Chapter 29

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I am woken by something wet and warm on my face. I open my eyes to find Zweli planting kisses all over me.

"Wake up, we have to go get ready for the dinner" he says with a smile I can't comprehend. I've always seen him smile but this one is new.

"Okay fine I am up" I say yawning. What did this guy do to my poor body cause all I want to do is sleep. "What did you do to me, I feel hypnotised" I ask and he chuckles

"Come on Tali we did each other. I also feel like I could sleep in but Sakhi will be mad at me now get up Ma" he says making me giggle probably with a blush. "You are so damn gorgeous when you blush" he adds. Okay that is our queue to get up.

I try to stand but my legs fail me. What the fuck?! I find Zweli looking at me with an "are you okay". No I am not. What kind of sex did we have different from the ones I had previously? I just look at him and shake my head. He comes by my side and make me sit. How we even comfortable being naked in front of each other? Well he is in his briefs but I am struck naked.

He starts massaging my legs to my thighs. I compose myself cause his hands are on another level. He massages and press a bit hard on my thigh that a moan escape my lips. "Don't do that" he says. He continues with his hands. They keep on going up and down, the other one touches my folds and I am instantly turned on. He puts his hands on my inner thighs rubbing them up and down. The other hand find my clit and start rubbing it. I jerk up. I don't even know when did I lie down. The next thing I feel is fingers moving up and down, more like wanting to press them in and also thinking twice. I need them!!! His sex game is bomb. "Look at me" he says and I do. He is now towering over me. With his one hand balancing him and the other doing things to me. "I want you to listen carefully okay?" He says. I don't respond to his statement. He stops what his fingers were doing. "Zweli please"I say. I was closer to coming. "My answer then Ma" he says and I nod vigorously. "Good, well let's start by laying some ground rules for you and I'll give you a chance to lay yours." He says fingering me so effortlessly. I just nod cause I don't want him to stop. "You are never to roll your eyes on me, understand?" he says. He stops. Shit!! I did not respond. "Yes Zweli I will stop" I yell. He starts again. Minutes later he takes off his briefs and get in between. "Secondly, never raise your voice at me ok?" He says and I nod.

This is damn good. He pushes himself in me and I moan. "Fuck. Mhmmm" he cuss and groans. He moves in circles making me moan with pleasure. I have been denying myself nice things all along. "When we leave here you are not going to be your stubborn self and start acting up on me, okay" he says and groaning afterwards. "Yes" I respond. The pace increase. "Are you still mad at me for blocking your dicks from coming" he asks and I giggle. He increase his pace more making me scream his name. "I asked you a question MaMtimande" Damn this guy's sex voice!! "Yes Zweli I am still mad" I answer honestly. He chuckles and pulls out. "Okay we will talk about it then and continue when you are not mad" he says with the wildest smirk. He cannot. Who is going to make me cum now.? I protest but he hears none of it instead he picks me up to the shower. It's quarter to 8 and we are not even close to being ready.

I am mad at Zweli for depriving me of my rights to come. In the shower I try to move away from him but he pull me closer to him. "You want other rules?" He asks and I frown. He laughs in the most sexiest way. I find myself melting and smiling. He scrubs my back and I do the same with him. After our shower Zweli left my room to his, that was after he moistured me and wanted to start with his torture but I did not let him.

I wear what goes under which is a black Lacey g-string with a matching strapless bra. My dress is a white tight fit knee cut and breast cut Bob tube. I top it off with strap heals. I add a necklace, earrings and watch. I comb my 6 inch weave. I am ready to go eat with other kids. Zweli barges in looking super hot in white slim fit pants and an army green shirt. He topped the look with enamel brown belt, brown beaded bracelets and brown shoes.

"I'm all yours" he says. Mxm this guy bekunene!!!

"Says who?" I ask. He chuckles. I am glad he didn't make rules to it.

"You look stunning MaMtimande" he says holding my waist. His touch bekunene!! "You even smell nice, hypnotic" he adds. I smile

"Thank you. You don't look whack yourself. And you always smell expensive" I say. He chuckles

"Wow so you've been noticing me" he says. I blush and look everywhere but him. "I love it when you blush, fucken turn on. Your cheeks light up" he says and I look down

"Let's go." I say pulling him and he chuckles.

We get to the lounge and find Lihle busy on her phone. She raises her head and smile at us. It looks like she knows what happened or I am the one giving myself away? Sakhi walks in looking all clean, these men sure know how to dress up. He is in cargo pants with navy blue shirt, he also didn't button it all the way up like Zweli. Lihle is wearing blue high waisted jean, white off shoulder crop top, black heals and accessories. Her body is goals. The jeans hug her hips nicely. I can see Zweli really fighting the edge of holding my hand. I smile reluctantly. He's so possessive already. He looks at me and wink biting his pinky nail. Holy cow!! Indzalo kaThixo (God's creation). I look away suppressing my blush. We all decide to use one car. Good cause this Greek god can't seem to get his hands off me. We get to the hotel. We start with the food, from starters.

We move to main course after 30 minutes of our starters. Zweli keeps stealing glances, I am pretty sure now Lihle has figured what went down cause she winked her eye on me. I don't know what that meant. We converse here and there with work and what not. By the time we reach dessert I am full. The food here is appetising  and also delicious as it looks but I'll pass on dessert.

"Aren't you going to get dessert?" Lihle asks

"No I'll pass I feel full" I state

"Sizwe may you please bring me dessert I'll stay with Talitha. Anything with caramel is good for me but not too much. Thank you" Lihle says with a grin looking at Sakhi. The smile is working wonders. Sakhi acknowledges Lihle's plea

"I thought you don't want the Sizwe name" Zweli says or rather asks.

"Only her can call me that, to the rest I am Sakhi" He states with a chuckle. Ow nice!!

"Okay special enough" Zweli says and we all laugh lightly

The guys leave to get dessert. Lihle stares at me deeply that I can't contest I look away and blush. Why is she doing this to me?

"Out with it missy?" She says. I laugh

"Out with what?" I ask and she frowns

"Don't make me ask Zweli cause I am pretty sure he is going to confirm all my suspicions" she says. I can't help but laugh

"Okay fine no need to. I'll tell you when it's just us which I don't know when." I say

"A brief nyana?" she asks. I laugh. So curious!!!

"All I can say is I am full" I say and she widens her eyes.

"You snitch!!" She says semi screaming. I smile

"Change of topic the guys are walking back to us" I state

"So when is your mom's ceremony" she ask. Clever enough!!

"It's next of next week. I don't even feel like going there" I state. The guys sit

"Don't feel like going where?" Zweli asks. I look at him briefly

"At Tembisa for the ceremony" I say. He just says "okay" I know there's still lecturing that will transpire.

"Let's eat I put in your favourite" Zweli says moving closer to me.

"I am full" I say

"Just 5 forks then you can stop" he says. I roll my eyes and hear him chuckle. Shit!!

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