Chapter 8

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Life is good people. I graduated last month and my entire fam was there including Zweli and Ari. Zwelakhe and I have gotten so close that we would normally go on coffee dates and he would make me skip bringing food as he would buy us lunch.

I even stopped taking Ari to school as he is doing it himself and he would ask for my help when he is preoccupied, and also asked me to help him in understanding her daughter. I couldn't be happier to help. Lindiwe concluded that my boss likes me beyond the word but scared to say but I still think he just likes me and my company like I do with his. I have been making him go on serious dates to find him a woman. Had he liked me beyond he would have protested but nope he didn't.

I haven't seen Ntabeni in the past few months. His calls are not going through. I went to his place but dololo sign of him. I even went the extent of going to his work and they told me he moved to Durban and working there. I ended up buying myself a dildo and let go of anything that says 'man'. It's pretty much doing the same just that I have to hold it and wiggle it to where I want it and there's no body warmth. Nowadays I try by all means not to be in Zwelakhe's presence because I tend to undress him. I know it's nasty of me to do but I find him sex appealing.

I am in my office doing work and Melody walks in. She is a junior attorney. She's sweet and loving. I normally help her with case research and all that. I have learnt to know that Brian from the IT department wants her but she's not barking back at him. She says he wants him to end up giving up cause she feels like he is after her because of her body. She has a nice body, more like Matshidiso from Muvhango. I used to think I have all the ass but this girl tops it off and the curves. Jizas!!!

"Girling I know I was earlier but I still need your help. I feel like I overused the S v Makwanyane case and the court also knows it probably by head. I need some more" she says sitting her uninvited ass down.

"Okay but why don't you ask Mr Moholo or Shanice cause they are good with that babes. You know I tried but I can't find any not that I can't but it requires me to read and I have a lot also" I say. I will ask Zwelakhe for his file of cases just to be of help.

"I understand baby girl you have been nothing but the best to me and I can't complain this once" she says

I am glad she understands and does not think that I am holding information away from her. I want to see her gloat in court next week so I am going to ask Zweli even though he's going to say "She needs to do the work Talitha.We are not here to spoon feed people". I internally roll my eyes at the thought of it.

"So babes, where are we clubbing this Friday" Melody asks. She is so settled right now as if it's lunch

"Umm I wish to say but again you know how our boss normally overworks me" I say replying to an email from a guy named Josh from Webber Wentzel. He is requesting a meeting with Zweli tomorrow.

"I am still saying this dance on his dick once and he will give you day off all the time" she says with a straight face.

I laugh. Argh Mel is crazy. She also thinks that Zweli likes me more than the word itself. She would be like "Did you see how he looks at you". Mxm!!

"Girl please I have been with this guy for almost two years now and still the same look just at a different relationship level." I say

"Okay. Let's bet that one day he will confess his feelings to you. It might not be today or tomorrow but eventually even next year" she says

I bet with her and we give till next year March which is in 6 months. We continue chit chatting about everything until she lives to her work space. I continue working

It's now lunch time. I am the one who brought lunch today meaning Zweli will come to my space. I have my own office now. I was not comfortable as I found Zwelakhe more than once with the same woman trying to make out so I asked for my own space and Zwelakhe didn't protest. The same man they say likes me. Why would he be flirting with other women in front of me.

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