Chapter 26

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September 6, 2019

~Moon's POV~

"Are you ready?" Jiwoo asks next to me.

I take a deep breath before nodding. Pressing post, I let out a shaky laugh as It loads. "I did it. After 3 years. Another album. Do you think they'll like it?" I ask worried.

"Hey. they'll love it." wanho assures talking my hands.

"If the comments are anything to go by." Ji-hoon comments looking at his phone.

We all crowd around him scrolling through comments and a wide smile breaks out on my face. So many positive comments flood in and several of them express their shock and excitement for the album. Tears filled my eyes and I let out a shaky laugh. "They like it. They really like it."

"Of course they do." Jiwoo smiles squeezing my arm.

I grin pulling them all into a hug. "Thank you all. For everything."


I sat in my room scrolling through the trending 'K-12' hashtag reading through what my fans were saying when my phone rings. Jungkook's name flashes across the screen and I smile. Accepting the call, I'm met with an angry bunny. "Noona!"

"Hey Kook."

"Don't 'Hey Kook' me! Why didn't you tell me you were coming out with an album?" He whines.

I giggle. "It was a secret. Jin oppa and Joonie found out by accident."

"They knew?" A new voice yells.

Tae's head pops into frame with furrowed brows. "Yes they knew."

The faint sound of a door opening makes them look up. "Hyung!" Jungkook shouts. "Why didn't you tell us Noona was working on an album?"

"Uh." Joon's deep voice carries from behind the phone.

I let out another giggle as Jungkook sets down his phone and goes in the direction I'm assuming Namjoon stands, most likely going to give his elder an earful and I'm left with tae who picks up the phone. He gifts me a boxy smile with shining eyes. "Hey Noona."

"Hey TaeTae. How are you?"

"I'm good. Been resting while we get ready for the last concerts next month and working on stuff."

I nod giving him a smile. "I'm sending you something."

My smile immediately drops as my eyes widen. I looked at him shocked as he stared back at me with innocent eyes. "What?"

He blinks. "I'm getting you an 'congrats on your album' gift. I sent it right after I found out."

"Tae." I start, "You didn't have to."

He shakes his head with a knowing smile. "I knew you were going to say that and I don't care. I wanted to get you something so I did."

I sigh, shaking my head. "Alright. I guess I can't change your mind."

He shakes his head with a smile. "No you can't."

"Move! I want to talk to Noona!"

Jimin's face pops into the screen as he snatches the phone away from Tae who lets out a series of protests. "Noona! The album is so good!" He beams, his eyes disappearing as he smiles.

"Thank you Chim. I'm glad you liked it."

"We all did." Joon walks into frame behind them.

"It was very eye opening." Jin smiles walking up.

My face flushes as I mutter a thank you before someone else pops into the screen. "I'm so proud of you Noona!" Hobi grins as he plops down next to Jimin who still holds the phone.

"Thank you Hobi."

I give the boys soft smiles as they start chatting amongst themselves, even laughing a bit as Jungkook makes an appearance to scold Jin about not telling him about the album. So immersed in their conversation about the album, they don't notice the phone being plucked from the stand they sat it on to fit everyone into frame. A pale face with feline-like eyes stares back at me with a small gummy smile. "Moonie."

A small smile makes its way onto my lips and my face flushes at the soft look in his eyes. "Yoongs."

Woo! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! I hope you all had a great day with lots of yummy food. 

A little backstory on K-12. The album originally was written by Melanie Martinez. She took 2 1/2 years on it and the songs each have a different meaning. Some of them more blatant than others. One of my favorites called Strawberry Shortcake talks about how girls are sexulized and boys aren't held responsible for over sexualizing them. I do recommend the whole album and also the K-12 film she directed herself which is on YouTube.

But enough of that. Next chapter is a special chapter that I had so much fun writing. I suggest you get your Holy Water cause you may need it... that's all I'll say. Have a good weekend and don't forget to vote on MAMA

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