Chapter 26.5

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 Turning on the live, I smile as fans quickly join and start talking in the chat. "Hello my beautiful Stars! I hope you all are having a good day or night or afternoon!"

 I give small waves with both of my hands as I read the chat that flies by. "It's currently 2:30 am here in LA." I answer some who asked the time.

 I read more comments until another caught my eye. "Why are you awake? I'm awake because I don't sleep. Some nights I fall asleep easy and others I don't. This was one of those nights I couldn't fall asleep so here we are." I shrug.

 I answer a few more basic questions before I clap my hands taking notice of the 2 million viewers. "Woah. 2 million? It's been like 10 minutes! Anyways, the main reason I did this live, other than to talk with you all of course, was to watch edits with you! I've had this idea for a while now where I have you guys suggest edits or fan made videos and I watch slash react to them."

 I smile as a flood of positive responses fill the chat and I excitedly clap my hands. Hearing my door open, I'm quick to turn around and see Wanho slowly open my door, one hand rubbing his eyes. "Noona?"

 "Wan! What are you doing awake? I didn't wake up did I?" I panic turning to face him.

 My younger brother shakes his head. "No, I was awake. Just got done playing games with," his eyes flicker to the camera and live video. "Someone."

 A knowing smile graces my face as I nod. "Ah I see. Did you say hello for me?"

 He nods smiling. "What are you doing?" He asks, stepping closer to me and gesturing to the video.

 "Oh. I'm live. I'm going to be reacting to fan made videos that they recommend." I smile turning back to the chat seeing it filled with hello's directed at my brother.

 He nods before giving a smile and a wave. "Hi everyone! Unfortunately I won't be able to stay this time. I have a shoot later today that I need to get some rest for." He frowns. "But I'll force Noona to go live with me again soon." He beams.

 He presses a kiss to my forehead. "Night Noona."

 He turns and walks away as I call out, "Goodnight Wanie!"

 "Stop calling me that." He huffs sending me a playful glare over his shoulder as he leaves.

 A giggle escapes my lips as I turn back to the chat answering a few more questions. "All right! What video should I watch? Any suggestions?" I ask pulling up YouTube.

 Looking at the chat I see one flashing by numerous times." "Seems like a video called 'Pillowtalk' for Yoongi by Junggkie is a popular one." I muse as I type it in.

 Seeing it pop up, I click on it narrowing my eyes seeing them go crazy and some laughing. The remix of Pillowtalk fills my ears as different pictures of Yoongi flashes on the screen with the words of the song. "Debut Yoongi!" I gush as a clip of him flashes by. "Well not quite debut era more of Dark & Wild Yoongi."

 Suddenly a picture of him biting his lip flashes by and my mouth goes dry. "Uh." Escapes my mouth as a black and white picture of him sweaty with his tongue out flashes by and I sneak a quick glance at chat.

 Everyone's laughing and some seemed shocked like me. A squeak of surprise escapes my mouth which I'm quick to cover with my hands as a clip of him thrusting passes by as the beat drops. My hand stays over my open mouth as the rest of the clips include various fancams of him dancing and his tongue out of his mouth. The video comes to an end and I stare blankly at the camera. "So uh. Next video?"

 I squint typing the next requested video clicking on it as it pops up. "Bad Boy. I'm not sure what to expect." I comment leaning my cheek on my fist.

 "Ok. Starting off with blonde and mint slash light blue Yoongi. Two of my favorites." I comment.

 As soon as the first clip comes up, I pause the video. "So it's like that huh? You all want to kill me?" I ask gesturing to the paused screen as the familiar Airplane pt. 2 fancam graces my eyes.

 I scoff pressing play again shaking my head with an amused smile. My mouth drops open as he thrust to the beat courtesy of the Baepsae clip and I slam my hand down on the space bar as he does it again this time it being the Dope clip of him in all black and blonde hair. I snatch my headphones off my head and walk away feeling my face heat as the clip replays in my mind. I snatch my water bottle off my night stand before making my way back to my seat. "Just wanted some water." I croke before opening the lid and taking large gulps of the liquid.

 "Stop laughing at me." I scold playfully at the chat before pressing play again.

 I stare silently as I watch the loading edit go up to 100% as he dances in the background. Bracing myself, I let out a short gasp at the pictures of his hands before giggling at the 'bad boy' clip they threw in. I feel my face flush watching the clips of him dancing and thrusting in the air. I giggle at the text edit the editor threw in at the end. The video ends and I press my lips in a thin line, several of the clips replaying in my head. "Uh. Well. Let's move on shall we?" I give another small smile.


 "So what we can take away from this is that Yoongi likes dancing with his tongue out, Tae likes biting his lip, Jungkook's stare is deadly, Hobi gets possessed by a demon and you all like seeing me suffer." I list off my fingers.

 Checking the chat I mumble one out loud. "We all found out that Moon has a thing for Yoongi's hands. Now listen!" I shout, feeling my cheeks flush.

 "I- it's just- ugh." I bury my face into my hands unable to form a sentence. "You guys suck."

~Yoongi's POV~

 I smirk as Moon buries her face in her hands after reading aloud the comment. When Jungkook had walked into my room biding me goodnight after playing games with Wanho and mentioned in passing that Moon was live, the last thing I expected was for her to be watching fan made videos of my group mates and I. I was both surprised and intrigued. Waving goodbye, she gives a small smile making her right dimple pop and several fans to freakout in the chat. I type my own comment and her gaze softens. "Sweet dreams to you too Min Genius." She comments in Korean after reading it.

 A soft smile graces my face as she says one final goodbye gifting everyone with a flying kiss. The live end and I sit in silence for a moment before another smirk slowly creeps its way back onto my face as I grab my phone.

Me: So... I heard you like my hands?

Little Star:...

Little Star: I can explain.

Little Star: Wait-

Little Star: WHAT??

So this chapter idea actually came when I was watching FMV (fan made videos) one day idk how long ago. I thought it would be funny and Moon's reactions were the same as mine when I first watched these... It's a pretty cracky chapter but I hope you enjoyed. i had a good time writing it actually. I may have more of these in the future if my imagination allows me to think of something like this again.. Another thing to not that this does take place in the story line. Happens around the time between Moon finishing the album and coming back from Paris when they were with the boys. So August basically. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and remember to vote for MAMA! Voting ends soon!

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