Chapter 9

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It's a beautiful Thursday. I woke up in high spirit and just like always I breathed the fresh air from my balcony. I am already dressed ready for work. Yesterday I asked Zweli to borrow me his case file and just like I predicted the outcome it turned out just like that. I will help Mel when I come back from Webber Wentzel. Today I don't have lunch with me, it's just fruits, juice and yogurt for me.

It's time for Zweli and I to leave for 96 Rivonia Road. That's where WW is. We drive, listening to the radio and make comments to each other on what is being said. There's an accident that occurred on the same drive we took. Thank God we are safe it could have been us.

"Mr Dlomo we finally get to meet" the guy says as he offers us seats.

"I would have made time for you long ago but knowing what you want I took it upon my PA to decide whether we should meet or not" Zwelakhe says looking at me briefly. I smirk cause I know what he means

"I see so this is the beautiful lady that keeps you indoors" he says and Zweli chuckles

"Why am I here Josh" He shoots straight to the question. He looks at me and I cross my fingers to the answer

"Umm come on man you know why I asked you" Josh says which caused me to giggle a little

"Why is she laughing at me" Josh asks.

"Because me and her made a bet and now she has to pay me when we get out of here. And I am not taking your client Josh. Deal with her or ride her." Zweli says

The thing is we made a bet. He told me that this guy always wants him to take his clients when they are stubborn and I said maybe it's going to be a different case. I lied to myself cause now I have to buy him lunch today, breakfast and lunch again.

By the time we passed the accident scene it was swept out. Nothing showed that there was an accident. We drive to Mugg n Bean for lunch. It's my treat since I am owing him.

"So are you ready for your date tonight" I ask

"No I am not. I don't think I'll be going" he says sipping on his drink. Sexy as fuck!!

"Come on you can't drop it at the last minute. I promise you it's the last one" I say

He agrees to go. Tomorrow's Friday and I am going clubbing with Mel and her friends. Maybe I will find another D. This one in front of me is tempting but I'd never because our working space is going to be awkward.

"We are here Talitha" Zwelakhe says disturbing me from my thoughts

"Where is your mind at" He asks

"I am just thinking about tomorrow. I am going out with Melody. I'm gonna get myself something disposable" I say sipping on my drink

Zweli looks at me firmly like he wants to say something but another force is drawing him back.

"Can I tag along?" He asks. Finally I was going to ask him to go clubbing someday and he just made it easy for me. He needs to forget a little about work

I say sure he can. I just don't know how Melody is going to react and also I want us not to cross the line of him being our boss. I mean once people see you outside work they tend to think you are friends even when inside. I respect Zwelakhe in as much as we talk about shady things

Since we got back from Mugg n Bean I've been working. I have to go fetch the file from Zwelakhe cause Mel will rock up anytime from now.

Zwelakhe has been sitting in his office thinking of good ways to tell Tali about how he feels. She manages to get his blood to boil when she speaks about getting The D. He almost said to her "I don't mind being your toy" but had to hold himself. Brian walks in Zwelakhe's office without knocking while he is in deep thoughts. Brian walks to him and waves his hand.

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