Chapter 6

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"Fucking hell!" Eren slammed the door shut to his apartment with pent up anger that he was begging to get out of his system. He didn't like this. He didn't like being told what to do because he couldn't make the right decisions. He didn't like the idea of staying away.

With the place empty and Charlotte gone somewhere he didn't quite care about at the moment, this was the perfect time to let loose and vent about Jun blackmailing him into not seeing Mikasa. He was sure that if Jean found out about him being around Mikasa even once he would use every dirt he had on him to get Charlotte to call off the engagement and dump him.

If he had to be honest even though he was aware that Charlotte was stuck up and used him for money, she was beautiful and outgoing, loved him for who he was and accepted all his mistakes Mikasa was hesitant to accept. He's gotten through a lot with her help and he felt like he should pay her back when he gave her a shot at dating, and that had taken off really well.

For once he was sure that everything was going right. He had an amazing fiance and would be getting married soon. Shouldn't his friends be happy for him at this stage?

Tch. That was funny. After all he has done to Mikasa no one had taken a liking to him anymore. Ever since he told them about Charlotte he has been getting bad vibes from them, more so from Annie and Krista, who was there by his side to help him ruin Mikasa when he didn't see her as his ex-neighbor, but as some toy--in his player days. They insisted that Charlotte was nothing but a bad influence but Eren didn't really see what was so bad about spoiling his fiance and getting her the world like he promised her.

With clenched fist, Eren stormed to his room that he had been sharing with Charlotte for a while and sat helplessly on his bed. He was infuriated; pissed off that Jean would do this to him. He felt like he had every right to be with Mikasa, and at least get the chance to talk to her even though their relationship was a bit rocky.

It's been about two weeks since he has seen her anyway and he felt like he should pay her his condolences in some way. "Fuck me," Eren groans as he lays back on the bed, groggily eyes scaping out the outline of the ceiling. He let's out an uneven sigh, and bites back on any more swears that turned his throat to stone.

He didn't know why Jean telling him to stay away from Mikasa made him more angrier to think about. He was with Marco, so there was no reason for him to suddenly grow attached to Mikasa and feel the need to cling to her just because he hurt her. He got why he would be defensive but to forbid him to see Mikasa he felt had been a bit overboard.

Thinking back to the time he saw Jean and Mikasa walking together to the store made Eren wonder what they were doing that day. If he wanted him to stay away from her and had started hanging out with Mikasa recently then there had to be something going on between them right?

'Dammit, is he really trying to steal her from me?' Eren grits his teeth and slams a fist at the side of his head. He kicked his shoes off and lays up on his bed, hair pulling over disheveled and eyes gloomy and tired out. He had been stressing over this ever since Jean left him at the cafe and couldn't get it out of his head.

Eren knew deep down inside he still loved Mikasa. He didn't have to play a trick game to figure out that he loved her so damn much that his palpitating heart might explode out of his chest. And knowing Jean was trying to keep him away from Mikasa while he had his own relationship to handle was making him about to lose his shit. But Eren was in a relationship as well; a committed one at that.

Chewing at his lip, Eren throws a hand through his hair, unsure of what to do or how he should handle the situation. Should he tell Mikasa that he couldn't talk to her, and that he was being manipulated into staying away while there was a high possibility that Jean was out to take advantage of Mikasa. Jean was no good. That's what Eren thought for the least.

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