Chapter 11

9 2 5

April 12, 2019

 The five of us sat gathered around my laptop which sat on the dining room table. My fingers were shaky as I typed the title. Our vlog camera stood on the tripod considering people wanted our reaction to the video. "Are you ready?" I ask, my mouse hovering over the music video.

 A chorus of yes's fill the space around me and I click the video, the Bighit logo taking its place on screen. "Why do I feel light headed?" Dea whispers.

 I shrug my shoulders as Halsey appears on screen in a ticket booth. We all gasp as the boys come on screen in pink outfits moving their shoulders. "Is that Tae?" Jiwoo asks, pointing to the guy in the middle.

 Right after she asked, Tae turned around and I squeaked. "Tae has blue hair. Tae has blue hair." I yelled slapping Ji-hoon's arm since he's the closest.

 He rubs his arm after pushing me away. Jimin walks into frame with orange hair singing first with Hobi and Jungkook dancing. Tae comes back and Jiwoo lets out a screech. "Jin!" Dea yells suddenly when his face pops up.

 "Jinnie!" Jiwoo and I gush.

 My brothers laugh at us as the video continues. "Ok choreo. I see you!" Dea smiles as all the boys dance into frame.

 "Wait, it's so good!" I clap getting emotional for some reason.

 "We're all learning this dance. I don't care what you say." Dea says leaning over my shoulder to get a closer look.

 "They all look good with the blue background." Ji-hoon comments.

 Wanho nods. "Makes Tae's hair stand out a lot."

 "How'd they jump over the couch like that?" Jiwoo laughs.

 I let out a strangled gasp and pushed Wanho who was leaning into my side over. "Yoongi!"

 Everyone laughs as I suddenly pause the video. I looked down at my younger brother who was now on the floor with a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I wasn't expecting that."

 "Please don't bite your lip sir. That's rude." I comment as the video resumes.

 "He has no right to look this good! Yoongi stop it! Stay in your lane! My bias list is neat and organized!" Jiwoo shouts.

 J-Hope pops up with Jungkook rapping his part and I continue to smile. The video goes on when I realize something. "Where's Namjoon? We haven't heard from him yet right?"

 Just as I said that, the man of the hour pops up in all white. "Dude!" Ji-hoon shouts this time punching my arm.

 I frown, rubbing it as Joon raps his part. "Sorry." He mumbles, not sparing me a glance.

 I turn just in time to see Jin throw a flower which makes me smile. The video plays on as I continue to have a stupid smile plastered on my face. "They look like they're having such a good time." Wanho grins.

 We all nod. "They also look so good?" Jiwoo states although it sounds more like a question.

 We all laugh. "They did look really good. Blue hair suits Tae. Hats off to the stylist." I comment.

 They all nod. I smile looking back at the screen. Pulling out my phone I shoot a quick text to the group chat before setting my phone down to finish the video.

 Me: You guys are amazing


 I sat at my desk tapping a pencil to my lip with my laptop open. A ding turns my attention to my laptop where I'm getting a skype call. Seeing who was calling me I smiled accepting the call. While I wait for the call to connect, I look back down at my notebook in thought. "Noona!"

 A yell startles me out of my thoughts and my head snaps up to the screen. I smile as 7 faces greet me with their own smiles. "Hello boys."

AYYE! So here was the gangs reaction to Boy With Luv! Yoongi's rap kills me everytime! This will be a double update cause it's my birthday today! I'm finally 17! But I hope you're enjoying the story and I hope you are all staying safe! On to the next chapter!

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