Chapter 34 - A Much Needed Vacation

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Lin's POV

The next morning..

"Come on, Pips! Let's go!" I call down the hallway, picking up my bag from the couch.

"I'll be right there!" Pippa's muffled voice replies from behind the bathroom door. Pippa finally emerges, her hair neatly pulled back into a low ponytail. She is wearing high-waisted light blue leggings and a cropped grey sweatshirt that ended at the top of the waistband, with a white cami underneath it. "I'm ready," She adds with a smile.

"Awesome, let's get a move on. I have a busy weekend planned," Pippa picks up Sebby from the couch, holding him on her hip, while holding her purse and another bag in her other hand.

We walk out to the car together, putting the rest of the bags into the trunk and buckling Sebby into his car seat. Once we both get settled in the car, I pull out of the parking lot.

"So what's first on our weekend list?" Pippa asks, double checking her makeup in the visor mirror, before flipping it back up against the roof of the car.

"If you must know, love, snowboarding in New Hampshire. I hope you packed warm clothes," I add with a smirk. Although the weekend I had planned wasn't actually that busy, it would be quite tiring. The best part would be hanging out with my lovely fiancé and son. 

"I packed what you told me to, hon," Pippa says, as I weave the car through the overcrowded New York streets.

"Good, if we need anything I'm sure we can just buy it while we're up there since we aren't flying," I remind myself. I see Pippa nod in agreement out of the corner of my eye.

As soon as we get out of the busy New York streets and onto a less crowded highway, Pippa turns to face Sebby in the backseat.

"Are you excited, Seb?" She asks, smiling at my son happily. Sebby nods excitedly in response and looks down at the Ipad in his lap.

"Anything else you have planned on such short notice?" Pippa tilts her head slightly, staring out of the front windshield.

"Well, I was thinking that we could get a nice dinner out, possibly talk about the wedding a little," I reply, taking a quick glance at Pippa's left hand.

"That sounds great, love," Pippa replies, taking her phone out and scrolling through Twitter. She curls up in a ball in the passenger seat and I can see her eyes threatening to close from the corner of my eyes.

"Pip, I know you're tired. You can sleep if you want, I don't mind," I say, taking her hand in mine. We stop at a red light, and I bring her hand up, kissing it.

"Are you sure?" she asks, yawning.

"Positive. Just get some sleep," Before she falls asleep, she leans over and kisses my cheek. "Have a nice nap, love."


A few hours later...

Pippa POV

"Pips, wake up. We're at the hotel," Lin whispers, shaking me gently. It's around noon, and we are parked outside a Hilton hotel.

I yawn and stretch, opening the passenger side door, and stepping out.

"Come on, Seb. We're at the hotel," I hear Lin say from the other side of the car. Sebby unbuckles his seatbelt and jumps out of his carseat.

I pull my hood over my head, covering my hair from the quickly falling snow and start walking towards the back of the car to get my suitcase.

"Do you know what room number we are, Lin?" I ask, unlocking the trunk and waiting for it to open.

"I think it's 106," Lin replies, taking out both of our suitcases and starting to walk towards the hotel door. I close the car trunk before following close behind him. 

Sebastian grabs hold of my hand, walking next to me, staring off at the new environment around him.

"What are you most excited to do first?" I ask Seb, noticing him staring up at me.

"Snowboarding!" The little boy says, jumping up and down. I smile brightly at Sebby, picking him up and balancing him on my hip. Lin is standing by the check-in desk by the time the two of us enter.

"It should be under Lin-Manuel Miranda," I overhear Lin talking to the young woman standing behind the desk, typing away at her keyboard.

"Yes! It's right here, room 106," She replies, handing Lin a keycard.

"Thank you!" Lin smiles at the woman, finally noticing Seb and I next to him. He holds the keycard up, and takes both of the suitcases again.

"Lin, are you sure you don't need any help?" I raise my eyebrow, noticing Lin's slight struggle with the suitcases. The three of us get into the elevator and Lin clicks the second floor button.

"I got it, love. Don't forget, you're here to relax for the weekend," He smirks. I laugh at his statement, but then I remember the whole reason behind us going on vacation. My eyes fill with tears, but I turn away from Lin just in time for a tear to roll down my cheek.

"Papa, why is Mommy crying?" Sebby asks, tilting his head innocently and looking towards his father. That catches Lin's attention.

"Mommy's crying?" Now it's Lin's turn to tilt his head in question. He takes my face in his palms and kisses me gently on the cheek. "Don't cry, love. It'll be okay."

The elevator dings, signaling we had reached the second floor. I frantically wipe the tears off my face with my free hand, not wanting to make it look like I had been crying in case we ran into someone. Luckily, by the time we reached room 106, we hadn't run into any other people. 

Lin uses the keycard to unlock the door and the three of us walk inside. I place Sebby down on the floor, letting him explore the two bedroom hotel room. The first thing he does is run over to the window and stand on his tiptoes trying to get a good look outside.

"Mommy, look at the snow!" Sebby exclaims happily, peering at the window at the newly falling snow.

I smile and walk over to kneel next to Seb. I wrap my arm around his shoulder, giving him a hug. "I know, Seb! Isn't it amazing?" I give him a kiss on the cheek and he blushes.

"Pip? Can you come over here for a second?" Lin rubs his neck, almost nervously? I nod, giving Sebastian's shoulder a little squeeze before getting up and walking over to Lin.

"Is everything okay, love?" 

okay so this is kind of a filler chapter so its definitely not the best, however alyssa and i will be posting the next chapter probably sooner than later because it will be much better than this. also disclaimer, neither of us have been snowboarding before (i know crazy) so sorry if it isn't correct in anyway :)

as always thank you so so much for reading! we love you all <3


jenna & alyssa

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