Chapter 20

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Mikasa stood there. Eyes staring absently at the edifice before her with conflictive emotions. An uneasiness began residing within the pit of her stomach as she allowed for the present to set in. Her chest felt tight, and everything in the surrounding seeping in and out of vision. "I-I'm here?" She says to herself in disbelief, almost as if she was dreading the unannounced departure. Something in her was telling her to not commit; to not go back and turn around. But what would await for her if she were to go back? More heartache. Nothing but heartache.

Mikasa didn't want to leave. She didn't want to leave her friends, nor Eren. All she wanted to do was stay with him and be with him. But how could she? She couldn't help him hurt her again. Not only that but Levi would forbid it. They're relationship is nothing but stale. It was lamentable.

Opening her phone, Mikasa waves her eyes over the time, feeling her heart clench when she reads to herself 9:27am. "It's probably already started by now," Mikasa mutters to herself as she refits her hand around the handle of the suitcase she held at her side. She releases a deep breath as she slides her phone into her butt pocket and drags her bag behind as she tails into the airport.

With the nauseating thought of leaving her friends behind again Mikasa couldn't fathom any real notion of wanting to eat anything. Her stomach wasn't necessarily craving anything and only longed for her arrival back at home where she could hurry and meet Petra and Levi before the baby was given. That was all she wanted at this point: to see her cousin and shower them in the love she wasn't able to be given.

Once Mikasa gets to the section where her flight was she takes a seat at an empty constituent away from the crowd. She plugs her earphones in and decides to play some music, branching away from her despondent, depressed side and moving into something more positive. Maybe she will come back? Staying wasn't an option, things would only be awkward if that were to happen.

That didn't mean she hadn't entirely enjoyed herself. A quarter of the time it was enjoyable without everyone arguing and all. It had been fun hanging with the girls one final time as well.

Trying not to cry was difficult, and at that point Mikasa felt like she was being hard on herself. She deserved to cry didn't she? She would be leaving her friends behind without them even knowing. She would be leaving Eren, the one person whom she truly cared about. And then she would be leaving Japan once and for all - her one true home of happiness.

"'re such a crybaby," Mikasa reprimands to herself when tears begin to slip down her cheeks the more she thought about her friend sin sync with the melancholic yet inspiring instrumental playing in her ears. She wipes at her cheeks as she goes to grab at her hood and throws it onto her head down enough for her eyes to be covered.

No matter how much she hated him, no matter how much her stomach loathed him - Mikasa knew deep down inside that he would be the one she would miss the most. "I hate you so much..." Mikasa's voice hitches as she opens her phone to preview the many unopened messages that had been flooding her phone. She felt her heart squeeze and grabbed at it in agony, biting down on her lip to prevent a cry from escaping and drawing attention to herself. "But why does my heart still hurt?"

The tears had been uncontrollable. Mikasa closes her phone and wipes at the stream of never-ending tears raining down her cheeks.

An elderly woman that had noticed the weeping raven haired girl nimbly walks over, pulling out a napkin from her pocketbook and handing it to Mikasa, giving her a small shake to give the indication that she had been there. Mikasa jumps awake, startled, but quickly regains herself as she looks at the old woman with a tender smile as she accepts the napkin. "T-Thanks..." she sheepishly tells the woman, embarrassed.

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