Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Arrival

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Pippa's POV

11:24 PM

"Vanessa? What are you doing here?" Lin asks, looking over at me, unsure of what to do. Vanessa eyes Lin holding me around my waist and holding my hand.

"What are you doing here, Lin? I thought you were going to be home by now," Vanessa states.

"I could ask you the same thing Vanessa," Lin fires back, squeezing my hand. "And if you must know, I was dropping Phillipa off at her apartment." He looks in my direction and gives me a sly smile.

"Vanessa, could you just- leave," I say through gritted teeth. "I don't want you here."

She lets out a little laugh, looking me up and down. "Oh, Phillipa, what happened to you?"

"It- It's a long story, and I'm certainly not telling it to you," I stammer, fighting back tears. Pull it together, Pips. Get over it already. She doesn't have to know everything, I think.

Lin looks over at me, and I know he can tell that something is wrong.

"Vanessa, can you just leave, please? Pippa's had a long day," Before she can respond, Lin pushes her out of the apartment and shuts the door. He leans his back against the door and I watch as he puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose. I see a few tears make their way down his face, and he looks down at the floor.

"Lin," I ask, walking over to him. "Are you alright?" I swiftly wipe the tears off of his face, and I lift his chin so he can see me.

"Yes, Pippa. I'm perfectly fine," Lin says, standing up straight. "Would it be okay with you if I stayed for the night? There's no way I can go back to my house to Vanessa."

"Sure!" I say overly excited. "I can make some dinner, or we can order some food if you want."

"Let's order in. You probably shouldn't cook yet," Lin takes out his phone, pulling up the speed dial. "What do you want?"

" about pizza?"

"Perfect. Does Dominos sound good?" Lin asks me, already calling the number.

"Yeah, that's great," I reply, walking over to the kitchen to grab plates and silverware. I set it on the table.

While Lin's on the phone, I go to the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. There are bloodstains on my face and clothes, and there are tear marks on my cheeks. The parts of my face that Steven punched were black and blue and my makeup is a mess.

"I should clean myself up," I think. I grab a makeup wipe from the drawer and wipe off the stains and makeup. When I'm done with that, I get my face wash and clean my face. Next, I try to fix my hair. I carefully take off the white bandage that was wrapped around my head. There isn't much blood because it was cleaned up at the hospital. I immediately notice that there is a small section of my hair that is parted in different directions. It almost looked like there had been stitches there. "I guess it was more serious than I thought."

A few minutes later, I finish in the bathroom, so I go to change my clothes. I put on grey sweatpants and one of Lin's baggy white t-shirts. Yes, I already stole one of his shirts from his dressing room. I throw the clothes that I was originally wearing in my laundry bin, and I go back to the living room, where Lin is sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey," I say, walking over to him and sitting next to him. "Whatcha watchin'?"

"Nothing much, just channel surfing." He put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. I'm pretty tired, so I close my eyes and relax.

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