Chapter 21

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"Vukani (wake up)" a voice says.

Wait. Am I in a dream or there is someone who is actually waking us up. I open my eyes and quickly close them again. Damn!!!! Zweli is next to me snoring lightly. Didn't he hear the person waking us up

"Zwelakhe vuka (wake up). Talitha go take a shower and meet me by the kitchen" she says.

Eerrr how does she know my name. She leaves the room. I shake Zweli vigorously until he finally wakes up and kisses me on the cheek. He needs to stop.

"I don't remember the last time I slept so peacefully. Good morning MaMtimande. Did you sleep well?" He asks. Mxm he must not start with me

"I slept well Zwelakhe. How does your mom know my name?" I asks hastily

"Because she knows it. Was she here?" Zweli asks with his eyes widened

"Yeah and she said I must meet her in the kitchen Zweli. Please take me out by the garage door I'll Uber to my place. What I am I going to say to your mom and how is she going to look at me" I speak in a haste

"Relax Talitha my mom won't say anything. Now that you are taking long to appear she's going to drag you to the kitchen without bathing" he says leaving me on the bed dumbstruck

I finally find the the courage to stand up. I first make the bed then head to the shower. I find Zweli's cosmetics and new set of towels on the basin. I hop in the shower using a plastic as a shower cap. After I moisturize and repeat the same clothes I was wearing without a panty of course. I head to the kitchen and find Zweli's mom drinking tea

"Kukuthatha unyaka ukugeza (it takes you a whole to bath)" she says. I so badly want to laugh

"Cha ma" I say. Where is Zweli to rescue me mara?

"Ok then how was the event" she asks. Ayy bo magogo (old woman)

"It was great" I answer. I think I have been answering with one word answers

"She even won a cheque and she was crowned as best dresser" Zweli says walking down the last stair. Satan!!!

His mom congratulate me and we further talk about Cape Town and how it is for her. Well she knows me because I am someone who works close to her son so. Shrugging. I need to leave. My dad is fetching the minions today. I am glad cause I want to sleep in throughout. I announce that I have to go. My biggest mistake was to mention that the kids are there in Khanya's presence cause now she is sulking. I am caught up in dilemma. If they were coming back today I would suggest she goes but since they coming back tomorrow I don't know. I tell her the reasons for her not being to go but she hears none of them.

"Daddy May I please go then you'll fetch me later on the day" she says

"I have work later baby. I will take you to the Zoo next week how's that" Zweli says. Khanya just nods and leaves us standing

"She's sad." Zweli says

"I know my stepmom won't mind having her with the others even for a sleep over but I didn't want to impose infront of her without your opinion" I say.

He is unsettled about it but agrees. He tells Khanya to pack her staff and be down in 10 minutes. He then transfers R3000 to my account as contribution. Minutes later Khanya appears with her grandmother carrying her bag. She takes it and already goes to the car and utter "can we leave quickly before dad changes his mind". I laugh

"Stay well ma and thank you for breakfast" I say

"Go well maMtimande. And please take care of my son I can see he is happy when he is with you" she says.

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