Chapter 22

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Okay, first,  before I get bomb rushed I planned to update Christmas Eve but shit always happens bruh😭 I apologize deeply and then planned to update after Christmas and was so close to finishing but I ended up watching this show on Netflix called The Society and if you know what I am talking about I could NOT stop watching all ten episodes of the first season and had become obsessed with Grizz and just could not stop thinking about him or his boyfriend and bruh just watch it, I mean they cancelled season 2 but I have hope so, yeah, that's my excuse XD!

Anyways I did update...yay. This is about 17,500 words long so enjoy the last chapter. This is the last book so don't even ask. I kinda like the way it ended even though I had many ways I wanted it to end but here it is. If you enjoy my books then continue looking forward to more, I know I am inconsistent sometimes and I apologize but I am working on it. I don't have much Eremika stories I am coming up with but two stories I am still working on is "Obsessed" and "My Blind Boyfriend" so stay tuned for more chapters on that and I do have I believe one story I plan on updating that I have been working on.

Guys, I do work on chapters for many books and have an AO3 account I update on. So I am switching on two platforms writing stories. Anyways, thanks for all the support I love you guys to death and just want to say I appreciate you all. I'm updating 7 in the morning and it looks very light outside. I got some sleep but I mean sleep is never a regular thing for me anyway so meh. Thank you again and enjoy!

By the way as a recap I do recommend rereading the last few paragraphs of the last chapter. I didn't change anything, just recommending for those who may be lost I guess. Now, enjoy!

~ A Week Later ~

Everything was not okay. After working an endless double and coming home to her family sleeping Mikasa thought that she would be good to fall asleep after getting something in her system and taking a long shower. But she couldn't even make it to the first part when she smelt the ready food and her stomach churned as if it was ready to reject her entree as a whole.

Mikasa hadn't eaten all day and was ready to eat more than anything in the world right now only to feel like complete crap before then. She drops it there and just takes a shower and heads to sleep. But as soon as morning came and she heard Petra making her way to her room with Naveah about breakfast being done – and smelling it in the air – only then had Mikasa manifested the energy to sprint into the bathroom and vomit into the toilet.

Petra came sprinting in with worry, asking if Mikasa was okay while she patted her back. But when she denied it and after several more gruesome seconds of her throwing up nothing but fluids Petra decides to take some control. She lets Mikasa stay in the bathroom while she put Naveah in the living room in her walker and made some fruits and tea for her.

"I know you don't wanna eat but you're gonna have to put something in your system. I'll be back, okay?"

"Where are you going?" Mikasa groans sluggishly when her heavy lidded eyes slowly reel open.

"To the store. I'm taking Naveah, and Levi is already out at work. Ill be quick."

Mikasa didn't have much of an option but to stay put. She thought over eating but her stomach didn't exactly welcome the idea whenever she put a fruit in close distance for her to smell. The most she ate was a grape and sipped two small mouthfuls of tea but nothing big. She felt insanely hot as if she was burning from the inside out. Maybe it was a fever?

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