17 |The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.[The Tie]

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"There is no goodness in people who don't give advice, and there is no goodness in people who don't like to be advised."

- Umar Ibn Khattab, Radiyallahu anhu.


Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, yaa Qawm!

Hope you're all doing well:D

Today's update, Maasha Allah:))) Sorry in advance! XDDD


At a position within the nucleus of scholars were three students. These three were considered among the elite, and were of the top four best students in all of Sky Legacy Haven. Presently they all had different expressions on their faces.

"The next results will determine a lot of things, not just for we who are within the top four positions, but also, will affect the entire flow of edification and aspirations here in Sky Legacy Haven.

It would perhaps also usher us from our ongoing era of boredom, and being a complacent and not-so-competitive group at the top who lord it over all, to a new era of rivalry and intense competition! By Allah! I already feel so jittery thinking about it!" Prince Firdaws said, his ever-present smile only widening by the second.

The other two Mureeds chuckled.

"He's right, you know. What would you do if prince Reyaz happens to displace your position as the Number Four Mureed, T'sham?" Shabaan asked, a sudden suspense and intrigue present in his usually calm eyes. He seemed to be contemplating the question to himself internally. What would he do if he were displaced?

"It's simple, isn't it?" Ihtisham said with a staid face, and without batting an eyelid. It seemed he had long had his answer in mind before even being asked such a question by Shabaan.

As a child growing up in Baladus Sulaymân, Ihtisham had always been in the process of constantly being groomed for Kingship. Being the elder son and crowned prince set for inheriting and ascending the throne, he had to always be at the best of his game. Whatever he did, he had to be extraordinary, or at least, be among those who were considered as being exceptional.

Both in class and at his personal training, before and after he lost his family and country, Ihtisham had always aced in all subjects. Even when he was undergoing so much after the tragedy, there was never a time when his grades or performance fell below what was expected of him.

In Sky Legacy Haven where there were other genius students and even princes with exceptional minds and talents, and the aptitude for securing success, Ihtisham's name was a constant to be mentioned whenever anyone was discussing them.

The Nine Mureeds were considered to be the most elite students of erudition in all of SLH. They were brilliant and well-groomed in all subjects, no one could hold a candle to them. But among them, there was actually a huge disparity between the lower five, and the topmost four, in both popular knowledge and true latent talent: Those four at the top were the true exceptional prodigies of the school. They were the ones who would be called upon to represent the school, whenever there was any external competition the school really wanted to dominate all others in!


Because of the wide gap between his score and the fifth Mureed's, Ihtisham had never thought the day would come before he had left the school, when his position would actually be under a threat, and that he may be displaced. Yet, when the Sayyid and the five lower Mureeds were competing fiercely on the 1000 Steps pyramid, and Firdaws had informed him about the aspirations and preparations of prince Reyaz, he had already began to mentally prepare himself. There was this feeling that appeared in his heart, one that he had never felt before; ..the fear of being overtaken.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #2[The Arkaan Series|Book One]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant