25 |The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.[Sky Legacy Haven's Legacy Apprentice -1]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh yaa Qawm, hope you are all fine.

As per special request, —your Friday treat! :)))))


He had stood after that on the archway path, watching his other four opponents excluding Isra, make their way in progress up the Steps, Prince Reyaz at their lead, and sighed. At that point, the true winner of the competition had already been decided.

When he explained this formulation of thoughts to them, the Prince Firdaws suddenly frowned,“This is so simple.” 

“It really is all just nonsense he's spewing, isn't it?” Sinan asked, looking at the others, suddenly feeling stupid by all Abdul Bâqi's explanation. Somehow, it all irked him and made him upset. Ali had a more unsightly expression on his face, as one disgusted would make. You could easily feel the venom of jealousy exuding from him. Ashraf was tentative, looking from one Mureed's face to another, at their various reactions, not knowing what to feel. He looked like one big piece of bun.

Ihtisham had heard Kahf's exchange with the Grand Doyen, about the verse of the 'Keys of the Unseen'. He at first was confused. But putting together all what the Sayyid had said, it made sense. But was this truly the hidden objective of the quest. If that was so, then it meant—all the students, scholars, and their predecessors of Sky Legacy Haven had been doing nothing but child's play for a century. It didn't quite sit right with him.

“No, it's true.” Shabaan said, his voice calm. All the archway inscriptions were just inferring to one Ayah. That was the 'Secret' Grand Doyen always talked about 'Seeking'. You could tell from his response to all the Sayyid's explanations on what he found on the quest. If he Shabaan was not mistaken, then that title their master was about to confer, —was the very one of 'Legacy Apprentice of Sky Legacy Haven', a title that had lain dormant for about a century now.

Everything they had done uptill now was futile and vainful. The Sayyid had come and disillusioned them.

“Verily, the keys of the unseen are five.” Prince Reyaz said, his voice sober,“Narrated Abdullah (R.A.) that Allah's Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wassallam said: 'The keys of the unseen are five..', and he (SAWS) recited the last Ayah of Surah Luqmaan, Ayah thirty-four.

They are the five things about which none knows but Allah. The five keys of the unseen!”

“This hadith was recorded in Al Bukhâri, in the Book on Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an.” Prince Firdaws added smugly. However, he felt ashamed of himself, and his ego was sourly hurt. He couldn't understand why it had never occurred to him, traversing the 1000 Profound Steps. He had always thought of himself as above the average genius in the realms of discernment and insight.

Which book hadn't he read?

Who was there who could defeat him in a game of strategy and mindfulness?

Yet he had easily missed out on such a salient point on the quest.  

Analyzing everything the Sayyid said, it made sense. In the end, whoever thought that the inscriptions on the voussoirs were not equally as important as those of the keystones, seeking to be called Qur'an Genius by only striving for 200 keystone ayaat, Hah—Prince Firdaws facepalmed, brushing the bangs at his forehead away. What a joke!

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