Chapter 33 - It's Showtime

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Pippa POV

9:15 PM

The second show is almost over, and we are on It's Quiet Uptown. I was able to do the entirety of the second show, which I was happy about, considering how nervous I was to mess up twice in one day.

The ensemble sings, "Can you imagine?" and I turn around, walking slowly over to the left of Lin, an emotionless expression masking my face.

When Lin starts to sing, I stand facing towards the audience. I try to blink as little as possible, trying to portray an upset Eliza with no emotions towards Alexander.

When Lin sings, "If I could spare his life. If I could trade his life for mine, he'd be standing here right now, and you would smile, and that would be enough," I feel my heart break. I can tell it hit him hard too, because I hear his voice crack a bit as he sings.

I try hard to keep my face as steady as possible, blinking back tears. When the ensemble starts to sing again, I turn to my right, looking at the ground and then quickly looking back up, and walk to where Lin was standing. He walks behind me, staying close, and stands where I was just a moment before. I keep facing the audience, but Lin keeps his eyes on me, hoping for me to say something. Anything.

He sings, "Look around, look around, Eliza," and faces the audience just like I am, but unlike me, he smiles a bit.

Renée starts to sing too, and soon, we get to the part where she sings, "She takes his hand."

I take Lin's hand in mine, and sing, "It's quiet uptown."

The ensemble sings, "Forgiveness. Can you imagine?"

I look over at Lin, whose head was tilted down so he was looking at the ground, and I move closer to him, taking his hand in both of mine. I go up on my tip-toes a bit and place my head gently on his shoulder, leaning against him. When Lin feels me against him, he picks his head up and looks over at me.

"Are you okay?" He mouths to me. I frown and pick my head up, starting to cry real tears and breathe heavily. Lin notices how hard I'm trying to not burst into sobs right then and there on the stage, so he quickly turns both of us around, hooking my arm. He leads both of us offstage as fast as possible, even though we're early.

When we get backstage, he pulls me into a tight hug, and I break down in his arms, trying to be somewhat quiet in case the audience could hear. Neither of us talk, just standing in each other's arms.

"Shh, it's okay. It's gonna be okay," Lin whispers comfortingly in my ear. Just a few short seconds later, I feel myself being placed on the couch. "I'll be back soon," Lin gives me a faint smile and I nod, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

Lin leaves the room, closing the door behind him, and heads back to the stage. I sit on the couch in silence with my head down. I hear the faint sound of footsteps in the hallway and then I hear the door hinge creak as it opens slowly.

I don't hear voices, so I start to get up to fix my makeup, assuming it was messy. When I get up, I pick my head up too, only to see Renée and Jazzy standing in front of me. I jump in surprise.

"How long were you standing there?" I ask. My hand finds the place right above my heart, which feels like it's beating out of my chest. "You scared me."

"Just a minute," Renée says. "We came to check on you. How are you doing?"

I take a deep breath, letting out a shaky one. "Could be better," I reply, walking over to the mirror. I take out my makeup so I can fix it up before I have to go on again.

Renée comes over and places a hand on my shoulder, and Jazzy hugs me from behind, leaning her head on my back. "Everything will work out, okay?" Renée says while rubbing my shoulder. I nod.


The rest of the show went well, and at the end of the night, after changing back into my street clothes, I go to Lin's dressing room. I knock on the door before entering, but when I got no response, I open the door a bit to reveal an empty room. Where is he?

As I'm about to turn around to go find Lin, I hear a voice behind me say, "Boo!" I jump and turn around. Lin was standing directly in front of me. He laughs a bit and says, "Were you looking for me?"

"Yes, I was," I laugh and he pulls me closer, his hands resting comfortably on my waist, while mine wrap around his neck. He kisses my neck and I feel my cheeks heat up.

He pulls back and says, "Ready to go home?" I nod, taking his hand. On the way out of the theatre, Jazzy and Renée pass us.

"I'll talk to you guys later!" I give each of them a hug before walking outside to the car where Lin is waiting.

"Tommy said we could have the weekend off, I knew you won't want to but I agree with him, we deserve a few days off. I mean, we've been working so hard lately, and with everything that has happened in the past few days.." Lin trails off but I know exactly what he's talking about.

"I know, I know. But for your sake, I'll take the weekend off," I smile at Lin, although his eyes remain focused on the road.

"Good, then we can spend the weekend together."

sorry for the super late post!! we had zero motivation but finally managed to write something! hopefully you enjoyed reading this super short chapter! we love you all :) as always, we apologize for any confusing scenes, grammatical errors, etc! chapter 34 should be up in a few days, be sure to follow us on instagram for daily chapter updates! @ youraffectionateeliza and @ adorpippa

sincerely, jenna & alyssa

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