28 |The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.[The Aftermath]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh treasured readers!!!!!!! :DDDDD EID MUBARAK TO Y'ALL!!! TAQQABALALLAHU MINNAA WA MINKUM!

A short Du'a..

Yaa Allah Azza wa Jall, there's none worthy of worship but You, we've testified and believed. Forgive us of our shortcomings and guide us on the path that's straight, and make us meet You in no state except by Your Pleasure and Acceptance. Yaa Dhul Fadl Adhiim wa Dhul Jalaali Wal Ikraam, admit us into Your Jannaatin wa Nahar, ..inda Maliikin Muqtadir.

Yaa Rahmaan, Aamin🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼



“Haah! That old geezer!” Abdul Bâqi said with annoyance as he punched a pillar on a bend in the nearby arcade, only to regret a moment later as he yelped in pain. “Argh..!”

He held his fist and blew over it, as tears threatened the corners of his eyes. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, he looked around to see if anybody had noticed him. But no one was in sight.

He placed his throbbing fist in his thobe's pocket and resumed his stride back towards his dorm, which was at an obscure corner in the school's labyrinth of rooms.

His complaints however didn't cease there.

“Did he really think I'm trying to be nice because I see a gain in it for myself.” Abdul Bâqi exclaimed, feeling incredulous. “I just don't like fighting, that why. If not, why would I befriend an old man..!

But for his age, I would have given him a piece of my mind or two.” Abdul Bâqi sighed. He had already come to the conclusion that the less enemies he had in the school, the better. That way, he didn't have to look over his back every now and then. For some reason, he had a feeling he had made enemies than friends, just with his achievements today.

In just a portion of his twenty-four hour day, Abdul Bâqi had seen that, Sky Legacy Haven was a school filled with many double-faced personalities and master schemers. He could never feel too safe. A person could be praising you at a time, and yet planning your downfall simultaneously. He shivered as he remembered Ali's gentle demeanour and manner of speaking back at the Myriad Circle Hall, when he had approached the former Number Five Mureed and him, calling Sinan,“Yaa Akhii”. Now Sinan was no where to be found among the ranks of Mureed.

Because of this, even though he was acknowledged and ranked as the Number One student and Mureed in the school, a direct apprentice of the Grand Doyen himself, Abdul Bâqi still didn't feel quite safe. The same people who may have fawned over him in the Masjid today, upon his attaining those titles and privileges, may be the same people gloating over him if he ever lost that title. That was what they were wishing for after all in the beginning, when he only possessed the 'Sayyidul Quraa' title.

In sooth, you couldn't blame Abdul Bâqi for his line of thought. After all, he had seen and experienced their resentment firsthand. He couldn't be sure as to whatever was going on in their minds. So he had mentally prepared a plan on all the safety measures he would take from then onwards, within the walls of the Sky Legacy Haven school. The first and most difficult among them, was to get on the good side of all the scholars at the very least.

Once he had them backing him, he'd have allies at the top from whom he could seek aid, whenever the other students made things difficult for him.

Having them on my side also means less people against me.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #2[The Arkaan Series|Book One]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora