Chapter 16

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I clear my throat honestly Brian should have just walked out. I stand with boldness. He walks around and sit on my chair. Kill me now. This guy is crazy yazi (you know) I honestly can't turn to face him.

"So noyendza ingathi aningiboni (so you are going to pretend that you don't see me)" He asks and clear my throat to signal him to leave but he doesn't.

"Brian leave man you are making my...maMtimande shy" I say as Tali is buried on my chest. I can tell she is laughing a little

"So you were going to say 'my' what before you took a turn around Bafo (brother)" He asks chuckling. He mustn't start with me now

"My maMtimande Brian. Now get what you wanted or leave what you were bringing" I say. He doesn't look bothered instead he laughs

"Oh so she is yours. I didn't know" He says. Yoh I am so going to embarrass him with Melody

"Yeah cause she's 'My PA'. Do you have a problem." I ask emphasising 'My PA'

"Not at all brother she is yours after all" He says. I chuckle which makes Tali to giggle.

I decide to walk with Tali to the door and open for her to walk out then head back to my stupid brother. He stands up and move to the other side. It serves him right

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I ask

"Hhay angithi wena ushaya ngolonwabu (You are moving slow like a tortoise) so I am making a move for you bafo (brother)." He says unbothered and I chuckle in disbelief

"Kanti ngiyobe ngijahephi (where would I be rushing to)" I ask taking a chair and he takes the one Tali was sitting at I look at him

"Yini (what) am I invading indawo kamaMtimamande (maMtimande's place)" he asks attempting to stand up. I laugh throwing my head back.

My brother is my a fool. How am o going to cope with him now that he found us kissing it's worse. He tells me his reason why he is here. We continue talking with all things nonsensical.

"Get your shots together man with Talili. That guy is making his moves and sending texts all day. If you don't open your eyes you'll loose her to some horny bastard" Brian says

"Eish man you are stressing me. I think I fear rejection. That shit hurts man" I say. I was once rejected by a lady who I liked 3 Years back.

"You'll never know until you tap into the waters." He says standing by the door

"Ayy I'll see man. One step at a time" I say. He raises his hands in surrender and walks out

I really love Talitha and everyday she has a new quality that draws me more to her like today her blunt self just amused me that I decided to walk away.

I made sure I ordered my kids food during lunch time and asked if they are okay every minute I got. I think I'll pass by the shops and get inkomazi for iphuthu cause I am not in the mood for cooking.  Eish I can't get over what Brian saw. I don't know how I am going to look at him. I continue working and Miss budging in without knocking does what she does best.

"Girl Friday we are going to this new club opened in Sandton and I am sleeping over at your place" Melody says

"Bitch have you ever heard of knocking" I ask as she makes her self comfortable on the chair. Mxm!!!

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