• Night Of The Adorned Lowest Heaven|Mother's Smile|

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, hope you're all doing well. We've began our final year, and I've had to squeeze to find time to write.

Writings may not be coming regularly as before.. I had also tried to write another chapter in 'Ornament of the Worshippers' for this week, to achieve three releases in one week, but it didn't succeed. In shaa Allah, I'll be releasing as and when I can from now on. So do please be patient with me:)))






The sound of the hoofbeats of the swiftly moving horses gradually reappeared to his hearing. However, the state of shock and desolation within Ukashah had yet to subside. With a daze, he stared back at the receding obsidian river called GROKS, under the starry sky. Majestic and pitch-dark that night, it seemed as though it were the Styx of the underworld. His Uncle Redbeard used to tell him stories about it, from his travels to the West, stories his mother often disapproved of.

Seeing his mother's lifeless body fall into the dark waters, he had been stunned, and could do nothing more than watch, his heart empty – as though it were an unrealistic dream he'd soon awaken from. Before Hayat had taken him too far however and significantly out of reach and sight of their pursuers, it had dawned on him that this was reality. Ukashah abruptly jumped down from the piebald horse, falling and tumbling into the sandy desert soil on all fours. He scrambled to get back up, and next – he was off, running back to the Great river, dishevelled, sandy from the fall, tears in his eyes. It seemed as though time had stopped. He didn't care for his life whatsoever. Reason had fled him.

It was a sad scene to watch. 

As if a circuit had suddenly been rewired in his brain, Ukashah could think of nothing except rushing back. He wanted to rescue his Ummi. He had to rescue his Ummi. He repeated this to his mind, to himself; his Ummi was still alive, and there was no way he was leaving her behind.

Before he could made it any farther however, his path was obstructed by the huge build of a mahogany horse. Completely intercepting his path was Jahaan, his mother's graceful and loyal steed.

Not to be daunted, Ukashah pushed at the mare with both hands and with his entire body, as though in the hope that his insignificant strength could overcome and mow the sturdy horse away. However, all she did was nudge him a little, and he fell backwards, landing squarely on his bottom.

He tried again.

And again.

Every single time, Jahaan would send him back landing on his buttocks.

Till finally he couldn't rise again, weakness both physical and emotional wrecked his body and mind, and blood oozed from bruises he had from the fall earlier.

Feeling hopeless, helpless, Ukashah spontaneously burst out into tears, his heart gushed out with all his emotions. And if the world could hear, it would have felt pity for him. Whilst in this state, he felt a gentle nudge to his face. He looked up and beheld the horse, staring widely at him. Her irises were soft brown in hues, just like his, and like his, they also held a deep sadness to them. Tears were leaking from her eyes. Then he remembered, she too had lost her dear mistress.

For a moment, Ukashah forgot his own sorrow, and even in his sadness and all his despondency, leaped into a hug with the horse's head. It allowed him, they both finding comfort in the warmth and release of emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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