Chapter 23 - Incorrect Ultrasounds

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Pippa POV

7:48 AM

I look away from Lin. He caught on. "They told me I lost the baby." I look back at Lin, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"I- What?" Lin stands up and walks over to the door, leaning his back against it.

"Why are you getting mad at me? It's not my fault! Do you think I wanted this to happen?"

"I'm not mad, Pip." He looks down at the ground. "Who said it was your fault? Not me! But, more importantly, are you alright?" Lin asks, walking back over to me.

"No, I'm not alright. You think I would be okay after getting in a car crash and almost killing myself? No, Lin. I'm not alright!" I practically yell the last sentence. "Get. Out."

Lin stares at me, eyes opened wide, startled by my outburst. "Phillipa Anne-"

"Don't you dare call me that. You know better," I weakly point to the door, my breath coming fast. "I said get out," I repeat, more tears filling my eyes.

He walks out silently, shutting the door gently behind him. I can't deal with him right now. I almost killed myself and he thinks I'm alright. Is he insane?



I leave Pippa alone in the room and find a seat next to the door. I sit down on it and take out my phone. I speed dial Renée's number and wait for her to pick up.

"Hey Lin, is everything ok?" She asks calmly, seconds after she picks up.

"Yeah, she's okay." I say, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

"It doesn't sound like everything's okay," Renée replies, sensing my distress. "You're one hundred percent positive everything is okay?"

"I'm zero percent positive that everything is okay. Pippa has these tiny pieces of glass stuck in her skin and she just told me to get out of the room."

"Lin-Manuel Miranda! What did you do to get her so mad? You two are inseparable. That girl loves you with all her heart," I hear Renée sigh over the phone.

"It doesn't seem like she loves me right now," I respond, taking a deep breath.

"Lin, what did you do?" Renée asks again.

"I got upset with her, but I didn't think it was gonna make her that mad. She made it seem like I thought the accident was her fault, which I don't, by the way, and then she started yelling at me and-"

"Lin! Why are you both so upset?"

"Pippa lost the baby," I finally say.

Renée gasps. "I'm so sorry, Lin."

"Thanks, I guess. Do you and Jazzy wanna swing by after rehearsals? I don't think Pippa will want to talk to me."

"Of course! I'll let Jazzy know and we'll be there."

"Perfect, see you both later." I sigh and hang up. This is going to be a long day.


Pippa POV

A couple hours later...

Lin hasn't come back into my room yet, so I lay in silence most of the time, with a few nurses coming in to check on me sometimes.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. "Ms. Soo, you have visitors," A nurse smiles at me, opening the door slightly.

"If it's Lin, tell him I don't want to see him," I mumble, looking towards the window.

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