I'm calling off the wedding," I stumble with my words, completely unsure of what to say. "And I'm breaking up with you."

"What? What do you mean you're calling off the wedding? And you're breaking up with me? Phillipa, are you serious right now?"

"I'm dead serious. Do you not understand that you cheated on me? Did you think that you could get away with it?" I yell into my phone, fighting back tears. "You know what, Steven? Don't call me ever again," I press the 'end' call button before he can respond.

I'm sobbing into my pillow when I hear the door open. Lin bursts into the room when he sees me and comes over to where I'm lying on my bed. He immediately rubs my shoulders sympathetically when he sits down.

"Pippa, what happened? You know you can talk to me, ok?" Lin continues to rub my shoulders. He pushes the long strands of my dark brown hair off of my face and shoulders so that he can see me.

"I-I c-called it off..." I sob, trying to communicate with Lin. I try to stop crying but I can't. "A-and I-I...b-broke up with h-him."

Lin gives me a gentle side hug and lays with me for a long time. It seems like hours go by since I had called Steven.


Lin and I both must have fallen asleep, because when I look at the clock on my nightstand, it reads, '1:27 AM'.

Not wanting to wake him, I just turn to face him and pull a blanket over the both of us.

I must have woken up Lin when I move, though, because when I lay back down, he kisses my neck. I kiss him back, but on his lips. I try to break away from him, but he grabs me, not wanting me to stop.

"Lin," I say, in between kisses. "Can we do this later?"

He slowly breaks away from me and gives me a saddened look.

"Yeah, sure.." He sounds disappointed. He probably just got an adrenaline rush or something. I think. But I just wasn't ready for that yet. I mean, we weren't even officially dating yet. Plus, he was still technically married to Vanessa and I wasn't about to ruin that.

He turns over, his back facing me.

"Lin, come on. I never said we couldn't but I'm just not ready." I say to him.

The only response I get is an "Mhm."

I turn my back to him, and I try to fall back asleep.

"He doesn't realize that he's still married," I think. I guess I say it out loud though because I hear Lin say, "I know I'm married. I'm not stupid, Pips."

After that, we both stay silent. The next thing I know, it's 7:15 AM and we have to get ready for rehearsals. I get to go to rehearsals today, but Lin says that I'm not allowed to practice, even though we have a show tomorrow.

I get up and out of bed before Lin does. The morning is incredibly awkward for the both of us. We don't talk to each other, and Lin doesn't give me any kisses or hugs from behind like he has done the past few days.

I finish eating my breakfast and I get dressed really fast. I just put on a pair of leggings and an oversized crewneck. I grab my purse and my phone, and say, "I'm gonna walk to the theatre today. I'll see you soon, I guess."

"Ok. See you soon," Lin replies back tiredly. We both didn't get much sleep last night.

I walk out of my apartment and slam the door behind me. I decide to take the stairs today and I walk to the theatre, all alone.

When I get there, I use the back door, like always, and I walk to my dressing room. I hear two familiar voices and, pushing the door open, I greet them.

"Hey you two," I say, more sadly than I had anticipated. "How are you both? Probably better than me."

They stare at me, confused, as I walk over to the couch and sit down.

"Pippa, is everything ok? You never come to work like this," Jazzy asks, sitting down besides me in her yellow dress.

I avoid eye contact with her and I don't say anything.

"Pippa?" She asks again, growing concern audible in her voice. "Phillipa, what's wrong?"

I know that she really wants an answer from me since she uses my real name. I finally give in and look up at her.

I give her a small smile. "Everything's fine.." I say, trailing off. Jazzy raises an eyebrow at me. I frown. "Ok, if you must know, nothing's fine. I broke up with Steve last night and called off the wedding. He got really mad at me. Early this morning, Lin tried to do it with me. I didn't want to, and now he won't talk to me. Is that a good enough answer for you?"

I look at Jazzy, and then Renée. They both share the same shocked look.

"Oh, and I can't rehearse or do any shows for like the next week because Lin won't let me. Could my life get any worse?"

"Well-" Renée starts. She gets cut off by my phone, which starts to ring.

I pick up my phone, seeing it's my mom who's calling, and I answer.


"Phillipa," I hear a few sniffs from the other side of the call. "I have some bad news for you. Your father died this morning."

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