Chapter 2

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*PresentCurrently, Ann is fixing my wedding train

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Currently, Ann is fixing my wedding train. Over the years, we've become very good friends. Good enough to be the maid of honour in my wedding.

Romi is currently practicing as a surgeon in England. He is mostly busy these days, today being the same. But I don't let that fact hurt me as when I am being wedded to the person who despises me the most, Romi is there working to save thousands of innocent lives. He is not the easy going, fun loving person anymore. People change. I have too, in a way.

As the bridal chorus starts to play, the only thing left for me to do is walk down the alter with my dad. My dad. I feel a pang in my heart everytime I thing of Maa and Dad.

As a girl who never really left her parents' shadow, it's going to be tough for me. When I was small, my mom used to joke that they will never marry me off, rather bring the groom home. I guess all childhood promises are mere lies.

I can't imagine a world without them, but getting married doesn't exactly mean a ticket to hell, right. Right? The tears still don't stop flowing. Damn it.

"Al" Ann breaks me out of my stupor as she slightly nudges me. "It's time." She gently wipes my tears and flattens my dress again. As I think about it, she has become the sister I never had.

My father is waiting for me outside the dressing room. He looks handsome in a black tux. Even today, I had to fix his tie. I have been doing it since forever. And I am crying again. Great.

I see his eyes are tearing up as well. After all, today is the wedding of his only daughter. I tell myself again and again, that he only wants the best for me. Maybe, just maybe marrying Mase, won't be a bad thing after all.

As I slip my hands into my father's large ones, I recall every time we have done this. I can't think of a day, I didn't hold my father's hands. Even when my classmates teased me in school about it, I never really cared. Damn tears.

As the priest tells us to say our vows, it finally sinks in. That I am no longer just Alyssa Banerjee. I almost forget the vows I spent so many hours, rehearsing. I barely register Mase say his vows. But then I see my parents waving at me, their hopeful eyes urging me to say yes. I take a deep breath, and start repeating the vows.
"I, Alyssa Banerjee, take you, Mason James Kingsley, to be my husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness, in health, to love and to cherish,till death do us part, according to God's holy vow, and this is my solemn vow."

As the priest say the final words, " With all the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." the entire hall erupts in applause.

Mase didn't want to kiss me, so we had already told the priest to omit that part. And I am really really thankful for that. I don't think I could have the courage to kiss anybody in front of all these people, let alone him.
And moreover I have Indian parents and they don't exactly approve of it. Cue the eye roll.

As "A Thousand Years" begins to play, it's time for the first dance. It's the only thing I am excited for in this whole ceremony. But guess what? Hellujah! My 'husband' is nowhere to be seen. He has already left. And this the first of many more to come. Yay life!

Tears prickle my eyes as I scan the room. There are murmurs running along the hall, my Maa and dad look helpless trying to calm the guests down.

Ann is saying again and again, that I'll be fine. Maybe he had some urgent work. But it's not myself I am worried about. It's my parents. Even though we aren't that rich, our family has a reputation in our hometown. And to think that the groom left at their only daughter's wedding is a shameful thing, I don't even know what to do anymore.

I knew he hated me, but he could've atleast pretended. Was it really that much to ask? Am I that bad? It wasn't my choice to marry him. Why didn't he just say no? Or maybe it's all just my fault. After all, I am just a gold digger for him, probably, I'll always be.

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