Chapter 16

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Eren was not as good at this as he imagined he'd be. He felt flustered; embarrassed. And it wasn't even because of his 'supporting' friends that dissed him out and retorts with quips and slick remarks here and there on how sad he was for a guy. No, it largely had to do with the fact that he was giving his all in every game waged and Mikasa was beating him in every one of them with remote ease. Much to his chagrin, Mikasa would even slip in a sly comment about going easy on him. If it was to irk him even more she's done an amazing job because with the score being 2-7 with Mikasa clearly winning, he was about ready to explode.

It wasn't the games that were making him more and more frustrated. It was that knowing what happens on the end that bothered him more. He didn't want Mikasa here if he could barely watch her and was out places getting scored. The thought alone made him uneasy to think about. Knowing she will be with Levi is more comforting than the anxiety she gave him when he left her alone.

Eren wished he could actually enjoy the moment since it has been a while since he actually got to play and hangout with Mikasa - like his friends. But they were oblivious. They don't know what will happen if either of them won or lost. The pair already made a deal on not disclosing what the winner 'truly' gets until their ready.

For now, as far the small group of friends were concerned, this was just a normal quarrel under friendly conditions.

"This is actually kinda sad to watch," Reiner mutters when the two begins their hand wrestling match. Since the apartment was a bit too small for waging out a bloody fight the option was defaulted to hand wrestling. To Sasha's ease, there was a lesser chance of the two ending up in the hospital.

"If you were rooting for Eren then yeah," Connie rebuked with a disappointed look. He takes the large cup of soda Sasha was chugging and takes a sip, earning a death glare from her in which he challenged with his own. "Is it sadder that I expected this outcome?" Armin asked standing beside Reiner with an austere look.

"No, I think it's not even that. I think it's because we're actually seeing it become a reality that makes it all the more difficult to watch," Ymir articulates rather loudly.

"Yeah, I hope this is Eren going easy and not the other way around," Reiner comments almost with despair.

"Geez! What faith you guys have!" Eren exclaimed with red cheeks. His unstable anger makes it easier for Mikasa to slam his hand down against the table, declaring her the winner.

While Mikasa celebrated in triumph Eren had been unintentionally manifesting the most disturbed look in history. No one really paid much notice to it but Mikasa could sense how bothered he was.

Did he really want her to go back that badly?

A part of Mikasa understood where he was coming from. Eren was just scared; too frightened to let her stay. She knew that he didn't want her here for her to live an easier life, and she got that. A world with Eren was one of too many adversities. To him, keeping her safe meant expanding the distance between them.

Mikasa got that. However, she just had a hard time accepting the notion that he would easily let her go. No, he was having difficulties doing that himself. He made that clear last night. She just wanted to be with him. That was all she's ever wanted.

"W-Why don't we all go see a movie?" Ymir awkwardly suggested at the growing tension supplying in the room. Mikasa jumped in surprised, but not at the offer. She hadn't realized just how quiet it got when she stopped showboating.

"S-Sorry," Armin was the first to speak up. "I won't be able to go, I am needed somewhere to tend to," He excuses himself as he departs from the small group. Mikasa furrowed a suspicious brow at him as she watched him leave. She didn't know why she was getting a troubling vibe from him, like something wasn't right. But she chose to ignore the feeling.

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