Chapter 27

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~Moon's POV~ (Takes place at the end of chapter 26)

 The male on the phone smiles. "I would be mad at you for not telling me you were working on an album but I know my chance will come."

 I raise a questioning eyebrow and he seems to sense my confusion. "Don't tell me you forgot."

 I tilt my head slightly to the right and he chuckles. "You said we could make a song together. You agreed."

 Realization crosses my mind and my face flushes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to forget."

 He shakes his head, amusement etched into his features. "You've been busy. I don't blame you. It's alright, really."

 "You really want to make a song with me?" I question, suddenly feeling shy.

 "Of course. I think we could make something great together." He smiles softly.

 My cheeks flush and he chuckles. "Cute." He mumbles.

 I squeak covering my face as it bursts into flames. A laugh from Yoongi as I whine. "Yoongi. Stop."

 "I'm just teasing Moon. I'm sorry."

 I lift my face and shoot him a playful glare. "Noona? Why do you look like a tomato?" Jungkook asks, with wide eyes.

 Yoongi burst out in laughter again as I groaned, hiding my face in my hands again.


 "You've been getting such good responses on the album." Jiwoo said, walking into my room with two steaming mugs.

I look up from my notebook with a smile. "Yeah. I didn't think so many people would like it."

Muttering a thank you, I take one of the cups before taking a sip of the hot tea. "A lot of people could relate to your songs and felt the meaning of them is really important." She stated, taking a seat on my bed. "A lot of people have been praising Strawberry Shortcake."

I sigh running a hand through my loose hair. "That was an important one to me. That and Orange Juice."

Jiwoo frowns. "I know how hard Orange Juice must have been to write."

I wince at the memory and frown. "Moon."

I turn to Jiwoo and her gaze softens. "Come here."

I stand from my desk and fall into her arms. She lays back as she pulls me closer and runs a hand through my hair just like she did when we were younger. "Unnie."

She lets out a soft laugh. "You haven't called me that in years. Since we were what? 13? I had finally gotten sick of you saying it cause it made me feel old since I'm only a month older."

I let out a shaky laugh. "Your birthday is coming up isn't it? What do you want?" I ask looking up at her.

Her response is quick. "Nothing. Just being together with you all is more than enough."

The door to my room opens and Dea pokes her head in. "Hey. A cuddle party and I wasn't invited?" She whines.

Jiwoo laughs, opening her other arm. Dea smiles skipping over and joining the impromptu cuddle pile we created and sighs in contempt. "Thank you."

They both turn to me with questioning gazes. "For what?" Dea asks.

I shrug. "Nothing. Just thank you."

And I fall asleep curled up together with my two best friends.

Sorry this chapter is so late. Wattpad was being weird when I tried uploading this chapter earlier but it's out now! Hope you all enjoyed that little Yoon moment and also the moment with the girls. I'm really excited to explore and explain their relationship with each other!

Also the MMAs are this weekend! How exciting! I'm ready to see all the performances and see who takes the awards. MAMA is coming up soon as well. Awards season is always busy. But I hope you all enjoy the weekend. Stay safe

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