5 |The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.[The Debt Of Trust - 2]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh treasured readers!!!!!!! :DDDDD EID MUBARAK TO Y'ALL!!! TAQQABALALLAHU MINNAA WA MINKUM!

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh treasured readers!!!!!!! :DDDDD EID MUBARAK TO Y'ALL!!! TAQQABALALLAHU MINNAA WA MINKUM!

May the infinite blessings of our Rabb Azza wa Jall, His mercy, and His forgiveness encompass us all today, and the days that follow even more than they always have in the previous days, till the day we set eyes upon Him.. the day we meet our Lord Azza wa Jall..




King Dhul Qarnayn, Prince Firdaws, and the Crimson sentinels who were present there, and watching the events unfold with interest were confounded! Not one of them but was left in surprise and overt befuddlement as to when Urwah had appeared on the scene. Not even the Crimson sentinels trained in stealth and attack, had seen him come.

“Where did he come from!?” There were dumbfounded voices and concealed utterances of surprise and startled murmuring coming from behind them, but the boys didn't care. It could have been the King, the Prince or the sentinels, - but the four companions of Urwah were not as much as taken aback with surprise at Urwah's sudden appearance like the rest. They heard the discussions in the background, but Urwah's voice brought them all back to the situation confronting them.

“Don't, Zak. Don't do something you will regret later..” Urwah said this with a strange calm tone, as though there were a hidden meaning to his words, as though he knew something the others didn't.

Zak backed off, without so much as a resistance. Once Urwah was here and had made known his stance, he knew any subsequent attacks he made on Abdul Bâqi would prove futile. Urwah had shown by this, what stance he had on the matter – at the very least he seemed to be on the neutral side. By preventing his attack, Zak knew he could do nothing to Abdul Bâqi now. This confrontation was probably also all over.

“Know this Al Aswâdi..” Zak said, even as he stood now at a little distance apart from Abdul Bâqi, with Ukashah, and Zayn who had a lost expression on his face; having sensed that a scuffle had occurred and Urwah had somehow arrived in the middle of it.

Urwah still stood in-between Abdul Bâqi and the others. He was like a bridge between the two banks of a surging river; these banks would go parallel forever and would never meet. His back was towards Abdul Bâqi, as though he was protecting him from further attacks.

“As we part here today, there's a debt of trust between us five. One day, we would come for that debt. The fact that Allah Azza wa Jall has said certain words in Al Qur'anul Kareem, means that this is not over. And if we don't come for it in this world, then in the next!”

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