Chapter 4 - Heartbreaks and Breakups

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10:37 PM

Pippa POV

I feel nauseous. My vision is blurred and all I can hear is the slight beeping of a heart rate monitor from behind me.

"Where am I?" I murmur aloud, as I see a flutter of movement in the corner of my eye.

"Oh Phillipa, good to see you started to wake up again," a voice says. I tilt my head towards the voice, still unaware of who it was. "You're at the hospital. Do you remember why?"

How could I forget? I thought. "Yes, I remember a little too well."

"Ok, that's excellent," The voice comes over to me, revealing a woman in light blue scrubs. "I'm Nurse Molly. I'll be your nurse until you leave, which, in fact, should be today," She smiles and starts asking me questions, like "How are you feeling?"

To that, I respond, "Nauseous. I feel like I'm gonna be sick."

Suddenly, a strong wave of nausea hits me. I cover my mouth quickly, and the nurse sees my distress, rushing to grab a bucket from a cabinet in the room. She runs over to me and hands me it. I vomit into it, disgusted.

When I'm done, I think, That was so embarrassing.

The nurse takes the bucket away from me and hands me a paper towel to wipe my mouth.

When the nurse comes back to take the paper towel, she asks, "Are you feeling well enough to have some guests come in to see you?" I nod, and she walks out of the door.


Lin's POV

10:49 PM

"Lin, stop pacing. You're making me more anxious than I already am." Jazzy says, clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, Jaz. I'm just worried." I reply, sitting down in a chair in the waiting area. I was too worried to just sit still, so I start drumming my fingers on my thigh.

"Lin. I know you're worried about her, but since when did you care this much about her?" Renèe questions. I fear she might be starting to pick up the fact that I love Pippa.

"I-I.. I don't know." I say in response.

Which was the truth, of course. I really didn't know when I had started caring for Phillipa Soo so much. Maybe it was time to tell Pippa how I really felt about her. It was the only logical thing to do, right?

"Lin!" Anthony calls. I'm so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the three others stand up. "They said we could come to see Pippa now." I smile and hop out of my seat, as quickly as I had sat down a few moments before.


Pippa POV

10:54 PM

I hear a knock at the door, and I say, "Come in," just as Lin, Jazzy, Renèe, and Anthony walk into the boring room, their smiles instantly making it feel more welcoming.

"Hey guys," My voice is almost hoarse. I smile as he walks towards me. He puts his hand on mine and I stare into his dark eyes.

"Hi Pips. Glad to see you feeling better," He replies, squeezing my hand ever so carefully.

"Cut it out, lovebirds," Jazzy laughs, mocking us. I spot Lin who playfully rolls his eyes.

"We aren't lovebirds, Jazzy." I frown at her.

Before anyone can say anything else, the nurse walks back into the room.

"Phillipa, you are going to be released today, we just need you to fill out a few things. Just so you are aware, you did get a concussion, but it wasn't too serious, so you'll be okay. Also, I know your doing Hamilton, but unfortunately, you're going to have to take a month or two of rest-"

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