Chapter 33

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"Are we almost done?" I whine while taking a sip of my strawberry milkshake as we sit in the food court in the mall.

Jiwoo's cash in of my gift was a girls shopping day. So for the past 3 hours, Jiwoo dragged Dea and I around from shop to shop. The former having a lot more fun than me. "Oh stop being so grumpy." Dea points at me. "Just admit you're having fun with us."

"I always have fun with you guys."

The two girls beam. "I'd just rather not be shopping."

Their smiles quickly drop. "But to answer your question, yes we're almost done. There's one more place I wanna go to." Jiwoo states shoving fries in her mouth.

I nod quickly finishing up my meal. "There's a jewelry store we passed by that I want to look at. I'll be right back. If you finish, I'll meet you outside the store." I explain standing.

Throwing my trash away, I make my way a little down passing stores we previously passed by. Stopping in front of the store, I glance at the 2 dangle earrings in the display with a thoughtful eye before making my way inside. I'm hit with the smell of cleaning supplies as I step in and the soft sound of classic piano music. "How may I help you today?" A woman asks from my left.

She wore a blue blazer with a matching pencil skirt and a white undershirt. "Ah yes. How much for the 2 dangle earrings in the window?" I ask politely.

"Oh. Those were made for a male in mind." The worker says looking me up and down.

I quickly become annoyed and frown. "Yes, I am aware. So how much?"

"Are you sure you'll be able to afford them?" She asks.

I clench my jaw and hiss through my teeth. "If you told me how much they cost, I'd be able to tell you."

"No way! Are you Moon?"

I turn my head to see another worker, a male this time, make his way over. I give him a smile before nodding. "That's me! Could you tell me how much the 2 dangle earrings in the display case are?"

He glances at them before his face lights up. "The one with the cross is $250 and the other is $125."

I nod, taking out my wallet. "I'll take both."

Taking notice of the shocked face of the girl in front of me, I send her a smug look as I follow the guy to the register. As he carefully places both earrings in boxes he looks up. "If you wouldn't mind, could you sign my phone case?"

I smile at him before nodding. "What's your name?" I asked looking up.

"It's Asher."

I nod quickly writing 'From me to Asher <3- Moon' in cursive on the yellow phone case and give both his phone and the marker back. "Thank you! I've been a big fan for such a long time. I'm one of the people who pushed so hard for you to meet BTS."

I laughed. "Well thank you." I lean in closer, "Wanna know a secret?" he nods with wide eyes, "These are for Jimin. I'm sending him a gift."

His mouth drops open. "That's so sweet of you that you guys get each other silent gifts. I'm glad you guys are such good friends."

I give him a shy smile and thank him. He quickly rings my stuff up and bags them. "Thank you for your help Asher." I smile.

He nods quickly. "Of course! Have a good day!"

I nod my head making my way to the exit stopping at the girl who still stood in shock. Turning to face her I give her my fakest smile. "That's how you're supposed to treat a customer, Claire." I state glancing at her name tag before greeting my friends outside the shop.


"I can't believe the last place you wanted to go was Victoria Secret!" I stated opening my bedroom door once we got home.

Dea and Jiwoo giggle following behind me. "And I can't believe you forced me to get stuff! What am I going to use this for? Who am I going to show this to?" I asked tossing my bags on the bed.

"Show it to your boy." Dea suggests plopping down on my fuzzy chair in the corner.

"My boy?"

"Yeah! The one you were on the phone with till 2 in the morning." Jiwoo smirks.

My mouth drops open and my face turns red. "I-he- we aren't together! He's not my boy!"

"Please. Every time he sees you he gives you heart eyes." Dea rolls her eyes.

"He does not give me heart eyes."

(I messed up the time stamps pay that no mind

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(I messed up the time stamps pay that no mind..)
~Yoongi's POV~

"You totally give her heart eyes Hyung."

"Every time you see her."

I stare blankly at the 2 youngest as they lounge on my couch in my studio. Turning my back to the, I slip one headphone back on my ear. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Come on Hyung! You can't tell me that you don't have feelings for Moon Noona." Tae whines.

"I can because I don't."

"Why are you lying Hyung? What are you afraid of?"

I pause at Jungkook's words. "We all see the way you look at her. We all see the way you treat her. Hell, sometimes I hear you talking to her. Why are you trying to convince yourself that you don't have feelings for her?" Jungkook pressed.

I sigh turning to face them. "I'm trying to save the both of us from heartbreak."

Heyyyy.. It's been a while hasn't it. Writers block is a bitch. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. What did Yoongi mean by saying that? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If all goes well, next chapter should be up within the next 2 weeks! Stay safe everyone


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