Chapter 12

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After the beach the losing group treated Reiner and Connie to a nearby seafood diner since their internal cravings had been only seafood related. The waitress led them to a booth in the corner, which the guys happily slipped in and begun scanning the menu. "You guys better have brought enough money because I am buying a weeks worth of food!" Connie exclaimed with ecstasy as he begun to surf through the menu.

"I don't even have to look at the menu, I know exactly what I want," Reiner grinned wickedly as he stared the losers in the eyes. Jean scoffed remarkably while Marco and Armin had been eyeing the drinks. Eren, who was against eating seafood at the time, stared at the appetizers to choose one closely related to any other type of restaurant.

"Want a kiddie menu, Eren? If you don't want any seafood you can always have some chicken nuggets," Reiner says in a strained, whiney, annoying ass kiddy tone, altering his voice to sound like some fish, having both him and Connie burst into fits of laughter.

Eren furrowed his brows but doesn't say anything as he eyed the others. "And you guys are sure you're ready to pay for them?"

Marco, who had been smiling at the little joke himself quirks a brow. "Well, they did win," he states the obvious as he puts down his menu, seeming to have made up his mind.

"Yeah, but, do we have to?"

"Just chillax, let them enjoy this because I doubt they will win at anything else together," Jean says in a natural tone, flipping the menu back and fro as if the listed options would change in some way.

"What do you mean? Reiner and I will probably team up more after this," Connie asserts with a smug look, receiving odd looks from his friends, Reiner included. How fucking reliable.

"Connie, the only reason you won was because Reiner had no other choice with Bertholdt not here," Eren broke down relatively easily with a quite confident look. The face he deadpanned reaching in a matter of seconds.

"Yeah, you were also the last one picked for dodgeball so..." Marco rolled his eyes with a kind smile.

"Bitch didn't even know what dodgeball was," Jean remarked frankly, earning an all too hard nudge from Marco. Hiding the pain while jarring an irritable snarl, Jean sinks into his spot.

"I still don't see the point," Connie blinked cluelessly. "It's okay we knew better than to expect you would," Eren snorted the same time the waitress came around asking for their drinks.

Given more than enough time to simply look at the menu deciding on drinks, the guys ordered their food along with it.

"Alright, you guys enjoy," the waitress says as she takes the menus from the table, letting them be as she struts to the front counter. Reiner whistled when she left, making it obvious he was checking her out. "Nice ass, that one."

"Eh, it's okay," Jean muttered as he slouched in his spot next to Marco, resting his head on his lover's shoulder, arms folded.

"I expect that response from a gay," Reiner muttered though indistinctively, hiding down behind his locked hands since the menus were taken.

"And what girlfriend do you have, Reiner?" Marco inquired with a derisive grin, and even though he held the most benevolent demeanor, it was clear (to Jean) that he was a bit irked by the sudden comment. Jean, who knew the type of person Reiner was, didn't really take it to heart as much as his boyfriend did.

"Well, shit. If we're getting technical, none," Reiner huffed with offense even at the fact itself, eyes lowering with dismay as it all sunk in.

"Didn't you use to date Krista in the past?" Armin queried with a quizzical brow as he laid his forearms on the table from his lap. Reiner answered Armin's concerned look with a half shrug, looking quite defeated. "Doesn't really count as a win if she left you for a girl."

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