• Night Of The Adorned Lowest Heaven |[Requiem Of The Red Queen - 3]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, hope you're all doing well, yaa Qawm:DDD

Your Friday Treat!


As he began reciting the verses, he felt like his voice had become disembodied from him.

It seemed to have a strength which was not of his body. It was its own entity, a living entity.

Steadily, it gained timbre, and rose, sonorous and golden, the voice of a child but with the maturity and eloquence of a full-fledged reciter, it echoed the holy words across the stony damp walls of the dark tunnels. Resplendent rays seemed to shine forth through the tunnels, and Queen Ashyaa could almost swear she saw the sun, and felt its warmth, just from his voice.

“At such a young age..” She murmured, shivers ran through her body, and pride swelled up in her heart. She looked down at her son who was halfly conscious, and felt tender love and fulfilment within her as a parent. All this, Ukashah wasn't aware.“You've already reached the level of Tadabbûr, where you inspire changes in the hearts of your listeners and environment.. you make them see the world through the sight divine.

The fulfillment of the Qur'an in its form as an 'escape'..” The coldness receded, and the haunting voices disappeared almost instantly from the nearby surroundings. The Queen Ashyaa held Ukashah in her arms tightly and walked on, reciting the verses in a harmonious sync with him, and as they did, the way cleared up. The warmth returned.

There were people sacrificing their lives for this chance to escape. If they tarried any longer, more people would die, thus why the Queen moved on. She was also worried for Hajarah.

“Ummi (Mother)..” Ukashah opened his eyes.

“Ukashah, you're up.”

The boy got down from his mother. He didn't want to burden her. They had already reached another cross junction. His mother had deciphered the path till then. It was time for him to take that burden off her.

“Ummi..” The boy turned back to where he knew his mother was, feeling for her,“It's dark. How do we find the Ayaat to decipher them now..?” From the time the light of Hajarah's torch was extinguished, they were cast into perpetual darkness. He wondered how they were able to move on till now. How had his mother found the path..?

“Before Hajar left, she gave me a remainder of the matchsticks that she had.” His mother said quietly. “...”

Ukashah could feel some hesitation in her voice. “Ummi..?”

“Oh Ukashah..” She held him tightly, wrapping her arms around his head lovingly, and Ukashah could feel the warmth, and yet the coldness of her tears, streaking down unto him.

“We've but one matchstick left.” Her voice sounded like a sorrowful whisper in his ears. “I'm sorry Ukashah.” Her unspoken words sounded in Ukashah's mind. After this matchstick was used to find the way at this junction, they would be unable to go any further after they reached its end. Unless someone found them, they'd be lost in the underground tunnels till the night of death had engulfed them. In her haste, Hajarah had forgotten to give them a torch too, although, there was only one and she herself would have needed it to find her way.

I'm sorry Ukashah. Those were the words of a helpless mother who felt she was responsible for her child's unfortunate predicament. It hit Ukashah the wrong way and pained his heart. He felt sad and guilty by his mother's sorrow.

“The matches, Ummi..” Ukashah asked softly, a little afterwards, stretching out his empty hand. It was filled in by the warmth of his mother's own, and a small box was placed within, one which he surmised was the matches. Quietly, he moved from his mother, to the nearest wall on their path, and struck with the matchstick. An inscription lighted up in his face. It was a Qur'an Ayah.

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